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Plantation Plants

Cotton [Genus: Gossypium; Family: Malvaceae] - Native plant to tropical and subtropical regions areas such as as Americas, Africa, Egypt and India. Also found in Mexico, Australia and within Africa exist the greatest diversity of wild cotton species.


Fiber: Almost pure cellulose, soft and fluffy; A staple fiber, grows in a boil or protective case around the seeds of the cotton plants.

Use: Fiber is spun in to yarn or thread. It is used to make a soft breathable textile.

World Production: approximately 25 million tonnes, or 110 million bales annually, (per wikipedia, 2/4/2021). India is the world's largest producer of cotton.


Tobacco Plant

Tobacco: [Genus: Nicotiana tabacum; Family:

This species was imported by John Rolfe suggested by a smuggler, where the seed was from a Caribbean Island controlled by the Spanish. This tobacco was 'less harsh', with 'less nicotine' and was a competitor of Nicotinia rustica imported to Spain.

Young tobacco Plant.jpg
Blossoming Tobacco Plant.jpg
Aged tobacco plant.jpg
Tobacco Drying.png

'Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy', 'Making Changes Happen!' (2019)

Phil Dalby Farm, Emmons, Freeborn County, Minnesota (1966 - 1968)
By: Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

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