Good Day:
As you are aware, Charles Mountbatten is the son of Elizabeth II Mountbatten a de facto Monarch, with a de facto false reign designed around World War II criminal activities that were perpetuated by Elizabeth II's father, George VI and her mother, Elizabeth I who were business partners with Adolph Hitler.
The above individuals, and the progeny of Philip and Elizabeth II, the Mountbatten's have distorted reality for many through murder, annihilation, and destruction of property and theft of titles, estates and revenues.
My family, the progeny of Marvin and Donna née Burns Trogstad have hierarchy right of rule over Holyrood Palace over the Mountbatten's.
I demand you acknowledge this by removing Charles name in association to the Palace of Holyrood and other venues within Scotland.
The union the United States government practiced with the United Kingdom for some 150 odd years, then played out in the 21st century with Barack Obama, more of the last fifteen years using the Pamunkey Tribe, the Treaty from the founding of the colonies has effectually been altered to affect a false rule by the Mountbatten's.
The Treaty with the Pamunkey Tribe affected by Barack Obama and England is a rule which so profoundly attempts to relate to the public a presence of assurance to the people the Mountbatten's were to be trusted. This is not the accurate.
I, with divine inalienable inheritable Suo jure lawfully of the body, Jacobite Claim, descendant of George I, have rule over the Mountbatten's in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, and Wales, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the United States, and the whole of the North American continent.
I expect you to recognize this right of rule. I demand you recognize this right of rule publicly.
Cease and desist representing the family of Mountbatten's as rulers of the United Kingdom.
Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan
Regent of Plum Tree Memory Family
Ascender and Claimant to the 'Crown of Scotland', 'Great Seal of Scotland', 'Crown(s) of England', 'Great Seal of England',