Region 1: National Capital Area
Kym Hall,
Area DirectorNational Park Service
1100 Ohio Drive,
SWWashington, DC 20242
Elizabeth II with Barack Obama, prior to his being voted into the Presidency was strategizing the taking over of the 'Commonwealth of Virginia'.
Elizabeth II did not have the right-of-rule of England much less the Commonwealth, instead my own parents have the right to the colonial settlements as descendants of King Edward III Plantagenet and King James I Stewart.
'Right-of-rule' for Elizabeth II is simply Elizabeth II did not even have the right to be Monarch within England due to her morganatic descent. Charles does no have a right of rule.
Barack Obama with Joe Biden and Elizabeth II did use black leaders of the Black Caucus committee, Bennie Thompson of the 1st District of Mississippi, to engaged with the Pamunkey Tribal leader, Kevin Brown to cause the members of the tribe to 'disavow' the hierarchical ascendants, and called the Pamunkey Tribe racist demanding they 'open their intimate lives up' to black members of society rather than how they've practiced their relationships within the tribe or with white persons.
My father's family, through his spouse descend from the hierarchical tribe, 'Werowocomoco' and they are the components of the original treaties in North America with England's royalty of the day during colonial times.
The National Park Service has been taking up land including land that has original patents, inheritable through probated wills and stating that it has reverted back to the Crown Estates, which my own parents have a right-of-rule over.
The United States Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs have also been claiming land, that was a part of the original tribal lands and have not notified my family of any issues that relate to the Washington's, or Avery's or Ingram's which were slave holding plantations well documented as well as a multitude of other properties by citizens who were free after servitude.