Good Morning:
This writing informs the State of Indiana's Governor or legislating body, of the rights and responsibility of the Regent of Plum Tree Memory family members, Ms. Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender, to deny governing or redistricting of land by currently appointed or elected persons, who had assumed a position of governing based on their knowns, or that of the governing body of officials of the United States of America, of those knowns, which were or do appear to have been denied to the family members of Plum Tree Memory. Those knowns much of, which includes land and real property, inheritable or inheritant to the process of ownership and right to possess, as well as to the establishing of self-governing, that is to control the land and real property, separate from the legislative process established in Washington D.C., that land and real property, of which does rightfully belongs to publicly stated family members of Plum Tree Memory, website,
Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender