I am bringing to your attention several persons of interest that has been horrendously overlooked the last forty or more years. Persons living in the United States of America who have known little of their ancestry yet understood their was a significance to history that should have allowed for recognition and a higher standard of living of earnings of revenue.
Elizabeth II, has been celebrated all of these years as the 'Duke of Normandy' and much acclaim has been given to her with rewards of revenue while Marvin and Donna Trogstad were directly and significantly overlooked and unacknowledged as rightful heirs to the Duchy of Normandy and all that it entails.
The response of Nicola Sturgeon, Prime Minister of Scotland, withholding the Title of the House of Windsor from Elizabeth II due to WWII reproach all the while Elizabeth II has had control over land at current, rightfully belonging to Plum Tree Memory family members, that of the Duchy of Normandy, most be discussed and reversal of this title to Elizabeth II must be made quickly in public and turned over to its rightful heirs, those of Plum Tree Memory.