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Marvin & Donna Trogstad
Family ~1988
Julie Delle Trogstad
Lencowski's family

Eleanor Plantagenet, of England
'Countess of Pembroke and Leicester'
Sir William Marshal
'2nd Earl of Pembroke'

The Family.jpg

Eleanor Plantagenet, of England

'Countess of Pembroke and Leicester'

1st Spouse: William Marshal, '2nd Earl of Pembroke'

2nd, Spouse: Simon de Montfort, '6th Earl of Leicester'

Sir William Marshal, '2nd Earl of Pembroke'

No Issue

'Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy', 'Making Changes Happen!' (2019)

Phil Dalby Farm, Emmons, Freeborn County, Minnesota (1966 - 1968)
By: Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

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