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Plum Tree Memory


Presidential Election 2020

To Whom This May Concern:

My name is Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan, Regent of Plum Tree Memory and Ascender.

You likely are aware that I have made multiple request for the United States citizen to cease and desist the 2020 Presidential Election process.

These request’s have been to the East Coast States of the North American Continent including to the State of Delaware at this email, <> and does regard, King Marvin Edward Trogstad and Queen Donna Rae Burns Trogstad of the Commonwealth of the North American Continent and the regency.

Daily, flashed across the television for the nation to view, we as a society have been forced to face the Supreme Court justices via News Reporters and varying Reporting agency of 'their' process or belief of the constitution and how it is for the people by the people yet recent riots reflect many citizens angry about the constitution and law enforcement’s place in citizens lives.

There is belief citizens have been undermined and the quality of citizens life within the United States of America have been sacrificed with the use of the constitution as a backdrop and an excuse.

Where in the past the Supreme Court justice were more removed from everyday citizens lives’ we are confronted daily with your persons and expectations of knowing the law, even when many citizens live and act within the law and do not require reminders, it has become habit by marketing professionals who use the legislator, congress, and senate as well as the Supreme Court judges to allow marketing advertisement to rule our daily lives.

Marketing Campaigns include ‘a what factor’ of American society. Persons must continuously, without fail learn, know and practice every day, non-bigotry, non-racist, non-inflammatory responses, be creative, active, slow down, talk, listen, act, relax, live, love, express yourself, etc.

Citizen’s view and hear continually what we are as a society from C-SPAN and other News Media frequently hearing characterizations of persons in society by persons running for office, where the latest tout is to benefit in the form of medical health needs, mortgage needs, social service elements citizens are deserving of, etc. Many citizens are given to believe and are presented as though the whole body of citizens of the nation is experiencing a mental health crisis and must be administered to in some fashion.

Perhaps it is not so much a failing of citizens mental health, but more of an elitist's determination done to the citizens with intent to draw profit and gain for persons such as individuals in the medical field and social service organizations where they have been given over to believe citizens must perform a service to them to navigate their prosperity or demise through local resources such as the local shopping mall, grocery stores, hardware stores and other venues including movie theaters. The Supreme Court justices and other agencies, e.g.: local law enforcement, local judges, Supreme Court Judges, might seek to improve and seek to create and provision for themselves and use unlawful activity to support their increase in wealth via cyber-technology.

Where is the societal discussion about the use of cyber-technology within merchant's business that is presented at the register, in the stores and on television through television advertisement used to draw market dollars. This was discussed to be delivered into society in the early 1980’s. George Bush was even heard to say, he wasn’t sure how the ‘people’ were going to handle it.

It is this regent and writer’s opinion the a business called Menards, Inc. based in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States is a large contributor to a deviance in society with the use of cyber-technology.

Many law enforcement departments subjected to exposure by citizen as well as citizens themselves subjected to this high-technological exposure over the years, truly believing and not realizing at this time of the season that it has had a presence in the State of Wisconsin and other communities of more than forty years, instead think and believe that they were ‘born with extra-sensory’ capabilities.

Do to the violent treatment that has come from certain community members of Superior Wisconsin and specifically inclusive of Chad the store manager of Menards, Inc. store, as he was aware of the IT personals use of this technology from the Menards, Inc. headquarters reasoning it was used to prevent this regent from learning of the ancestry that can allow for this letter to be directed as it is to the political body acting under the constitution, the Regent of PTM has had to request Law enforcement have access to this technology to ‘protect’ this citizen rather than ‘harm’ this citizen.

Many persons this regent has talked to found it difficult to trust and believe and it wasn’t until the declaration of COVID19 and then the enormity of deaths that persons started to believe something else might be suspect in their community’s. Particularly when the instructions have come to prevent COVID19 infection to not ‘shout’ or ‘sing’. This is not a part of a normal infliction of a virus.

The Merchant John Menards has had the ability to pass the ‘it’ of technology around where some believe it a divine right, yet the need to protect society now is decidedly greater as it is my opinion this technology is backfiring or imploding on itself as it is represented in the extraordinary cases of COVID19 with the greater number of case being within the borders of the State of Wisconsin.

Many business members from Managers, Human Resource persons, waitress, many, many others learn this and some see its importance of an ‘in’ and use person who are committed in unlawful activity’s and have served some judicial sentence or paid a fine of restitution or are descendants of slave plantation owners, speaking of myself, where the word has gotten through the black community those individuals must be removed from society and it has become a ‘great’ scavenger hunt for them through ‘game apps’ on telephones and computers, etc.

The cyber-technology was brought into the market long ago as a dream of explaining extra-sensory powers of humans and to use to subliminal message through television ads to draw market dollars at specific times of the day or night.

The exposure is real and deadly as persons with stronger mental capabilities or even ones with weaker mindsets use their minds to aggress on another individual.

This regent believes cyber-technology is the cause of what the CDC is calling COVID19 virus and is the reason for the reduction of numbers of human life across the United States and more specifically the numerous lives lost with the State of Wisconsin which does have a clear and defining line as the radius has built out. It is a definitive act on the part of the merchant Menards, Inc. that is almost war-like and has expressed itself just as transfers of powers ramp up whether in the United States or across the oceans.

I have requested the politic powers that exist currently in the United States to cease and desist their under-takings and pause. You’ve rushed citizens to a present state of mind or a condition that is a do or die and the effects of this misuse of technology is very real to many and staring them in the face. ‘IT’ is presented as make a choice of purchase power and reflects who lives and who dies, buy this now, or else.

As a body of official’s you do appear aloof or perhaps purposefully lose sight of a political process which is very real to this regent now though not five years ago, but that the United Kingdom is having a change in powers of representation.

As regent of Plum Tree Memory, now aware through the force of the power of John Menards employees and other citizens of the Superior Wisconsin community and greater global community, regarding my ancestry, I feel the force of legal authority of the Legislature, Congress, and Senate needs to be restrained.

I believe you are aware of my public statements as it can be seen on your faces and in your demeanor as I watch throughout the weeks on C-SPAN or other areas of influence on television. I feel an attempt to humor the process coming through the television screen, while I observe an unrelenting public presence regarding property owed to Plum Tree Memory regency looming out of my reach used to ‘keep at bay’ the truth of how the United States government has been run for more than fifty years.

The forthright of my statements to ‘black community members’ regarding their expected response to identify themselves to Plum Tree Memory if they feel they are descendants of slave plantation slaves of which Plum Tree Memory inherited, is to move Plum Tree Memory’s family members away from an unlawful political process used for so long by the legislative body of citizens where they have used the voting process to negate property rights to King Marvin and Queen Donna and the family of Plum Tree Memory.

It is also to show that everyday activities which has allowed ‘some to reap’ rewards unjustly as they practice politics is not consistent for a life well lived. That this regent will be able to gain control of property held at bay by the Commonwealth of Virginia and other east coast states and provide for lives in a way not conceived due to the misrepresentation of Plum Tree Memory family and this regent and then this degradation process so strongly associated with politics unnecessarily can be exposed in a new light as stated here.

Cease and desist with this 2020 Presidential Election process.


Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan, Regent and Ascender

3209 Belknap Ave #29

Superior Wisconsin 54880

(715) 919-3951

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