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Plum Tree Memory


Writer's pictureJodi Rae

Nextdoor Commentary about Menards Security

Lincoln Park Sophia it’s called COVID by every person who isn’t xenophobic. 5 days ago Like Reply Share 2 Molly C. Central Hillside Asher which came from China, not xenophobic, fact 5 days ago Like Reply Share 2 Molly C. Central Hillside Asher 🙄🙄🙄🙄 5 days ago Like Reply Share Molly C. Central Hillside Asher I did not block you. You go find your safe space.. 3 days ago Like Reply Share Molly C. Central Hillside 🤡🤡🤡What a stretch of your imagination (edited) 3d Like Reply Share Molly C. Central Hillside Asher my comments are all there 3 days ago Like Reply Share Asher Estrin-Haire Lincoln Park Molly Nope, not your first comment. It’s been deleted. 🍑🕳️

Molly C. COVID did not come from China, the Midwest of the United States, York International Corporation was performing testing of odor, low sound vibration high frequency due to enormous amount of YK chiller's installed in the Ethanol Plants started up in the Midwest, bringing industries closer into proximality of humans biological form. Also, Walt Disney was doing a very public yet private study that was sponsored back in the 1990's regarding entering the Walt Disney gates, and euphoria of homey sights and smells was supposed to encapsulate a person. It did not go well and was hushed. Also, it was determine it would be great to study it further as a biological weapon to undermine the minds ability to be cognitive. Great money maker. Another ideal lost to most, was the Medical Professional industry, they wanted to inoculate for Staph infection. How could they do this on a mass scale. How could they get a hold of enough biological material to create a mass vaccine, then they were trying to figure out how to 'cause people to get vaccinated' along with this was the want to micro-chip every single citizens to monitor their movements. 3 days ago Like Reply share Jodi Brennan Downtown Superior Molly C. Sorry I hit carriage return...stealing enough DNA from the right person to create a mass amount of vaccine material and vaccinate persons was the goal of medical communities around the world to prevent staph infection after surgery which was the leading cause of law-suits to doctors costing them millions and causing their practices to suffer and close their doors. The only person that was well known for having staph infections in mass was King Henry VIII. The only one to have them, live with them, and basically survive them. I too had massive amounts of Staph infections throughout my childhood, I too descend from the sibling of King Henry VIII, his eldest sister Margaret. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got into my medical file at Blue Cross Blue Shield, through my husband who was an employee, they stole documents. Alicia Michaels of Superior Wisconsin who was my boss at REM Arrowhead affected my employment causing me to end up donating my plasma, which I have never been able to even hardly give a vial of blood at the doctors office, that did not last for long, however, they did send out my plasma and told me they were doing it, which I did not have a clue to why they were doing it, they suddenly my muscle constricted so while I donated that I could not do it any longer. I was banned. But they now had a large amount of my plasma to make vaccines. Creating a reason for persons to move to the vaccination centers is the need now. Low sound vibration inserted into the lungs, deep into the lungs will unbalance the whole biological workings of the human form. Suddenly you have COVID. Funny thing is my former boss at York International Corporation, his wife was the expert at giving vaccines. Straight student, hard driver and saw a revenue generator. Also, they are loyal Swedes and realized I had rights to the crown of Scotland, and this would affect their status they gained with the King of Sweden, from back in WWII. Lots of work went into this and it wasn't out of China. Right in the Midwest. Why do you think the North Korean leader wanted to shoot a missile at the Midwest, specifically. They picked on him because he like apparently, the drink 'Hennessey Whiskey', sweet as Tennessee Whiskey... anyway it isn't that long of a story, but true non-the-less. Funny huh?!

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