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Plum Tree Memory


The Delle's, my mother's first husband's family...

Writer's picture: Jodi RaeJodi Rae

I have not seen nor spoken with my mother since 2015, when I made a drive to Madeline Island and on my return, knowing I needed to move out of Doyle Howard's place immediately as he was distraught over something odd, I stopped at my parents home in Mora to discuss me possibly coming to live with them for a while.

We visited and it was pleasant but they were both motivated to spend time alone and do more traveling without anyone in the house.

I understood this and made my own way back to Willmar Minnesota and made my move to Superior or Duluth and located a place to reside.

Several years later they made their way to Alaska, by that time, I'd moved to Superior Wisconsin to finish my education, applied to UWS accepted and began classes in the Summer 2016.

After being in Superior working for REM-Arrowhead and Menards then signing up for school I had increasing pressures on me from reasons that at the time I did not understand and have come to learn is more about Charles Mountbatten and other Native Tribes taking control of land and depriving my own family of rights and privileges we are deserving of.

I have learned through a great amount of vested time, energy, research of eight years, everyday, discovered rather late the mischievousness of the State of Virginia who've spent a great amount of energy, 'taking' citizens of the United States money and sending it out of the country under a ruse.

Recently, just before Barack's nomination as President, Elizabeth II, Barack Obama and Joe Biden worked integrally with citizens in Virginia and the Government to secure for themselves land that was in original treaties with the Pamunkey Tribe and the Werowocomoco Tribe.

I believe they did act to destroy the document hidden in the Pentagon which may be a result of the Pentagon bombing on 9-1-1, an attempt to distract from the real issue by bombing of the World Trade Center due to Donald Trump perhaps having pissed off Elizabeth II or the Mountbatten's when demanding the Crown of Scotland and obtaining 'Crown Estate lands', in Carrick, Scotland.

The Delle's in Pequot Lake, Brainerd, Crow Wing Co., Minnesota were aware when my mother was married to Bob and living in his parents home, where she had not had Julie yet in May of 1958, but Linda was just a year old certainly or she was pregnant with her, my mother was sent upstairs when 'people came to the door' after locating her and passed information on about something.

This was always a secret.

These acts by Virginia's governing body, Mount Vernon Administrators, Elizabeth II, the Mountbatten's, other governing officials, it has had and they have had a negative determinant affect on me personally losing my home in St. Paul, my property and consecutively affecting my rights to educate myself or pay my debts.

Currently with regards to my workings as a self-employed person or even working for an employers, some or certain ones are just not able to cope with the insistence of these individuals who learned I am a descendant of King Edward III Plantagenet through both of my parents as well as a descendant of mostly all of Scotland's Kings, but have a claim through the Werowocomoco Tribe, but I also descend through the Washington's, Ayletts, Ashton's Avery's, Winter, and Ingrams.

In fact this possession of 'Power of Attorney' of my mother's finances, is an illegal action where my mother has Crown Rights, yet Camilla is allowed to sit with the Crown's and revenues on the Estate and no mention has been made by the Delle's to anyone in the United States except it seems to strong-arm them or restrict silently doing nothing regarding protecting the rights of American's citizens descended from Donna.

It seems there is not even a consideration or an argument of my rights through my dad, and that the United States Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs may be working with the Delle's, arguing a mute point.

My mother was married to my father in 1958.

I believe my father to be falsely declared dead, removed from his place in hospice, illegally detained and harbored for government control and emphasis by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, Native American citizens in the Superior Wisconsin community, as well as other very ignorant citizens who did gleefully take my father to task for slavery and it is the very large black man in the green house on Hughitt Avenue in Superior right across from 2007 Hughitt where I was living.

He and Officer Robinson are aware of this public accusation. As is Officer Morgan and Don Benner, K9 Officer of the City of St. Paul and others who interacted with me and did corrupt Leonard Fretland, Terry Diaferio, Kia Keller, Katie Blake at York International Corporation, Johnson Controls, Inc. which harassed the hell out of me for more than five years.

I am certain the management of York International Corporation was aware of Diana Spencer and me in our challenging situation with land rights before I left ALL, Inc. in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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