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Plum Tree Memory Contact Form


How Can I Help You?

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If you are white, black, or native american person(s), with an interest of whether you are a person who descends from the original 13-colonies of the North American British Colony Plantation Slave(s) owned by any ancestor specifically of Plum Tree Memory family member(s), whether you are residing in the region of the contiguous United States, or greater global community such as the United Kingdom, areas of Africa, South America, etc., insular areas, also including, the District of Columbia, non-contiguous states, or continental United States, not excluding the Hawaiian Islands or unincorporated U.S. Territories, it is your obligation to report to the slave plantations ancestors descendant family, who are represented as inheriting you or your family members through a slave vested into a will, a legal document(s), reflected in public and available for research from the Commonwealth of Virginia and other Commonwealth's which currently are Elizabeth II Mountbatten of the United Kingdom ruling authority, not the Governor of Virginia, nor other Governors, who are shirking their responsibility, and withholding information. Elizabeth II appears to have claimed this governess during her reign as her right of rule, 'all of the commonwealths, rather this is accurate or not, the rule is declared and regarded by the United States legislative body of politicians, who are refuted by this Regent of Plum Tree Memory, as I am an ascender with my own rights of ascention to the crown and governess of the United Kingdom and Commonwealths and the greater territories over Elizabeth II and her family.


It is I, Regent of Plum Tree Memory, that should clarify your pursuit of reparations or of any obligations that may be owed you.


To the knowledge of Plum Tree Memory Regent, the census, birth, christening, marriage, death documents have been available to the public for more than 100 years within the Commonwealth of Virginia, however, most documents have been controlled by the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of Utah, hidden in a secret facility, where only the United Kingdom has had access of said documents also in facility's within there dominon, too the United States CIA have held similar documents and authority of documents representing more than 500 years. Other documents include recently in the past twenty years, genealogical websites that have layperson information from family documents, i.e. Bibles, and family records.


These documents are legal and binding in the minds of many people(s), yet it is the Regent of Plum Tree Memory's intent to establish lines of communication guiding your factual interest of  slave ancestors of Plum Tree Memory, such as Augustine Washington Senior and Augustine Washington Junior for you, their descendant(s) decreed in legal documents as family members of slaves, where your orgination may to points of origin's of Africa, West Indies, possibly Cuba or South America, or other undiscovered points of origin(s) for life in the Colonies of the Commonwealth of America and through further land or living progression into the interior of the North American Continent

or extension lands of the globe.


Please provide your name, age, family members, current address and what Plantation or Entity, Plantation owner you believe you descend from.



Thank you for attention to this matter. 



Ms. Jodi R Trogstad Brennan,

'Regent of Plum Tree Memory', 'Ascender'

'Queen of Scotland', 'Queen of Wales', 'Queen of Pamunkey', 'Queen, et, al...'

P.O. Box 1468

Superior, WI 54880
(715) 919-3951

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'Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy', 'Making Changes Happen!' (2019)

Phil Dalby Farm, Emmons, Freeborn County, Minnesota (1966 - 1968)
By: Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

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