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Plum Tree Memory


Is the Commonwealth of Virginia stockpiling arms?

Writer's picture: Jodi RaeJodi Rae

When Joe Biden was Vice President for Barack Obama, he was certainly aware of the mischievousness occurring with Elizabeth II and her family, plotting a takeover of the governing body of the United States of America.

A legacy of upending persons least suspecting it, having lured them in with woo and fantasy of Elizabeth II's version of splendor and grandeur.

Elizabeth II and her parents and grandparents are know to be referred to as World War II criminals, by former First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon.

That the Mountbatten's were business partners initially with Adolph Hitler, seating him in succinctly enough to divert attention away from them as they took hold of that which was not their right of passage, the crowns of Great Britain.

Elizabeth II, with Barack Obama was in the Virginia Tidewater region in 2008, wooing the Federal Bureau of U.S. Indian Affairs to cause the Pamunkey Tribe who had original treaties with England to act against their historical accuracies.

The Pamunkey Tribe, a part of the original colonies development with Scotland and England initially through King James I, Stewart, then Elizabeth I and William III, of Orange.

Elizabeth and Barack intended to cause further demise of the culture of the tribe by openly, performing a ritual that eluded to a necessary renewing of vows or the treaty's or provide U.S. Federal recognition, yet it was only due to the ineptness on the part of the holders of the Charters that existed with Scotland, King James I Stewart, then England and the London Merchants or the Muscovy Company of Russia, and they were found to be in the hands of 'some debtor in South Africa', then revoked.

This eluded to an association to the North American Indian Tribes, and with the Jamestown Colony, but was separate from the Pamunkey Tribe treaties with England and King William III and Elizabeth I.

The original treaties with the Pamunkey Tribe in the early sixteen hundreds, did initiate a relationship with England. The fact the U.S. Federal Government refused to acknowledge them over a 350 year period or possibly only through the de facto sixty-seven year reign of Elizabeth II, this is to be researched and understood.

For the actions of Elizabeth II and Barack Obama in 2008 had a different intent, that was specific.

Their intent it appears, using the United States Presidential office and Administrators, that all of the U.S. citizens and global persons would act as though hierarchical lines of descendants from the tribe, those that had right of rule of the governance of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Crown's of many European Countries would be treated as though they did not exist. That they were in fact treasonous even without provocation along with the fact Elizabeth II and Barack Obama and other former administrations prevented the line of hierarchical descendants from knowing through the withholding of information, it was only the forced 'Freedom of Information Act' by the black community that this information came into light, plus the issuance of so many who performed the ritual for their own families on the internet to record their family history, that it was discovered this lien of hierarchical ascension to the Crown's governance existed, and those with this right, they lacked knowledge of the personal ascendance to the Crowns, and of their relationship to the tribe of the Pamunkey and/or original colonist.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is currently considered under the 'right of the Crown of Zeeland', under the rule of the United Kingdom, Charles III, and under the rule of the Church of England.

Consideration of the recent withholding of imports and exports at the ports of the eastern seaboard, also the forced withholding of imports and exports at the Ukrainian borders, precipitated by the United States governing body possibly under the orders of Elizabeth II, does give me pause to diagnose this condition of governing that there is something immediately amiss.

I suspect Barack Obama, and Joe Biden were during Barack's administration used as pawns. That they knew the intent of Elizabeth II and her family, the Mountbatten's, and the Presidents have known a strategy for more than forty years possibly even the reason for the JFK murder, that is to take over the governing body of the United States.

Forward forty years, it became possible to use persons such as Barack and his wife who due to the research performed by members of the black community in their own pursuit to discover where they originated from, did discover then have given a presumption she descends from George Dandridge younger brother of William Dandrige.

These brothers were in possession of the portions of land that are at issue with the government of the United States, one on one side of the river the other on the other side of the river.

The Washington's of much of the Commonwealth of Virginia, that there was an exchange of land that created the District of Columbia for governing of the United States people.

That it is possible to conceive the revocation of this land would occur bringing back into the Commonwealth of Virginia, thus the governing of the land would be under Charles Mountbatten under the rule of the Crown of Zeeland, Queen Margrethe II of the Netherlands, Elizabeth II's cousin.

Augustine Washington Senior has a probated will that has been well researched and in the public. This land provisions rights for the descendants that Elizabeth II has attempted to take from them through the Pamunkey Tribe.

I, acting as Queen Regent of the Plum Tree Memory Family am insisting on the immediate transfer of land, estates, minerals, mines, businesses and revenues that are due the family of Augustine Washington, Senior and his ancestors descendants.

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