Got a trans-gender next door that seem to have inside information about me before I moved here, the neighbor on the other-side didn't speak to highly of this transgender person when I stopped to get the keys for the place back in January or February maybe it was.
Someone is smoking and it is making me ill, plus the transgender likes to talk through the walls and make herself known and it is getting to me.
Does she know who has the seeds for the tobacco that was grown in the original colonies, supposedly stolen from Spain.
Who has those seeds for that special strain of tobacco.
Tosh and her 'mommie' seem to enjoy taunting me out of the place, just like happened with Carl Miller and his "daughter" Emmaline.
When are these LGBTQ persons going to cease and desist? They seem to enjoy making me lose my job and to make my life difficult.
It took me three months to move here and I tried hard to make it a quiet transition, it is almost as though she moved her with intent, and has made it known to the neighbors just like Emmaline did in Superior Wisconsin.
I wonder if a gay person has the 'strain' of tobacco that my ancestor stole from Spain and brought to America and strong-armed me through illegal activity with my employers and the LGBTQ community loves to help due to the psychiatric community making the claims that propelled them into a wealth of income through 'mental health' causes.
We got it all right here and I am headed for the streets again no thanks to the LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter organizations.
We still haven't solved, "Where is my dad?", "How is my mom?"
But I am smeared with the vaginal juices and semen of the LGBTQ and Black Caucus Leaders with their agendas with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs and their taking of what belonged to my colonial ancestors that have nothing to do with the Werowocomoco Tribe, but do have everything to do with that special strain of tobacco.