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Plum Tree Memory


Fond du Lac Tribe of Minnesota

Writer: Jodi RaeJodi Rae

It is hard to believe that the Fond du Lac Tribe, of Minnesota for so long would not be in tuned to my parents or my family, suddenly out of the blue, out of season, the tribal members went after my family with the help of the Bad River Nation Tribe.

What I see in front of me is the abduction of my, living, 91-year old father from Harmony House in Brainerd Minnesota, prepared and given the okay by Governor Tim Walz through several of his employees he had positioned at Superior Inn, Superior Wisconsin for months while I worked there, during COVID, as they worked or canvased the community of Superior Wisconsin.

Governor Tim Walz, on the day I made a claim rightfully so for Marvin Edward Trogstad and his family, to the Grand Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, the very day of the 11th of July 2023, @ 9:44 a.m., declared my father was dead shortly after.

To protect the institution of the former de facto Monarchy of Elizabeth II, the wrongful legislative process that was put through by Barack Obama, the not yet voted in 44th President of the United States, with the help of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, they supported Federal recognition of the Pamunkey Tribe of the Virginia Tidewater only if they disavowed my father's children.

Since 2008, my family members have exhibited unusual behavioral response not of their nature, I am certain it is due to the stressors put upon them by society, citizens, persons of the Ojibwa Tribe who they worked for at the Hinckley Grand Casino. I believe the Ojibwa attempted to 'pull-rank' of authority with seven of my family members employed by their organization, then other tribes fraught or angry 'got back at the Ojibwa Tribe'.

Governor Tim Walz, Lt. Governor, Peggy Flanagan is an Ojibwa Tribe member.

I believe there was a false cremation, a false funeral and a 21-gun salute normally reserved for person of distinguished servitude during war-time, or of royalty.

I believe that most of the members who've participated in the abduction of my father are from the Bad River Nation, they believed 'to get' what they weren't receiving, such as similar benefits as Misty Diggs of the Lakota Nation whom I worked with at Interstate Parking during the Spring & Summer of 2022, and they knew Misty received 1200 acres of Dakota Land, plus $1000.00 per month, this encited people such as Brandi, Heather, Tara Bru, Tessa, Tara sister, who works at BMO Bank in Superior, but even before that this was spread around town, by Nick, of Keyport Liquior, Superior Wisconsin, Kim Hansen, Front-end manager of Menards, Inc., Superior Wisconsin, many persons were aware of my father's right's of authority over the North American continent supporting instead, all the while diminishing my freedoms in Superior Wisconsin, they allowed limiting power of Charles Mountbatten, allowing him a 'crown rule' of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which my father had a right to.

Who okayed this?

When Robert Karter began to vandalize the Canal Park Parking Booth in the Summer of 2022, he was acting on someones authority, certainly though he exibited a position he was my man without provocation, this is how the cyber-technology works, used out of Duluth Armed National Guards, in place when I worked at REM Arrowhead, at 4130 Peabody, an armed soldier showed up and Tom Michelson got up from his chair, and moved to the Armed Solidier, this is when this process began, unbalancing my own position with REM, though I'd planned on moving my employ directly to Superior rather than driving over the bridge, it was a earlier move then I'd planned.

I now realize someone in the United States Armed Forces, persons who have been aware of my person by Aaron Breuhl(?) from when I worked at Kettle River Pizza in Askov, Minnesota, these members of the United States Armed forces worked against my father who had authority over them, not the United States President, Barack Obama,.

This was a position by the very same man who was threatening to 'cut me up', through the people, by the will of the people, he did have my father removed illegally, he does expose himself in the legislator as an authority, he had my father removed from Harmony House, then did plan to use as leverage within the political arena, behind closed doors, that man is Barack Obama.

My father had rights of freedoms of Barack Obama's family, his wife Michelle and his daughters. My father did not know with certainty what his rights were, he worked in Housekeeping at the Hinckley Grand Casino.

It was Barack Obama with Elizabeth II, who acted with the greatest reason of all in their minds, and put this to the people. Orchestrated this. Planned it over more than a thirty year process with Oprah Winfrey, Henry Louis Gates, and Black Congressional Leaders and other black leaders, using the Native Americans of the North American continent and white persons, who'd they'd elicited aggression from over a twenty to thirty year period beginning with the 'March on Washington' in 1963.

A map of my parents travels throughout their lives, and I point my finger at Peter, my former neighbor at 73 Baker Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55107. A man who with Larry the night-shift manager at Wal-mart who lives on Elizabeth Street, next to Willard Hodges, Larry and Peter have been stragizing with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, Barack Obama, and former de facto Monarch of the United Kingdom, now deceased Elizabeth II, Mountbatten, to remove my father from the face of this earth.

They used the tribes of North America, of my father's right of rule against him.

They convinced tribal leaders to be threatened by my father, when in fact my father and his family have lived peacefully among them for then entirety of the colonization of America by European Settlers.

Marvin Edward Trogstad, (1932 - 2023, uncertain)

A man among men, a King of Kings, humble servant of the Lord, walk in peace dear dad, while I search for you evermore.



'Plum Tree Memory Family - Genealogy', 'Making Changes Happen!' (2019)

Phil Dalby Farm, Emmons, Freeborn County, Minnesota (1966 - 1968)
By: Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

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