
Plantations of Donna Burns Family
Before the Mayflower's arrival near Cape Cod Massachusetts, in November 1620,
Captain William Pierce and John Rolfe, of the Jamestown Colony, established 14 May 1607 by the Virginia Company of London,
went c. August 1619, to meet the arriving ships,
'Treasurer' and the 'White Lion' at 'Old Point Comfort', 'Fort Monroe', (Hampton, Virginia)
to receive human cargo to work as indentured servants on tobacco farms.
The Portuguese galleon, Sao Joao Bautista, 'Botafogo' a Portuguese slave ship in service since c. 1530, was returning on an expedition from the Portuguese military outpost in West Central Africa, port of Sao Paulo de Luanda, under the command of, 'Captain Manuel Mendes da Cunha', on its way to, what is now, modern-day Veracruz, then New Spain on the Gulf coast of Mexico,
to import its human cargo, of 350 enslaved Africans,
200 of whom had been taken under license or asiento held by investors in Seville to sell them in New Spain.
Captain Manuel Mendes arrival in New Spain on 30 August 1619, provided only 147 and a record of 24 African boys sold at Jamaica. The ship records documented a theft of the remaining cargo, who'd, it was stated, was enslaved Africans, to have been taken or captured from Angola, Africa, an Kimbundu speaking peoples,
Records reflect the Botafogo was intercepted off the coast of Campeche, present day Mexico's Gulf Coast by the ship the
'White Lion', captained by, 'John Colyn Jope and the ship, 'Treasurer', commanded by Daniel Elfrith,
in service of the owner of the ship, the '2nd Earl of Warwick', Robert Rich.
The taking on of human cargo was performed by the act of the aegis of Dutch letters of marque from
Maurice, Prince of Orange, allowing them to attack and plunder Spanish ships, which
the two ships so did divide the Portuguese ship's human cargo then set sail for Virginia.
The White Lion, arriving first to Point Comfort, did have on board,
human cargo, termed 'indentured servants', which were sold for victuals at the port of 'Point Comfort'.
And so was recorded these were the first
Africans in the United States sold by the
Captain of the White Ship, John Colyn Jope, given to sell the human cargo due to his 'great need' as
described by John Rolfe, secretary of the colony of Virginia
in writing to treasurer Edwin Sandys of the the Virginia Co. of London
These Africans, of a number of "20 and odd Negros",
were sold again into the Jamestown colony to work tobacco farms.
Secondly to arrive, three to four days later, the ship, 'Treasurer'
carrying an additional few 'negros' from the same ship as the Sao Joao Bautista arrived in Virginia.
The number discrepancy from the port of Sao Paulo de Luanda (Angola, Africa) to New Spain
should cause modern-day historians to consider where the additional 179 persons
arrived at or came to be missing.
Some losses most have occurred certainly due to death on board the ship.
Determining the location of these records lies at the heart of the modern-day,
'Black Lives Matter's' demands and many prominent black citizens
who have had great investment in this research for more than 100 years
and have gained financially at the expense of others.
By 1620, there were an increase to 32 of indentured servants in the Jamestown Colony.
Virginia Colony unincorporated town, est. 1632
Williamsburg, Virginia, by Act of Assembly, est. 1699
Virginia Peninsula between the James River and York River
Capt. Raleigh Croshaw Esq. and 2nd wife Ursula (born in York Co., VA in 1576) by whom he fathered Maj. Joseph Croshaw at Burton Parish, York Co., VA.
"Croshaw is believed to be from the Crashaw family of Crawshawbooth, Lancashire, England.
He arrived in Jamestown, Virginia on the "Mary & Margrett", with the Second Supply in September 1608.
His lst wife came over on the "Bona Nova" in 1620 but, as she is not mentioned in 1623 Census, she was likely dead by 1623.
He was a member of the Virginia Company of London in 1609 and was still listed as an adventurer in the Company in 1618 and 1620.
He was one of the authors of the complimentary verses prefixed to:
"The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles" (1624) of John Smith of Jamestown.
Joseph Croshaw and his wife had at least two sons, possibly three:
1st, married (?)
1) Noah Croshaw (1614–1665), married Elinor ________
2) Richard Croshaw (1618–1667), married Elizabeth _________
2nd, Widow Finch
3rd, Widow Anne Hodges
4th, Widow Margaret Tucker
5th, Widow Mary Bromfield
Raleigh Croshaw was the local official in the Elizabeth City area.
This settlement later became known as the Middle Plantation and later Williamsburg, Virginia.
His sons, were among the first to take advantage of this new settlement.
Both Joseph and Richard are mentioned many times in the records.
Joseph appears to have led a more public life, having been a member of the House of Burgesses from York,
as well as having served as a justice and as sheriff for York County, Virginia.
"Croshaw was member of a group with Captain John Smith, in January 1609,
who while attempting to trade for corn with the
Indians at Opechancanough's village were almost overcome by surprise.
This attack was thwarted in part by Raleigh Croshaw's quick reactions.
Raleigh Croshaw then made a night trip back to Jamestown which helped to avoid further treachery.
He appears to have been a very skilled Indian fighter."
"At the time of the massacre in March 1622, he was on a trading cruise on the Potomac.
According to Captain John Smith's General History, Croshaw challenged the Chief Opchanacanough,
or any of his warriors to fight him naked (without armor), an offer that was not accepted.
When Captain John Smith published his General History in 1624,
one of the verses in Volume III of the book had been written by Croshaw—and in his writing,
John Smith implies a high opinion of Croshaw's knowledge of Indians and their way of making war.
Raleigh Croshaw accompanied Claiborne on his explorations, and, with just a few men,
successfully defended a remote trading outpost up on the Potomac River in the 1622 attack.
Captain Raleigh Croshaw was in the Potomac River trading in a small bark, commanded by Captain Spilman.
There an Indian stole aboard and told them of the massacre, (1622) and that
Opchanacanough had been practicing with his King and Country to betray them, which they refused to do,
but that the Indians of Werowocomoco had undertaken it.
Captain Spilman went there, but the Indians after seeing that his men were so vigilant and well-armed,
suspected that they had been discovered, therefore, to delude him, they gave him such good deals in trade,
that his vessel was soon nearly overloaded."
About 1623 a patent was issued to "Captain Raleigh Croshaw, Gentleman, of Kiccoughtan,
“An Ancient Planter who hath remained in this country 15 years complete and performed many a worthy service to the Colony,"
for 500 acres (2 km²) by Old Point Comfort.
This was based on his transporting himself, his servant and his wife in addition to adventuring 25 pounds sterling in the Company.
By the following year he was a burgess for Elizabeth City.
In March 1624 he was issued a commission to trade with the Indians for corn.
On this voyage he purchased a "great canoe" for 10,000 blue beads.
The Corporation of Elizabeth City states that “Captain Raleigh Croshaw planted, by Patent 500 acres (2 km²),
between Fox Hill and the Pamunkey River to establish Elizabeth City.”
Captain Raleigh Croshaw was last referred to on November 22, 1624.
Capt Raleigh Croshaw (1570-1624) - Find A Grave Memorial
On December 27, 1624, Captain Francis West was instructed to take an inventory of his estate.
By 1637 the York County settlers had already begun to breach their own palisade and move into Indian land on the other side.
The area between Queens Creek and Ware Creek was called the "Indian Fields."
It was a series of vast communal fields the Indians used for planting corn.
Again, it was Joseph Croshaw and Richard Croshaw who were the first to move into the area.
In 1637 and 1638, they each patented a few thousand acres about where the Camp Peary government center is located today.
They controlled most of the land in that area for the next 20–25 years.
(Ongoing research)
Virginia Company (Joint Stock)
Owned by 'The Society of Martin's Hundred', named for Richard Martin (1570 - 1618),
recorder of the City of London, appointed upon recommendation of James I, of England (1618)
Martin's Hundred (subsidiary - "Particular Plantation") - Virginia Company
Middle Plantation
Who are these black people in my life?
Eric Bullock of my own Junior High School years, Frances M. Grass, Junior High, West St. Paul, Minnesota
Michael Jerome Butler, friend/boyfriend of my sister Julies, she met where?
Very large black male at my sister Julie's in Inver Grove Heights, dressed in FBI garb,
with two white persons, one male and one female.
They were at her house in May/June 1985 making an approach to she and I. They drove there in
three black limousines.
Nicole Braemer, girl scout in my daughter Jasmine's troop
Aaron Graves, H.S. friend of my son Jason and others
Lawrence, the Humboldt Quarterback of my daughter's H.S. years
Jackie Colemen, of Johnson Controls, Inc., Plymouth Minnesota
Matt Branson, of Johnson Controls, Inc., Plymouth Minnesota
Sandy Bronson, York International Corporations AON Risk Service
Donovan Allen, York International Corporation, "Yorkworks"
Linda Kinnard, York International Corporation, "Yorkworks"
K9 Officer of the City of St. Paul Police Department, John Benner (2009 - 2010)
Former Chief of the City of St. Paul Police Department, John Harrington
Sierra, 14/15 year old black female who showed up at Riverview Library, St. Paul, MN
one time when I was there.
Her mom works for Wells Fargo, friends of Neil Goff, former neighbor's son,
started stalking my residence on Baker and made claim to having a homosexual relationship and smoking pot,
did not know who she was offered to 'let her' work in my garden if she needed something to do.
Her mom showed up and was aghast at her sitting next to me at the library.
Did not know either of them, but I suspected they were up to me losing my home.
Latoya, who worked for Accis, Inc. who I believe is the one who beat me violently on the SE corner of Robert Street and Ceasar Chevez while a black male watched, holding her purse. Possibly John Martin who had been at the Hogsbreath on Rice Street, St. Paul, agitating Linda Bobzin.
All the while two young black males sat laughing on the bus bench outside Christines Liquor, taking pictures then stated, ha, ha bitch you got your ass beat!
The black males that began to come around me closing in on me it appeared, the one throwing the 'bad bike' in people's yard's threw one in mine. K9 Officer or John Harrington saw me with it.
Dr. Meria Joel Carstarphen of the City of St. Paul Superintendents office knew who it was. She saw the bike at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Community Center parking ramp when I showed up for a WSCO By-law meeting.
The young black female waiting for me when I walked home from K-Mart with animal food.
The Comcast customer service person who hit me after to telling me to sign something and lean over then pointed to me and told me I needed to get back and I leaned back and asked her where should set the pen and paper she had me sign and she slapped my hand.
Officer Morgan of the City of St. Paul Police Department, whom I physically handed my Driver's License to, he took it to his squad car and brought it back to me. I had discovered him leaning on my chain link fence at 76 Baker Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and did not state why he was there.
My neighbor Marie Goff, who blurted out to me, her first husband was cut-up with a chain saw and stuffed in a trash-bag and put into a car trunk
was staring at me from her back deck with a smirk on her face, and she began to take pictures of me and chase me around with her spouse.
The black female City of St. Paul Police Department
Lot of Stuff going on and a lot of opportunity for the community to have stated what it appears they knew about my ancestry,
instead used me as entertainment
Having had discussion with several of the individuals above regarding the persons they were interacting with at a given time of our lives, and feelings, or use of verbiage and the result of our conversation, I determined to consider the word 'Nigger' one day and looked it up in the dictionary. I could not find the word 'Nigger', only the obsolete word, 'Niggard'.
I worked the word, 'Niggard' around in my mind and consider its origin. Who was using it in modern context and how they would have come to it through their families who have migrated over the centuries from the East coast to the West coast and have come back to settle in the Midwest where the persons above and I lived where the word itself was not utilized in my own household growing up or my former in-laws, nor was it used within my own families learning, yet it, the word 'Nigger' still managed to find a presence in our lives such that it is more predominate and a ruler of day-to-day existence, yet never stated.
I consider the origin of the word 'Nigger' that perhaps it is from the early colonial days of the obsolete word, 'Niggard'. I considered the use of it by a plantation owner in a conversation directed to the foreman of the field, and how the sound might have transferred to the workers, across the field on a hot summer day. Workers, or slaves who lacked comprehension of language of the gentry class, lacked an education nor had the ability to annunciate due to the demographic difference of facial structures, i.e., African nasal passages verse the European nasal passage structure then used it in their own quarters but due to the effects of the described perhaps somewhere lost the 'd' and also perhaps aware of the meaning but throughout the centuries made it their own personal reflection of themselves as how they saw themselves in society.
Where many educated black persons refuted the use of the word 'nigger', our society, white and black persons, did realize it cropping up in mainstream communication within certain cultural groups, mainly youth, who believed it to be a 'cool' description of oneself, a description of moment in time, or a 'friendly greeting', where even white members of society used the word to affect conversation or description of how they felt or were. As in, "Hey! I'm cool Nigger!" could be heard, or "How you doing Nigger?" with a high five gesture, hug, and slap to the back between friends.
Around about the 1980's particularly within the State of Illinois a one-woman bandwagon began to create a dissent of how members of the black community interacted with one another. By a desire for persons of African origin, her want to cause black people in America to know their history and how they could 'stir' their lives into a predominance that was truly about their building a more unique future for themselves and a belief of themselves of how they did not have to only believe themselves into vagrancy, or drug dealing, or a lowly existence, this person is Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah Winfrey, a former television personality, radio personality, activist, and public book reviewer, is one of many persons, and other individuals, such as the writer, Alex Haley, of the fictional book, 'Roots", a story about Kunte Kinte a slave from Gambia, Africa, from a 18th century plantation of a family extension of the family members of Plum Tree Memory who have researched and studied and made a plan to change the articles of history for the future demographic changes which seek to cause a defining of lines while at the same time making claims of unity.
Alex Haley's book fiction book, 'Roots' was based on research he had performed through records located in and around the Eastern coast of the United States. Discovering Kunte Kinte and ancestor had arrived from Gambia, Africa aboard the slave ship, Lord Ligonier, in Annapolis, Maryland, sold to a man named John Waller, of Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, then later sold again. The story of 'Roots', also sold in non-fictional areas of bookstores, includes relations of Plum Tree Memory family members.
The plantation, Varina Farm, of the Jamestown Colony, Virginia (Hopewell, Virginia)
established in 1612 by John Rolfe, of English origin,
with his intent to grow a tobacco seed, Nicotiana tabacum named Orinoco, to sell to European markets,
The seeds of questionable origin, however, considered of Spanish origin,
and a treasonable act to acquire,
grow and create profit, and if caught, be put to death by the Spanish government,
was soon established in the Virginia colony at Jamestown for sale and distribution in Europe.
Modern day, 2022 conversation by the Regent of Plum Tree Memory, Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan,
considered that King Philip VI, of Spain, who is the current DeFacto ruler of the title for the Kingdom of Jerusalem,
that title which does belong to Donna Rae Burns Trogstad and Marvin Edward Trogstad,
where currently, the Kingdom of Jerusalem is a component of the 'State of Israel',
does appear to be of an opportunity by many persons of the United States Governing body to reap and sow
at the expense and suffering of the family members of Donna and Marvin.
Throughout the lives of the parents of
Donna and Marvin and their own lives
the title of the Kingdom of Jerusalem appears to have been utilized by social service persons
"Giving cause" which appears to this
Regent by form of the nature of "fostering the family members" of Plum Tree Memory
which has provided an opportunity for many things to go awry through the masses
and proliferation of information available to so many then the use of technology.
King Philip VI, of Spain, Defacto possessor of the title of the King of Jerusalem,
must explain any benefits he receives, through the Prime Minister of Israel,
formerly, Benjamin Netanyahu, current, Naftali Bennett, and that the United States Congresswoman,
Betty McCollum who did legislate in the Spring of 2021, 117th Congress, H.R.
continued issuance of $3.8 Billion dollars of the United States citizens money
to continue to be sent to protect the Palestinians,
through Israeli militant police protection,
supposedly begun as a condition of World War II reparations
events brought on by the United States citizens unto to the 'State of Israel'.
The money, $3.8 Billion, is said to be being used for militant police protection,
to protect the citizens of the Palestinian,
and a reason for incorporating the Kingdom of Jerusalem into the State of Israel.
So too, due to other fraudulent activity discovered by this Regent
by the State of Kentucky and an Archaeologist known as Douglas W. Linebaugh,
who has recently purchased the original plantation, Kippax,
of one of the original Jamestown Colonies original planation's owned by
John Rolf and Pocahontas, Princess Matoaka of the Powhatan Tribe of the Chesapeake Bay Region
this Regent considers the legislation business might have incorporated the concern
of the stolen Spanish seeds by my ancestor, John Rolf,
a European ancestor
married to Pocahontas, of the Powhatan Tribe
of the Chesapeake Bay Region
where John Rolf did grow the tobacco from seeds stolen from the Spanish, at Kippax and Varina Plantations,
the very same cigarettes product that has been distributed during World War I and World War II
and other wars, that is mass marketed in the United States today.
This Regent considers there is an underlying cause of the Spanish government to reap reparations,
which appear to be filtered through our House of Representative, likely due to the stolen seeds,
and the Spanish government looks to make good on this eternally.
This Regent of the Plum Tree Memory family members,
all of whom descend from the Powhatan Tribe, through
Mamanatowick (Emperor) Wahunsenacawh Ottaniack,
does disagree with the dispersion of the large sums of the United States Taxpayers money,
the reasoning occurring within our governing body for this dispersion,
and the current outcomes of their reasoning
and the turn of events this Regent is discovering threatens the lives of the
descendants of the Pamunkey Tribe through Deliah Tipton and Joseph Burns
due to the nature "of want" of land and revenues