The descendants of, Chief 'Weroance' Nectowance Powhatan, of Wyanoak and Werowance 'King Nectowance' (1630 - 1644), through, Cap. Lt. -Col Nathaniel West of Poplar Neck and Martha Woodward aka Macon [INHERITED: Father's tract of land along the Pamunkey River above Johns Creek, co-heiress with her sister].
As Regent, I feel I must communicate what I feel is a outright dispersion of higer-archial members of the tribe. As Regent of the Plum Tree Memory family members, there is an appearance through the facilitation of the United States Indian Affairs, Barack Obama, and Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of deliberate intent of leaving out a few persons with higher archial rights to a declared population, governing rights and tribe acceptance and acknowledgment.
I feel certain the United States government has known of the main players of the Pamunkey Tribe, that of Marvin and Donna from around the Nixon Presidency and find that likely the Watergate entrails are a component of a domination of the land of the East Coast and exemption of Marvin and Donna's family where you the leaders of the Pamunkey Tribe, Barack Obama and Elizabeth II along with the U.S. Indain Affairs Bureau leaders have been deliberately negligent in your public affairs and ascertians of who you are and the leaving out of others.
This Regent of Plum Tree Memory family members acknowledges those who descend through Augustine Washington Sr. and William Dandridge and does seek inclusion of the Plum Tree Memory family members into the Pamunkey Tribe, and does make ascertian that particular forms of governess of the tribe and the land along the East coast of the United States do belong to those family members of Plum Tree Memory.