Good day.
I am surprised that your 'region' was demonstrated in 2016, knowing well I was involved in regaining all accessors rights and accouterments that you believed it was your right to 'individualize yourself and call your 'region' free and independent.
The family members of Plum Tree Memory have only known about our land rights of France for several years, while the whole global community has been sneaking around behind our backs and in front of our faces generating revenues from land that rightful inheritance belongs to the family members of Plum Tree Memory.
Just because the advent of the internet has taken place and you can create a really cool webpage does not give you rights to take what is not yours.
Please begin the review process to learn of the Plum Tree Memory lineage and realize your resignation of your Presidency must occur.
Cease and desist use of any and all coat of arms and emblems associated to the rights of Plum Tree Memory family members -immediately.
Clearly, many have been aware of my parents' and grandparents' rights, particularly my mother's parents. The negligence of American politics, the legislative body of citizens, regarding humans during World War II and what the involvement with Ian Harding and his wife Loretta, Ian's mother and father's business involvement with Hitler during WWII, then the deceit of these individuals the past forty years regarding land, revenues, and the mass killing of millions of Jewish persons, who many it is stated, knew that the true accessors of the lands of France were in America and what they were seeking to attain meant find them and kill them. Even Albert Einstein found his way to America and likely knew who my grandparents were. I wonder about his nearness to my grandparents and what if anything he had to do with the death of my grandmother Laura Irene Bailey Burns, who stood to be Queen of France, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales along with her husband Albert Ray Burns.