District of Columbia
Plum Tree Memory family is issuing publicly, statements directly to individuals involved with false intent of
creating a Statehood of the region which is historically referred to as the 'District of Columbia'.
Plum Tree Memory family is urgently pursuing immediate progress of the demise of the intent of propaganda
that has had intent on creating a State of the area which has been historically known as the,
'District of Columbia' believing this region to be a component of land belonging to members of the Plum Tree Memory family.
Plum Tree Memory has real concerns about the politics that has occurred
through the tenure of Congresswoman, Eleanor Holmes Norton,
and also an actor, placed in a 'Mayoral' position, her name is Muriel Bower.
It is the belief of Plum Tree Memory Regent that a great fraud has been committed on the people residing
in this area where tax has been collected on the earned dollar
and those earnings are touted in the Committee of Oversight and Reform by Chairwoman, Carolyn B. Maloney and others on the committee as though it is an achievement that has awarded the gratuity of Statehood.
This tax money which has been collected on citizens who are not considered citizens of the United States cannot literally be placed into the United States Treasury instead most be manipulated around to avoid connection or communication of deceit of collecting the tax and not turning it over to the rightful land-owner of the region.
Muriel Bowser must be considered suspect as she is currently
claiming publicly, an off-shore business address in Indonesia
and her telephone number is a California number which disconnects with never a connection.
It follows then the next person suspect is a person claiming to be a
Congresswoman of the District of Columbia, Eleanor Holmes Norton, that she is supporting Muriel Bowser.
Many persons have been aware of this condition of this land being an open question of ownership, historically it is documented.
To understand people are lingering over the issue of Statehood with this area of the country, that is 'District of Columbia',
knowing many people have worked through genealogy with the technology available and have themselves proven who rightfully owns the land, yet they defy what the truth is; then to realize this issue of collected taxes on person(s) living on someone else's land is historical but the actual ownership directing now to this Regent of Plum Tree Memory, gives cause for me as Regent of Plum Tree Memory family members to request they, Eleanor, Muriel and many other governing officials to inform me of where this money is.
It is the responsibility of the tax collector, who appears to me in this meeting seen on CSPAN on 3/22/2021 to be Muriel Bowser, she needs to notify PTM directly and immediately. This did not occur, instead for this Regent of Plum Tree Memory, finding out was by a stroke-of-luck and mere chance.
This Regent now is watching particular entities urgently attempting to rush through a political agenda of a ruse of Statehood likely to incorporate this vast sum of money publicly without getting caught.
I do find them suspect and likely they have bilked non-citizens of the United States,
living in the region of the District of Columbia out of large sums of money.
This Regent is discovering the family connection to this land,
and state others have known the Regent of Plum Tree Memory was
working on discovery of ancestry from earlier than 2005,
but with particularity these past four years with Governors and Law Enforcement fully informed.