The above article published the 1st of July 2005, is about the APA establishment - ...Founded in 1844, the APA formed from a group of 13 superintendents from the then 24 mental hospitals in the United States who met in Philadelphia and established the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane...
...That same year, the first psychiatric journal, the American Journal of Insanity, was published in June by Amariah Brigham, superintendent of the Utica State Hospital in New York state.
The commitment of many during this time was to secure the establishment of the House of Saxe-Coburg for Prince consort Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha who was not descended from Kings, only Duke's.
The solicitation of Adloph Hitler by the former, presumed deceased, de facto Monarch, Elizabeth II's father and grandfather was to create disillusionment of a life of virtue, hard work and simple things causing happiness within the communities, instead to wreak havoc and then drew attention to 'how to get into the minds of the people' unbalancing them to take the Crowns of England and its wealth, including Scotland.
The decision's made during World War I & World War II to evict persons, cease them from owning businesses, doing business, trading, importing or exporting, and evaluating their person to a degree of kidnapping, illegal detainment, and medical experimentation in the form of torture, just to understand the human mind and call it 'medical exploratory examination' became a part of American culture which was the result of many of the first 'lock-up' systems for what is termed sometimes as 'criminally insane' or 'mental diseases' also known as insanity brought on by circumstances not known to the medical community.
Often, a comparison for homosexuality was places next this statement, "Well, it is true, even the King of England is thought to be a homosexual, that is King Edward II", even though no records exist this is a real trait it is true his wife sought outside relations with another man and hunted her husband, the King of England, Edward II down had him captured, illegally detained and subjected to torture and what became of him is unknown or at least never acknowledged.
Then in America, when the psychiatric community began to reassure mothers and fathers of their sons dispensation to wear women's clothing or act feminine or seek relations with other men, the comparison was made to my family's ancestor, "King Edward II". And though there are no 'known' persons in our ancestry that has ever been related to homosexuality or what is now organized under LGBTQ, they have in the past associated to us since I was a child. I believe they feel it is their right to continue this and force issues within our family units just to hold an example or standard and it is taking a toll on our family bonds, and units.
I experienced a backlash from many types of community members upon my divorce and making a choice to acknowledge, mentally a police officer of the City of St. Paul who said simply, 'Hi' to me, barely audible but I knew the ramifications of this moment as I did when signing the rejection letters for the college students from the Middle East who came to obtain degrees in Mechanical Engineering, many who may have participated in the beheading of American Civil Servants sent into war-torn regions to rebuild after America bombed them serendipitous as American governing body's supported England's causes that they had no 'right-of-rule' over.
The American psychiatric community began more than sixty to seventy years ago, or more of eighty to one hundred years of entrapment of humans for scientific purposes to discover how the mind works, within witchcraft, transcendence, and other operatives of the mind that can be used to control youth, financial wealth and worth of a family and their lines of history.
Elizabeth II was revered yet she was not a rightful possessor of the historic information she was empowered to, ancient documents, and she and her family have been allowed to be in possession of these documents for far to long.
A faction of people, the LGBTQ community has banded together and organized, perhaps some still holding out to assimilate to the Crown, only to realize the true descendants of the true royal Coat of Arms of England, Scotland, Ireland, Frances, and Germany lived simply as a small family unit bond by parents who descend from this royal line, it was three sister's, more of Norwegian descent and Scottish descent.
How the LGBTQ community organized and what was their intent must be stated as it has involved me personally within my father and mother's home at 949 Dodd Road, West St. Paul, Minnesota through Marsden, Inc. on York in St. Paul, Minnesota since I was approximately 9 or 10 years of age.
Who is motivated to assimilate and continue what very well may be a charade by the Medical community and England's de facto Monarch's as an excuse to torture persons, or who wishes to take a more definitive road that is closer to home is public currently.
The Mountbatten's have assumed control of what rightfully belonged to my family long ago, and fear was on the side of the community's at large. It was Rock and Roll Bands that unleashed a certain freedom, and they are no longer the same viable acts, old and withering away as me and my father are too, my mother also.
Then it is said, and stated.