So, it so, back in the 1960's, and 1970's, but even before that, I was denied my rightful place as a person with inalienable inheritable Suo jure lawfully of the body, rights to Titles, Estates, Lands, and Revenues, all the while the homosexual community, now referred to as LGBTQ who've been making it 'real' for themselves knew.
I am fighting back against the abuses I've endured from those men my mother and father worked with at Marsden, and those parents of Derek Washington, and Katie Shrivey, their community of friends knew who I was and wanted to play royal games, now it appears my housemate has antics of his own with his fellows in the Superior Wisconsin community.
They've, the homosexual community a.k.a. LGBTQ has been harassing and thieving of my person since I was a child and want me to manage the testosterone of Tara, Carls daughter a.k.a. son.
Homosexuals have made themselves into something they are not, female to male, to gain custody of land they do not have a right to as a female and they are expecting we as a community need to support them while they have off with the Duchy or Kingdom of Aquitaine.
To top it off, the Lakota, Cherokee, which Cher claimed to be a descendant of, the Ojibwe, Pequot, and many other tribes, but not them alone, even the 'black community', who used the opportunity to access us our family, the Plum Tree Memory Family, through Barack Obama and Elizabeth II Mountbatten.
The got him into the Presidental position, bend over and lick your dick, with Elizabeth II Mountbatten WWII war criminal issues, they went to the Pamunkey Tribe, of the Virginia Tidewater region, forced them to sign legislation that they must disavow a whole line of people who descend from the tribe, us, our family, then he will provide them 1200-acres, 1200 folks, of sovereign land, but only if they, only allow black community members to 'fuck' their tribal members so they can takeover the land, as the take control of the sharing of legislation in Scotland through the United States Legislator.
I just met my housemates, daughter who is claiming to be a male, but she is a female, Tara.
She wants to go through a sex-change to become a male. She was called and fostered throughout her life as a vulnerable adult. Then, just after I moved in in January 2022, supposedly then she met a big ugly Native American man called Raven, suddenly she wants to be a male. So now, and I knew this when Carl was doing this throughout the year of 2022, through the hormone therapy, they are also using cyber-technology through me.
I smell nasty and feel the presence of her body fat on me, her large frame on me. Carl, with Raven and Amanda, they've been wrestling her hormones through my Biological Para-aura replacing it with testosterone.
I have been smelling like a stinking, nasty young man, and now I see why.
Carl knew what he was doing. He has been using me in a progressive manner since I met him.
Using my Frontal lobe, replacing my feminine with masculine, his way of being a dad which he neglected his whole life.
The young girl, Carl's daughter Tara was not in his life, he was an absentee father he stated.
These people are so arrogant, using me, through her mother who she is claiming she doesn't call her mother. What a statement while they and the doctor, who is most likely the white male who was here shortly after I moved in, they all came right to me months just after I moved in, to get this daughter to be a male.
I think they've used my housemate, Robert Carter, who was literally at Carl's beck and call while he was drunk Carl would talk away, eventually it is now clear to me, Carl and his family have literally driven Robert nuts, suddenly Robert was attracted to me, wanting to do stuff for me, take care of me, give me money, which he has none of, he broke into the Canal Parking Lot Booth, then he started to talk about cutting me up.
This seems to me more motivated by someone like Raven. He is obsessed with butt-fucking and I do not like being used in this manner by homosexuals. Enough is enough.
Folks it is disgusting what the Medical Professional are causing the rest of the heterosexual population too endure and succumb to.
This is a perverse unseen form of subjugation plus it isn't that they do it with their minds, they now use pharmaceuticals, and computer technology. I cannot get away from these very cruel, selfish persons of the LGTBQ, who have literally been using me since I was a child.
Carl get your family off of me NOW!!
Maybe it is Raven who owes me $1100.00 for my attempt at my online Math class in the Summer of 2022. If Raven went into me with his 'women', with Carl, and Amanda and Mikayla from Superior Inn is the best friend of every LGBTQ from the Flame, this might explain the issue with that guy with the red bodysuit, and choke necklace that drives through McDonald's. They messed with my mind so much, and I am stating publicly this is the issue with people like Mindy McCreedy, Naomi Judds, and others committing suicide.
They're changing the mind, seeing something they like, move through people and alter the cognitive presence and aura, shift it. People like Raven are aggressive in not just a passive aggressive way, but a relational way.
Raven did approach me and want what he wanted and made Carl act towards me using Robert Carter and others in the community.
Is this what the bassoon bag was for Carl, get all of that good hormone moved through me, then do away with the evidence.
How do these homosexuals no so much about the human aura, transfer of frontal, right and left hemisphere, testosterone, estrogen?
Someone is the expert in this transformation and heterosexual's are paying. This is the culprit of the Aids isn't it CDC? Also, COVID19. You guys are the lying'st dogs in town!
Raven did you give this and electronic equipment to Kelso?