Some of my families names though I am not certain we are related to the above without more research.
I just wanted to thank the people who are creating and submitting the information at the above site. I recognize names of my own family though I am not certain they are directly related to my own family yet.
This is a side of my mother's family that I have not researched yet, engulfed in understanding lines that lead to both my parents where they are similar in nature and event to our relationship closely to descendants of Kings and Queens. I never knew that there was so many who we may be related to who owned Plantations and had slaves. But it is not certain yet of this, except for only one 'great great grandmother married into the family that descends far back, their ancestors inherited a young 'negro' boy and girl at her spouses death. Not quite the same as buying and using for work on the plantation, she did not inherit the plantation.