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Plum Tree Memory

Plum Tree_final3fig.png


Plum Tree Family members have always been

strong, proud and united

as we progressed through-out our lives.

Learning as we go, how feelings must let go so that stronger bonds can form, other commitments may take hold.

The life-force of Marvin and Donna Trogstad and Donna and Robert Delle

were born in the State of Minnesota, United States of America


These children, raised in southern Minnesota, and northern Iowa,

lived some of the best moments of their lives,

lived through some difficult times of their lives,

achieving and developing,

 and stand before you today, very strong and proud.

The children of Robert and Donna and Donna and Marvin have grown.

They have children of their own and then there are

the grandchildren who are having progeny.

Every one of us are urgently working towards

all of their successes of their own choosing and devices.

Long and healthy lives are our strongest method of enrichment of our minds!

Let’s Work Together

Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan,

Regent and Ascender

Tel: 715-919-8226

805 Belknap Street, 1468

Superior, Wisconsin 54880


Castle Stirling

Castle Esplanade

Stirling, Scotland FK8 1EJ

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Public Notice

Plum Tree Memory     

Family Members

Marvin Edward Trogstad and Donna Rae Burns Trogstad


Lori Lynn Trogstad Stanley and Immediate Family

Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan and Immediate Family

Peggy Sue Trogstad Johnson aka Taylor and Immediate Family



Donna Rae Burns Trogstad Delle (First Marriage to Robert Delle)


Donald Dewayne Delle and Immediate Family

Linda Marie Delle Story and Immediate Family

Julie Ann Delle Trogstad aka Lencowski and Immediate Family



Marvin's sister Merilda Seth (now deceased) children


Dale Seth and Immediate family

Rick Seth and Immediate family

Lyle Seth and Immediate family


Donna's brother Calvin Burns Family, of California (Immediate family)


Madeline Burns Farmer's Family, of Texas


Female (adopted) and Immediate Family

Female (adopted) and Immediate Family

La Gina Burns Raper aka Farmer and Immediate Family

Lonnie Farmer and Immediate Family

Son Farmer and Immediate Family



Attention any and all person or entity doing business, currently residing, utilizing for profit, and/or properties for leisure any and all  properties associated with inheritable rights of, and possession of the regency of Plum Tree Memory Proprietor.




On this day, 11 August 2020, immediately, tax will be owed of 7% on any day-to-day income generating profits.

Property used as entertainment for sole purpose of leisure will be taxed per annum at 12% per current stated value of property.


This notice will be changed and modified upon further disclosure of total investments owed Plum Tree Memory.


Kind regards,


Regent of The Plum Tree Memory Family, Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan

Payments Information:

BMO Harris

1425 Tower Avenue

Superior Wisconsin 54880

T#: (715) 394-8240

F#: (715) 394-9188

Payments are to be made payable to:

Plum Tree Memory

Regent, Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan

BMO Harris Routing #: 071025661

Account: 4826129599

Thank you for your timely response!


Any and all individuals believing themselves to be a descendant of a slave

of any Plantations deemed inheritable by Plum Tree Memory must make communication

via the contact form on the Plum Tree Memory website.


As Regent of the family I am obligated to inform you of laws of various states

that have required monitoring of citizens through the use of cyber-technology, that your movements,

simply may be breaking the laws of those states.


Some person(s) or entities have utilized the death penalty directly to persons through the use of cyber-technology and are/have created/ing illusions.

Make contact to the Plum Tree Memory website as soon as possible.

'Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy', 'Making Changes Happen!' (2019)

Phil Dalby Farm, Emmons, Freeborn County, Minnesota (1966 - 1968)
By: Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

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