23 June 2021, consideration of likely-hood of attempts of taking over bit-by-bit, parcel-by-parcel, real property, divisible and undividable, and anything not screwed down, by the body of individuals 'acting' as the United Kingdom's royal family, are wisely understood by this Regent, of Plum Tree Memory.
This Regent, having known of the connection of this Regent to the 'acting' Royal family of the United Kingdom for more than fifty years but without proof has developed a hierarchy platform for the public to use to work with.
This Regent, thus has made statements to current acting Governing bodies of the globe, who are continuing to perform daily business, the Regency of PTM is intent to gain, hold and control greater portions of the current structured United States and global areas belonging to the family members of Plum Tree Memory.
It is this Regent's goal to develop the understanding of the mind(s) of the family members of Plum Tree Memory who have certain powers and authority, that of which they did not understand nor have the information as this Regent has had for more than forty years.
Without confirmation, now available by the people of the global community, this Regency would have no sway or authority, and would not be in a position to make statements to Governors, Senators, or other body's of official, however this communication does exist and this Regent has complied this data to provide for the circumstance of understanding that any move the United Kingdom's 'acting' Royal family makes will need to be counter-acted to place inline more accurate players, those of Plum Tree Memory family.