Since there is so many persons in the Superior Wisconsin community, Brandy, Heather, etc. well you know who you are, Robert -you've cost me again.
I don't know if you realize the difference of an eight weeks course and my time and energy and your building that trailer your selling for $700.00.
The importance of my math class to the cost of ~$1100.00, and your trailer.
Since the ladies @ Superior Inn were clearly aware of the condition of my genealogy due to Kay Bigga being an employee at UWS, where the Dalkeith Palace has been leased by the University of Wisconsin Superior for more than 35 years increasing income in Midlothian Scotland, I have to assume the stress I was put under due to Robert Carter's new found love and devotion for me was a direct influence of Kay Bigga and other community members.
The man was drinking and smoking pot in excess when I first moved into the home I am renting a room at, and Robert only cried about his missing his dog that had been gone for two years.
Suddenly, my job at McDonald's was being affected and the ladies were freaking out and Brandy was advising to watch out for this person and watch out for that person.
Now I am not so innocent to believe she has my best interest in cautionary me, and I am very interested in her paying for my summer class that she and her friend Robert Carter agitated me out of. Another class affected by the gang of Superior Wisconsin who are all associated to some degree with some reason about something and had no need at all to do what they did yet they did.
I bet they don't want to sell that trailer and turn the $700.00 dollars over to me to pay for this class they've negatively influenced me to the degree I had to once again drop it. Just like the 'girls' at Superior Inn, and Kay Bigga as well as the 'girls' at Barker Island Inn.
Ladies and gentlemen, your costing me in excess and I want you to put up some funds and pay my expenses that you've created in excess. And stop screwing with your minds and directing it at me regarding my genealogy, or any other contrived reason.
What say you hand me that $700 dollars when the trailer sells. It different ain't it Robert Carter?