Seems like a threat to me, Tara with Tess.
Something is occurring with these ladies, again. They seemed pleased with their efforts as being a success attacking me with the help of law enforcement cyber-technology, or Motorola apps, using their voices at large undermining the quality of life, my financials. Just real up close and personal.
Tara has been behind a condition of deprivation that got her really skinning. Doing this since I was employed at Superior Inn, part-time at the desk, she just raged at me every single day, then it got worse and she was talking about having me murdered.
Kay Bigga, owner of Superior Inn, must be so happy they got my daddy. Her CEO, Michelle Johnson who Tara is really personal with, they knew about everything about my genealogy, my DNA rights; they are the ones who knew about UWS leasing Dalkeith Palace from Scotland since 1985, they reaped and sowed greatly, pleasures.
This is what they hate, and this is what they want!