It is being stated by a housemate my father is nearby, in fact so nearby, that is he is in the recently renovated with added electronic security, next door.
When my parents left Northwood Iowa, and moved to East 3rd Street, my mother let our cat Tiger out to use the bathroom, the cat was used to running freely. I could hear Tiger's mewing excessively, and told my mother about this. She said no.
My father told me years later he saw the firemen throwing Tiger's carcass out of the home next door, that he'd gotten caught in the basement, which he was used to doing to get back in but he could not get out.
I thought about that my whole life. Why if we only lived there at that house for a month, would my father have seen Tiger's dead carcass thrown out when the building wasn't renovated while we lived there.
This was the beginning of the attacks by firemen, law officers and public officials in St. Paul, what was already occurring in Northwood, Iowa.
These city officials learning who my father was, 'hated him'!
Looks like Kelso is calling 'here kitty, kitty' and has a secret. My daddy's soon to be dead carcass in the basement going to get tossed around by firemen?
I consider all of the recent upgrades to electronic surveillance and pounding, and all of sudden everyone's silence, like okay now were hiding this person. Be very, very quiet.
Due to the abuses of former housemates and their knowledge and information the City of Superior had through Chief Nick Alexander, and other officers, Officer Robinson of the Superior Wisconsin police, I consider this just another well orchestrated and planned control and subjugation of a person to control land of the Virginia Tidewater Region. My parents knew this years ago. They knew the perversion society members would stoop to.
I was physically in the Superior Wisconsin police department making a public statement I was a descendant of Augustine Washington Senior & Junior. I did this so unbeknownst to me at the time that 'Black Congressional Lawmakers' and Barack Obama and Elizabeth II were aggressing on land takeover in Virginia.
Others in the community, Brian Roseau, Brandy, Kelso, you know who you are, they knew I claimed the Crown of Scotland, and were enjoying figuring out how to 'get at me' continuously.
Learning that via the 'Black Congressional Lawmakers' and other Superior Wisconsin officials, as well as citizens, black citizens, they were attempting to cover up the huge mistake made by Barack Obama, the 44th President, before he was voted into office, he was enlisted by Elizabeth II in 2008, to gain control of lands in the Virginia Tidewater region, yet this was occurring before 2008.
The 'Black Congressional Lawmakers did draw publicly, attention to the Pamunkey Tribe who was only allowing interracial marriages between other tribe members and white persons. To get their foot in the door, they were demanding that the tribe open their legs to black penis if they wanted Federal Legislation or education, medical, or housing.
The Pamunkey Tribe already had recognition through original treaties with King William III and King Charles I, and also King James I & VI. It was only that Elizabeth II wanted to take illegally, control of the Virginia Tidewater to establish her grandson William as a ruler on American soil, this has resulted in the falsification of my father's death and a falsified funeral and his subjugation and illegal detainment to control this land as a threat to my family members, who were being forced to create this condition of my father. My father who is 91-years old and has skin cancer.
The Pamunkey Tribe like other tribes had only allowed inter-tribal marriages, or with white members of society, supposedly this is the reason for my father's demise and subjugation because the 200-tribal members who were being consider for federal recognition, they knew of my father and my mother and what their rights were to land in the Virginia Tidewater Region, including my former bosses at York International Corporation, Tom Tucknowski, these boys they knew and it just pissed them off. They have resulted in the subjugation of my 91-year old father holding him hostage in the basement of a Superior Wisconsin house having falsified his death and funeral.
These white boys allowed themselves to be easily intimated, then devised a plan or went off of the cuff, to subjugate my father because he had rights to this land through my mother and he was white and that just pissed of the 'Black Congressional Lawmakers' and Kelso who was actively pursuing this condition of demise for my father. Kelso was enlisted by Superior Law officers to gain control of this situation through the use of cyber-technology on my person, my family that has just about driven us all mad and Kelso wanted it bad and even spoke about getting his 'lump sum payment'.
My accusation is they staged it so my father could be 'butt-fucked' on camera for perversion and with his being proclaimed dead and his falsified funeral no one would look for him.
Since this aggression was occurring and I was attempting to figure out what was occurring I worked feverishly to understand. What I learned to be the reason for this was, I discovered my parents had rights to land of Franklin State and much of the East coast.
My parents have governance over all of the Armed Forces of the United States and the President of the United States and the governing body of individuals have known since the 1970's.
These people were aware publicly, globally made aware of my parents rights knew who my father was. I had made the statement publicly to prevent something so fucking sick as what has occurred, the falsifying and subjugation of him, and they managed to make it happen.
They raged at the thought of my father an aging man had this right and his daughter had found it simply due to the aggression coming at her from people like Kim Hansen the front end manager of Menards Inc in Superior, Crystal Lundgren of Superior Wisconsin Tower Street McDonald's, Michelle Johnson of Superior Inn, everyone of these individuals and others even Nick over at Keyport Liquor has been aware of this condition of my fathers and they did everything in their power including falsifying my father's death and funeral.
The attention to the Pamunkey Tribe was occurring before 2008 and may have been a component of Timothy McVies unwillingness to follow orders and alos the 9-1-1. I was working with my parents on my genealogy about ten to fifteen years prior to this, my former boss James Lionel Porath a good christian man similar to the man who is containing my father, they all knew about but my parents. People knew my parents were scared to death when after working on their genealogy since the 1970's someone attempted to stop the. Likely Elizabeth II Mountbatte, Barack Obama and the Black Congressional Lawmakers.
So that this has culminated to this event where my father, at 91-years old is being held hostage in the basement of a Superior Wisconsin home for sexual perversion at the hands of Kelso or Brian Roseau, just to cause Barack Obama to be comforted about his mistakes. Isn't that just as insane or as bizarre as it can get. I am certain these aggressor are only placated temporarily.
What the black community would stoop to, to get a monthly stipend in the hands of every black member of society by every white person for all eternity, they will stop at nothing. They've taken my father from a place that he deserved after his hard work in his life putting into the system then for sexual perversion and strong arming political tactics they've falsified his death and funeral and have him chained to a wall in the basement of a landlords home.
All of this because the Pamunkey Tribe whom my parents had no idea they had anything to do with were only allowing interracial marriages between other tribe members or white people. Then due to the fact that my father is white of Norwegian descent, did marry Donna née Burns and has rights to land over Charles Mountbatten and the United States President, land that has been fought over for years, the public, Black Congressional Lawmakers, Camilla Harris, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Charles Mountbatten, they are holding my father, a 91-year old father they've recently claimed deceased and had a falsified funeral for somewhere in a community of Superior Wisconsin residence, where those person who come and go in the complex knew my claim to the Crown of Scotland was strong.
They knew I was publicly working on my genealogy.
My parents denounced me out of fear of reprisal and this is the premeditated, perverse result at the hands of Kelso and his law officer friends and I suppose Governor Tony Evers.
My parents must've know the possibility this could happen, likely why they'd denounced me already to placate the public.
These members of society knew what to do and had people coming to me even talking about murdering me, to help get a hold of my father and control this keeping other family members from knowing their rights to land in the Virginia Tidewater Region.
These are several 'black officers' who had a hand in this subjugation of my family, Officer Robinson, Officer Morgan, Officer Benner, former Chief of Police, John Harrington, all of the City of St. Paul Police Department, John Harrington, Governor Tim Walz right hand man.
It is a fact I had reported my medical file had been accessed and a hypnosis word stolen while I was still married. My spouse was paid $500 to gain access to this word and pass it around. It is so strong that they operated on me in dental lab to remove a tooth, my father was in the room.
This word can be used to slow the heart rate significantly, which could cause some to believe a person has died. They may have used this hypnosis on my father, slowing his heart rate, told my mother and eldest sibling he was dead, then falsified his death, and moved him to 'that landlord's' home in Superior Wisconsin.
That my father may be in a very near location as near as right next door.
I had gone to the Superior Wisconsin Police department many years ago and made a public statement I was a descendants of Augustine Washington Senior and Augustine Washington Junior.
This is premeditated and perverse.
I have already had filed with Governor Walz and the FBI and CIA, albeit they are the very culprits in this disposition of my father due to the fact that both departments are filled with black members of society. Huge, black men a missing person report on him.
It is a fact that Black members of society are harassing my family and have been since the late 1960's and early 1970's.
I have made a public announcement about the harassment I have received in the home I am renting, and that one of my former housemates, Robert Karter threatened to 'cut me up'.
Chief Nick Alexander is aware of this, has been aware of all of these events and my public claim for the right to the Crown Governance of Scotland. That on the day my dad supposedly died at Harmony House I had made a claim to the Grand Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, my landlord Ben knew this.
Simply my father is being used in a political pawn maneuver. Where members of society, law officers, judges and members of the royal family of the United Kingdom have been aware of who my family was for a very long time, and what our rights were within the Virginia Tidewater region and will do anything in their power to prevent us from arriving to this right of inheritance as descendants of Augustine Washington Senior & Junior and through both of my parents King Edward III and King James I Stewart, of Scotland, including the taking of a human life, falsify its death, then subjugating it and degrading it down in society to nothing except sexual perversion.
The main issue is forcing the hand of the people to give slave reparations to the all black members of society which I have publicly refuted to Officer Robinson of the Superior Police Department, and global leaders, including Governor Tony Evers, WI, also Governor Tim Walz, MN.
Since living on 13th Street where I rented from Superior Rental, through persons such as Jennifer West, her mother Julie Clark I spoke with her about being harassed in society that it had been going on since I was living in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Now my father may be in my landlords basement, and it is a fact that recent renovations, lot of hammering has taken place. Persons such as Crystal Lundgren, Manger of Tower Street McDonald's, her spouse, Officer Lundgren they've known about me and are closely integral with my landlord's right hand man, who has been so 'cutsy' with me introducing me to my landlord and all of this corruption has taken place.
The white female Sheriff of Wisconsin who used to visit me in the parking lot of the Holiday Gas Station to 'check on me' identify my whereabouts, sh knew what was going on when I was homeless. This subjugation.
Barack Obama has been personally affronted with my demands to the Administrators of Mount Vernon, attempting to get hands on lands along the east coast for black members of society to dominate. My father had rights to this land through his spouse, my mother, and I was very vocal about this to everyone.
The audacity of the community members who have chosen to attack my family for over a sixty year period claim it to be their right of the people, a strong arm tactic to coerce other members of society to give them 'the monthly stipend' this is local torture at the sub-level and Kelso, who Officer Collins of the Superior Wisconsin law enforcement department was/is buddy's with did support.
Kelso who was accusing me falsely in front of my landlord of racism did talk with Brain Roseau about his 'lump sum settlement', then knives were being left all over the place where there was even a confrontation between me and Brain about 'knives'. They became obsessed with knives.
Kelso has been aware of my father and mother's rights to land in Virginia. I made it public. I must make an effort to know the United States law enforcement members who willing enjoy torturing an old man, and me, that they would be able to get the State of Minnesota Medical examiner, likely, possibly the same one who detained me, to make a falsified death certificate, that they would never allow a person to see the light of day, to be tortured for the likes of Kelso.
Brian Roseau knew I had a missing person report out on my father. I have to realize this fact that my demands to find my father carried no weight in fact Officer Collins seemed enthralled with getting to take advantage of this situation like it was his power house, that they did create this threat to my mother and father, aging individuals who knew what citizens like this were capable of a long time ago.
I stand by my original statement, it is what my father and mother made to me when I was all of 12, and I studied society all of these years and learned from what I was being shown, "they do not have a right to do this to people", and "they do not have a right to it".
No to Slave Reparations. Yes to knowing who the real perverts in society are, Elizabeth II, Barack Obama, Camilla Harris, Charles Mountbatten, these are the individuals who knew, had the documents, for more over sixty years what my parents rights were. And they devised a plan.