
Welcome to Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy
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...the girls laughing and playing in the dolenn did hear their fathers whistle calling them in for the evening...
Kingdom of Portugal
(1640 -1910)
'Paradise of Wales'
County of Burgundy
Passed down through the ages or residing deep inside the mind?
Is Chivalry a learned trait or natural state of mind?
Chivalry from a feminine perspective might appear in the form of a gallant toss of a cloak by a gentleman
across the increasing size of the puddle by the drenching rain.
Chivalry is not only this gentle moment seized to comfort in a moment of distress.
Chivalry is a tradition.
Chivalry is belief of discipline which was consider as hereditary
(British House of Commons - 60 Bowen vs Nichols).
It can be said that in the 21st century, chivalry has carried through the genetic code
and is a strong force reaping kindness and strengthening against foes.
For my Father
viz, latin videlicet; contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet. Meaning "it is Permitted to see".
Useage: synonym for "namely", ""that is to say", "to wit", "which is", or "as Follows"
The case of the Prodigal Daughters of Marvin Trogstad and Donna née Burns,
and daughters and son of Robert Delle and Donna née Burns
whether they may be, or are represented in the eyes of mankind
as the metaphorical proverbially son,
or the metaphorical Prodigal Son
the will to keep coming back to the father and the mother is never ending.
No matter how our wrongful deeds are or may be given over to them during their absence,
or in their presence of life on earth, or in spirit, how far
we, their children, will go, continually seeking the father and the mother
and all those that came before us.
Regent of Plum Tree Memory is
Claimant to the following
(Title currently controlled by the King of Spain, Philip VI)
Crown(s) of:
Duchy of Normandy
Duchy of Flanders
Duchy of Aquitaine and Guyenne
Duchy of Gascony
Duchy of Brittany
Duchy of Burgundy
Comte of Bourgogne
Duchy of Poitou, et, al...,
Germany (Duchies)
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Duchies and Kingdoms of Italy, their Islands, Vatican City
Kingdom of Castille & Leon, Spain
Kingdom of Portugal
Norway, Sweden
Orkney Island
Isle of Mann, Isle of Wight
West Asia
realm(s) of Artic & Antarctic, extended Islands,
including and without limitation, within the
United States, Africa, Australia, West Indies, Bahamas,
and those unstated to be discovered
..., Regent for the family of
Marvin Edward Trogstad, 'King', et al, his wife Donna Rae Burns Trogstad, aka Delle, 'Queen', et al,
directly to the children and grandchildren
of Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan and an Ascender to the Crown(s) and Thrones.
The fascinating history of every step of our family's journey which was not solely that of,
William, the Conqueror, 'Duke of Normandy'
whose family was from the ancient lands of Ivrea, now modern day Piedmont of Italy,
yet he did along with his loyal supporters forage the way into the lands of Ancient England, Scotland and Wales
then to establish lands for his future family and those loyal supporters
where their descendants eventually begin a new journey, embarking on changing their descendants
lives and future so that these ancestors eventually became a great part of the defining of
new territory's in the new America, called the British Colonies,
"Oh, how this story is now unfolding for the Plum Tree Memory family members in the 21st century and it is incredible!"
Some swept lightly across the eastern border of the North American continent
traveling to find a place to call
their home in the Midwest plains.
It could be stated, these are hero's of my father and mother's family.
We learned greatly from the expanse of farm and rural life
and were provided a quiet peaceful existence for many generations
because of their choice to move to the Territory of France which became known as the Midwest Plains,
living in the States of Minnesota and Iowa.
Many others stayed on the east coast whether on the northern most part near Maryland or Massachusetts
or deep in the South within Georgia and Virginia. Others moved inward as more land opened into Ohio and Indiana.
These moves by our ancestors have defined who we are in the North America we live in today.
For most, coming to the 'new world' was an exhaustive process of battle and reformation.
Some helped create and form laws.
For others,
servitude was a way of life for years before being able to plow their own fields
to call a parcel of land their own.
Throughout the 19th and 20th century, my family were unaware of our connection to such an illustrious list of persons
that helped define the European Continent, West Asia
as well as the those who changed the face of the North American Continent.
When one doesn't know their past it seems always a need to know.
So we seek this knowledge of who we are and where we came from.
Thankfully, with the help of the modern-day 20th century technology and determination by many to capture history in digital format
we have learned a significance that was unexpected and would never have been known
without the determination of those people for clarity, exactness of presentation of history.
Most often, with the highest of hope, with the greatest of desire one longs to be a part of royal lines of descent,
then discover it is not always the kindest of life, that of being a King or Queen or to be their children.
More often, the telling of the history gives over a life hauntingly debilitating rather than alluring and intimate.
Loss of the knowledge of the past, has been averted with the advent of technology
and so many interested parties seeking their own family history this has unveiled our family's connection
to a profoundly illustrious history of persons.
To connect with others in the discovery it is one of the simplest and humblest moment of this long journey
one my own parents have invested a great amount of time searching and connecting to people
Yet also, connecting with others descended from who made us who we are today can also be disconcerting.
Slowly the magnitude and power of what our ancestor(s) would have wanted for us to own
as they'd done battle to posses freedoms near and far, building great expanse(s) of livings,
that we should be reminded for all eternity of their own existence, creeps over
and a feeling of protection takes hold.
For me personally, it is with great sadness to discover many person associated or within the reigning royal family of the
United Kingdom or Britain, as well, American's and politicians, including the President of 2020,
President Donald Trump, his First Lady, Melania Trump, did tip the scales in favour of
their own fortunes and have participated in
'thieving' land rightfully belonging to our family.
They were given permission to crenellate, via a golf course, 'Trump International Scotland', land in Carrick, Scotland
inheritable to Donna Rae Burns Trogstad
I am seeking acknowledgment of the evil doings of the individuals supplementing
this condition which did revolve around modern-day politics.
This event has been very profound to this site owner to the degree of someone
acquiring reproductive organs of this writer
for their own entertainment and profit.
The owner of this site believes President Donald Trump considers this note
and does acknowledges this note will be modify in the near future with forthcoming information from
Dr. Joseph Cappechi of Parkview OB-GYN of St. Paul, Minnesota and the management
and CEO of York International Corporation, Cork Ireland, formerly of York, Pennsylvania, United States
Additionally, there are several 'family' castle that are requiring renovation.
To be taken into custody by my family and removed from treacherousness
and evil-doings of former business associates of this writer.
One of the first challenges before us is to restore the Pembroke Castle to my father, Marvin Edward Trogstad
I am seeking donations to begin the process of acknowledgment and to start a trust-fund to
assist my family members in taking back what is rightfully ours.
The current possessor of Pembroke Castle are 'the Philipps' Family.
Pembroke Castle is controlled by the Philipps Family, and Pembroke Town Council.
Much work is to be done. Wish us luck in our endeavors.
My father, Marvin Edward Trogstad, grandson of Mary Bowen Davis Ayars, they do descend from
the Aldithley and Stanley Family's.
Sir Thomas de Stanley, '1st Baron Stanley', also 'Lord Lt. of Ireland' was husband of Joan Goushill
who is daughter and coheiress of Sir Robert Goushill, 'Lord of Hault Hucknall Manor',
his wife Lady Elizabeth FitzAlan d'Arundelle, '11th Earl of Arundel'
Through George Stanley, '9th Lord Strange', of Knockyn, his great, great grandson,
Henry Stanley, '4th Earl of Derby', 'Lord of the Isle of Mann',
Jane Halsall, his speculated mistress than again wife
Mary Tudor is the daughter of 'Henry VII, 'King of England', 'Lord of Ireland', and Elizabeth Plantagenet, of York.
Elizabeth, of York is the daughter of King Edward IV, who is the
son of Richard Plantagenet, 'Duke of York', 'Prince of Wales', 'Earl of Chester', 'Duke of Cornwall',
'Lord Protector of England' (31 October 1460)
and Cecily Neville, Edward IV is the husband of Elizabeth Woodville
Henry VII, son of Edmund Tudor, '1st Earl of Richmond', son of Owen Tudor and Catherine of Valois,
husband to feme sole Lady Margaret Beaufort,
daughter of John Beaufort, 'Duke of Somerset' and Margaret Beauchamp, of Bletso
Per the Act of Accord all descendants lawfully of the body descended of Richard Plantagenet
are eligible to succeed to the throne
passed by the English Parliament on 25 October 1460.
On the 6th of May 2020, Marvin Edward Trogstad was declared 'King of England',
King Marvin's wife Donna Rae Burns Trogstad, was declared 'Queen consort of England';
thus as this union is interchangeable t'would be vice'a-versus by this Regent who acts in their favor and honor
Notification was made to the House of Commons, of the United Kingdom,
Chief Todd Axtell of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Police department,
also publicly on Facebook,
by this writer, Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan
My mother, Donna Rae Burns Trogstad is descended from Ann St. John, daughter of Sir John St. John, of Bletsoe
son of Sir John St John of Bletsoe and Sybil ap Rhys ap Morgan daughter of Rhys ap Morgan
Ann St. John was married to Richard Denys of Cold Ashton, Gloucestershire. England
Richard was a Member of Parliament of England for Bath, Somerset (1547), and for Gloucestershire (1563).
John Beaufort, '1st Earl of Somerset' (1397),
'Marquess of Somerset' (1397), 'Marquess of Dorset' (1397), 'Knight of the Garter' (c. 1392),
was married to Margaret de Holland, 'Duchess of Clarence'
John Beaufort, the son of Katherine de Roet Beaufort aka Swynford, 'Duchess of Lancaster',
daughter of Payne de Roet, and John, of Ghent, France, '1st Duke of Lancaster'
son of Edward III, 'King of England' and Philippa, of Hainault, 'Queen of England'
Margaret de Holland, the daughter of Thomas Holland, '2nd Earl of Kent' son of Thomas Holland, '1st Earl of Kent' and
Joan, of Kent, daughter of Edmund, of Woodstock, '1st Earl of Kent' by Margaret Wake,' 3rd Baroness Wake', of Liddell
he the 6th son of King Edward I, of England and Margaret, of France, daughter of King Philip III, of France
and Alice FitzAlan, daughter of Richard FitzAlan, '10th Earl of Arundel' and Eleanor, of Lancaster
John Beaufort, '1st Earl of Somerset', '1st Marquess of Somerset', '1st Marquess of dorset', Knight of the Garter,
and Margaret de Holland, 'Duchess of Clarence
were parents of John Beaufort,
'3rd Earl of Somerset' (1418), 'Earl of Kendal', '1st Duke of Somerset' (1443), Knight of the Garter (1440),
of whom was married to Margaret Beauchamp, of Bletso
Margaret Beauchamp, de jure suo jure, 'Duchess of Somerset', 'Baroness Beauchamp', of Bletsoe,
daughter of John Beauchamp, '3rd Baron Beauchamp' and his wife Edith Stourton,
inherited Lydiard Tregoze, in Wiltshire, Ashmore in Dorset and Bletsoe and Keysoe in Bedfordshire.
Margaret Beauchamp is the maternal grandmother of King Henry VII
Margaret Beauchamp married firstly to Sir Oliver St. John, 'Baron St. John', of Bletso, 'Lord of Penmark',
they, the father and mother of Ann St. John.
Margaret Beauchamp married secondly to John Beaufort,
they, the parents of Margaret Beaufort
Margaret Beaufort daughter and sole heiress of John Beaufort, '1st Duke of Somerset'
married Edmund Tudor, 'Earl of Richmond' son of Owen Tudor and Dowager Queen, Catherine of Valois
they, the parents of King Henry VII, of England
Catherine, of Valois was married first to Henry V, of England
Both Marvin and Donna are descended from Edmund Crouchback
son of King Henry III, of Winchester and Eleanor of Provence
as male descendant is entitled to the be the head of the
House of Lancaster
Through my former spouse, Joseph John Brennan and his siblings.
I believe conspiracy occurred
with great intent of theirs to capitalize on their own fortune.
Their intent was to deny my parents, children
and all the descendants of my immediate family pride in their ancestry
making their lives seem unseemly and lurid.
With this, facts of my own life were distorted and changed through former associates
of my past marital existence and those associates used their drug industry as leverage.
I am speaking as regent for my grandchildren
removing all intent by my former spouse who along with his siblings
induced our children to act in false pretense,
manner and actions against myself and my parents through me.
I believe former co-workers of Johnson Controls, Inc. and York International Corporation were also persuaded
to act in a way that should prevent my family from our true ancestry as early as 2003, or earlier.
It is the acts of everyday citizens that performed to provide information on public forums
we have identified our link to this fabulous part of history.
We thank you, the public, for this greater good of truth revealing.
Speaking for myself, my children and grandchildren, we do believe in hereditary rights of possession and have acted
as such in our family by inducement of understanding of both my father and mother.
We may or may not associate the losses of property such as Pembroke Castle or other property
directly with acts of man or god without proof, yet do deem we have entitlement that has been overlooked.
I am seeking reparations, for my family for what we were denied throughout the years
as many person's acted with
excuses of drug, slave, racism, prejudice and falsity
of trades as to prevent the truth of this ancestry to us
and it has affected my own line of this prestigious family.
Regarding Nova Scotia the 'New Scotland' and the search for treasure possibly including the Crown Jewels of France
or possibly involving the speculated, 'Ark of the Covenant' at Oak Island,
it is deemed by this Regent any and all discovery's rightful property of Plum Tree Memory, including research documents.
As regent, I want to reestablish a presence within the European community
by taking possession of the Castle of Pembroke and other 'finer buildings' along with many whose existence
have received foundation support to bring a better understanding of the lives evolved from them
and those plots with languishing stones yearning for acceptance in modern society.
Expressively, regency so decided by,
Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender
Additional Sources: Family sources, FAG, Norway Heritage.com,
FamilySearch.com, Geni.com, and Wikitree.com, https://www.ourfamtree.org
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The damned have noticed the dust
Mission Statement
To lay the law of the land at your feet and look long at those who use it wisely and justly
Historical Statement
Disturbing the wind, they set sail bumping into waves, rocks and land,
finally they shuddered and proclaimed they made it.
Through the struggle, over five-hundred years, a muttering arose that declared all those that arrived first
and what they achieved was nothing compared to what others were capable of.
The world shall not forget any.
To remember is the greatest of honors to those who did create and bring forth sustainable lively-hood
where we are on the North American continent.
The Plum Tree Memory family will not see the founders be defamed by the many and the few
who make grand statements of damnation from their royal homes,
declaring the living worthy of quick death, that non shall survive.
As they ride hard and fast to the kill, those dammars have mostly unsettled the dust before those they damn.
Those damned have noticed the dust!
Regent of Plum Tree Memory family members,
Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan
At the union of a man and a woman, life's simple days slowly yield a take hold of wars and let them go,
but for the land and the unknown, the futures soul could only know.
Then let the ones who piled high not die unnoticed or unrecognized as their sinners and damners rose,
...the future whispered,
none could have understood nor known the 'act' or 'acts' will possibly point
to the true accessors who gently go.
Jodi Rae