I am not a democrat any longer nor am I a Republican. I am claimant of the Crown of Scotland and the Great Seal of Scotland with divine inalienable inheritable Suo jure lawfully of the body, profession of the Catholic faith (1984) rightful ascender, Regent of joint venture, Plum Tree Memory Family & its members.
It is certain these individuals approving this $1.7T, do seem to have a revolving door in the political industry that belongs to my family.
They've continued to claim it is the people's choice, yet still find they themselves consistently with their elite-ness at this arena door. They are controlling massive amounts of money which generates from areas of land, estates, revenue that I as Regent of Plum Tree Memory Family, and claimant to the Crown of Scotland, et.al. have a right to, and they created falsity's and hold the wealth away from me and the family members of Marvin and Donna Trogstad. Now they are offering the United States wealth out to a group or entity that participated in the annihilation or extermination of a massive population of individuals, homosexuals, Jewish, Gypsy i.e. Romanians, etc. while they at the same time claim inclusivity and a zero tolerance policy. Contradiction of facts and the money is walking towards persons who just simply did not take care of their neighborhoods, or their building code enforcement policy's nor did they perform better business practices with their neighbor's still all of these 70 to 100 years later. And the United States is paying for this arrogance -again.
Why are the United States citizens and some global citizens making false proclamations against me, while these individuals, the legislative body of the District of Columbia, legislators of States of the U.S., then sending $45 Billion of what I should have entitlement to, why are they preparing to send it off to this group of Ukraine people who have not been made accountable to a history of abuses, and depravation of others including my own families denying me American rights and privileges and dual citizens rights, instead they have consistently seen the Mountbatten's to wealth and posterity the same persons who participated in deprivation of societies across Europe which resulted in cannibalism, a shambles of societal ills, resulting in pitting a group against another of a group, etc.
Strange ye citizens of the global community and United States, to speak so disparagingly of me and my family and demand justice in the form of monetary sums be applied to the very persons or group of individuals who committed those historic atrocities or more recently seemed to instigate at the behest of United States governing officials, that did not have my approval, to antagonize Russian leader Vladimir Putin and import and export process.
I think this issue was a personal stab at Vladimir Putin and the leaders of Russia just to have at it, even though the Presidential Administrations of the Nixon, Regan, Bushes, Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Trump, Biden have been aware of my rights to the Crown, they have taken secret stabs and made aggression they felt entitled to due to our lack of understanding. These administrations and their supporters knew our rights to the crowns and they've indulged themselves with our not knowing and used it as they have authority to rule over this issue never addressing what was the real concerns -their own racist attitudes and behaviors toward the very groups they are now claiming there is a zero tolerance policy objective and we all need to get along.
Different as long as they have pensions, wealth, and financial security having ruined me in the process of their gains.
At the very least by this story we can look more closely at those nine republicans and see their family's and what they participated in with WWI or WWII, and how they've worked towards their association to the keeping the crowns, estates, and revenue from the family of Marvin and Donna Trogstad.
To further the argument, I have no idea who in Ukraine is related to anyone of the persons 'voted' into the United States Legislator. As I have discovered, I am a descendant of everyone of King Henry II children, almost every King and Queen including I believe (having some difficulty discerning) the eldest brother of King George III, whom the Mountbatten's descend, as a descendant of an elder sibling, my family has and does without even this relationship have hierarchy rights to the Crown's of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, et.al.
It is certain there is conspiracy at foot and persons within the United States government attempting to cover-up relationships that caused such a massive amount of devastation during WWI & WWII.
The United States citizens paying out money to Ukraine for a corrupt governing body of persons where they taunted Russia and its citizens depriving them of goods and services similar to what was being performed here on the eastern coast of the United States in 2021 is adding insult to original injury.