
Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan
My birthday is in June, I am a Wednesday child, and as the poem goes, Wednesday child supposedly is full of woe. Nothing could be further from the truth of a statement of me as I yearn for adventure of newness and discovery.
I am usually happy, outgoing, and social. I love quiet times and seek a companion who discerns those different moods naturally moving through our days.
I have educated myself in the Natural Science field with a Bachelors in Broad Field Science and a Bachelors in Environmental Science with an Earth Science Minor.
Everyday I venture to be open to what the earth places before me. Often it is so subtle almost undistinguishable but worth examination.
I long to be a part of the study and exploration of the Universe. I want to live to make it to travel outside the earth's atmosphere and return and kiss the earth and do it all over again.
My Story
Formally, I have been married to a man. We were in a relationship for a greater portion of seven years, dating, then married for twenty years. We share two adult children, a male and female.
These healthy, loving adults, each live joyously with their partners, creating the future descendants of Plum Tree Memory's Ancestors.
Our children, and their progeny have crown rights. Noting the following, a discipline which describes a position of complete Dictatorship, Monarchy of varying degrees or another particular governing aspect, a decision that as heir apparent to the Crown of Scotland, England, Wales, and many other strategic places of the globe, for them will be an attribute they discover which necessitates.
What I have already declared is Regency to those family members of Plum Tree Memory and I am an ascender who does claim the crown of Scotland, England, and Wales along with other strategic advantageous locales a component of rightful inheritable property that will involve governing.
Seeking a partner at this time is a delicate balance for my own person is stridently reaching for control over land that does rightfully belong to my family, which involves taking this control away from persons who likely do not want to 'let go', along with moving on from a difficult time in my life which was not provisioned for in my five year plan or even my ten year plan when moving to Superior Wisconsin in 2015.
I hope to continue my education and fulfill a process started in 2003, which stopped in 2006, and went on hold until 2016, working on the degree process through to 2019. The belief of always continuing education is strong and I do seek to have a business degree that will become a component of my intent on a future business, that of growing lavender.
With great intent to begin a lavender growing business in Russell, Bayfield Co., Wisconsin, near the Apostle Islands. Also, to raise, a particular goat that offers a specialized fiber, and also perhaps indulge a fantasy of owning horses, rather Gypsy Vanner or a Hackney type miniature. Extremely different breeds it is true.
One can only know once the process begins how to best manage these ingredients of farming and breeding, but one thing I consider as a bucket list thus would merit a larger breed of horse ownership, presa, that is hand-plowing a field by horse. But of course this should be able to be done by several miniature horse too, right!
I have developed a particular desire to learn to sail, having strolled the Barker Island Marina these past few months. I have been on a Catamaran on Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, we crashed. It was my soon-to-be brother-in-law who was the captain. I maintained position on the Catamaran during the crash, my boyfriend went flying off and almost was impaled by the mast.
The ex-brother-in-law owns a large sailing boat, kept on Lake Pepin, Minnesota. While out on a sail, I was allowed to steer the sailboat with close supervision. I have been on many a different type of boats from canoes to motor-boats, house boats and pontoons. I enjoy swimming or splashing around but fear the big gapping mouth of the shark or whale from the deep depth of the body of water larger than the lake near the summer campground of my youth in New Richland, Minnesota.
I love to fish but doing it with some person who 'loves' to clean the fish will be much more fun. Then I consider counting salmon after watching a documentary of Alan Alda's about Salmon counting, I've thought about fly fishing in Cannon Falls, Minnesota and chickens on my hobby farm for fresh eggs. Mostly the need for a stocked freezer. Hunting? Never been. Willing to consider it, but I might be better at making a quilt. You'll have to decide that once you see my zig-zag stich.
I am an owner of a 1967 Ford Pickup truck, Banana Yellow. It was used and needs work but I hope to make it a business truck for my future lavender growing operation.
My parents explored the whole of the United States together. All their lives they took short excursions to visit friends and family and made time together. They are still alive and enjoying the knowledge of their discovery of their ancestors. For the most part a lot of persons knew and those people are alive and able to rejoice with them. They, my parents, were fine examples of how to journey through life together.
I have four grandchildren and for their safety and health, I respectfully seek a person who simply understands the nature of my family members expectation for their innocence to be of the highest importance. That they should know life in a simple nature while they work to grow into what may be expected of them if they are called to what is rightfully theirs.
I had a CD called 'Sati by Candlelight' and thus I named one of my goats 'Sati'. I owned thirteen goats, some I named them after Greek gods. In a court of law I was called out on this and illegally detained for six-months. Believed suspect I know now, regarding the aspect of crown authority.
That is not a time of my life I laugh about but rather with discipline and strident moves expect others to own as it has cost me greatly and in vain there is no getting back what was lost.
What may your strengths and empowerments be? Where are you weak or vulnerable? Do you have the ability to create a place for yourself everyday with someone; offering a part of you to be seen and viewed where you are comfortable and without insecurities.
Come and wander through this world with me. I would like you to know me, share yourself with me, take from me and leave me for me as we explore a new life together.

For personal introductions of hetrosexual dominion such as dating or of an absolute business nature of Plum Tree Memory, or other interest of mine, please feel free to contact me with those interest or concerns via my communication.
Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan
P.O. Box 1468, Superior, Wisconsin 54880