What I find most interesting is the excessive commentary coming forth regarding the 'royals' of the United Kingdom. This did not happen in the past and only came about to create a condition of humbleness of the Mountbatten's, distracting the people from what had occurred during World War II, the Mountbatten's taking control of what was not theirs to have.
They used Hollywood to gain acceptance through Margaret, of Snowdon with the 'help' or 'support' of the United States governing body, who insisted then there should be certain conditions that benefited the U.S. Presidential role which could not exist due to the nature of my parents roles as descendants of King Edward I, II, III, also of Edmund, 'Crouchback', King Henry II, III, King James I Stewart, King Henry Tudor, et.al.
Piers Morgan may or may not have known my father's unwillingness to participate in political affairs since he had three young children to protect, and also my mother's first husbands children. My father had been threatened with murder and reviled throughout his life.
Sifting through who was allowed 'to hate' allowed to overindulge their brashness regarding my father and his progeny is why I push this agenda. I do this for the protection of my mother and father's progeny who have rights to things, places, and people the United Kingdom began to use to generate tourism, creating revenue, then denied us privilege of through members of civilian society such as Piers Morgan.
Is Alastair Campbell related to my former sister-in-law Eileen Campbell, who did seem to know something about me and my rights when my children were very young, then proceeded to turn their hearts and minds from me with the help of my former spouse and his siblings, one whom is supposedly married to a man whose father was business partners with Adolph Hitler.
Destroyed my rights to be a parent, a daughter, a Grandmother and sibling. Absolutely these individuals did affect so determinedly my civil freedoms as an American but also my divine inalienable inheritable suo jure de jure jure uxoris lawfully of the body rights to enjoy privileges, then served the Mountbatten's, and caused my own children to turn from those people who gave them this same privilege through lawfully of the body.
Alastair can separate himself as need be from my public accusation of threats to my life and the more than twenty year harassment I've experienced by society members who struggled with the truth, and Eileen, Loretta, Phillip, nor Ian or Joseph would bring themselves to be a kinder kin to me and support, rather they did make way to 'get it all for themselves'.
I am attempting to give cause to discovery of the who threatened my parents from as long ago as the 1950's, that landed the Crown of England on Elizabeth II's head.
It is certain that allowing these people such as Alastair Campbell take this to their graves is complicating the lives of my children and grandchildren and my nieces and nephews, where it is a fact during Alastair's tenure as British Prime Minister the rights my family was entitled to were attempted to be aggressively removed, those "divine inalienable inheritable suo jure de jure jure uxoris lawfully of the body right of the governance of the Crowns, not only of Scotland which Elizabeth II nor any of her family had any right to govern with, but also those of Spain a.k.a. Leon and Castile, Portugal, France, Duchy of Wurttemberg, et.al. etc.
I want to understand what Alastair Campbell's relationship is to my former sister-in-law Eileen who did bring a wrath upon my family that made my children believe that their children would be 'mentally retarded' if allowed to be near me.
It is my belief Eileen and many others knew exactly what they were doing to me and forcing me these past fifteen years to a complicated financial depreciation and faced with homelessness is at her hands and perhaps Alastair Campbell, maybe even the former priest, Father Campbell, of Church of St. Joseph West St Paul, Bishop Campbell.
Likely, my problem lies in the Campbell clan itself.

Phillip Michael Brennan, Uncle; Jasmine Rae Brennan; Jason P.E. Brennan

Jason Patrick Edward Brennan - 1st Communion