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Plum Tree Memory


To the King of Netherlands, King Willem Alexander

Writer's picture: Jodi RaeJodi Rae

Good day to you Prime Minister, Mark Rutte [Mark Rutte - Wikipedia] and King Willem Alexander [Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands - Wikipedia]

Many global communities are aware of the goal of the Regent of Plum Tree Memory that is to prevent further 'taking' of land that rightfully belongs to the family members of Plum Tree Memory, and be publicly acknowledge of an environment that has been held at bay and most now be relinquished back to the rightful holders of the land and resources, that of Plum Tree Memory family members.

It is a fact the 'royals' of many regions have been aware of the premise of 'taking' the land belonging to Plum Tree Memory family members, before they were designated as such and were simply, Marvin and Donna's daughters or Donna and Robert's children; then while the members of Plum Tree Memory family were unaware of the condition of their existence within the global community, land was manipulated and redirected and has cost those children greatly.

That much direction of events has occurred through and with the facilitation of the American legislative process with Senators, Congresspersons, Governors and others 'having the information' while the family members of Plum Tree Memory were not aware of their value to the world and universe we have lost land under our feet. Properties, resources and financial value.

The family members are now aware of past, current and future potential and must act to cause other global community members from extracting wrongly land, politics, resources, and funds.

Please consider this an official notification to your organization.

It is imperative that your 'Kingdom' understand this Regent is working on the intervention of umbrellaing land by organizations such as yours, which was clearly known by many to be the elder, Marvin and Donna's and their progeny.

That during the transformation of knowledge from elite to the lower caste society of the past twenty - thirty years, where the information was slowly, superficially and underhandly 'leaked' to the public, though this information was public as early as 2001 or earlier with the Commonwealth of Virginia, Maryland, and other colonial works put forth to the public, without the ability to access this information or disseminate the information particularly through a fund raiser put-forth by the United Kingdom that being, it was impossible for the progeny of Marvin and Donna to have understood the magnitude of wealth they held, without the factualness of the following website [https://jodirae63/] their, the PTM family members comprehension could not act to defend themselves against your organization and others such as the United Kingdom and your organization and the United Kingdom who did know of the family members of Plum Tree Memory from as early as 1970's, must be under reproach by this Regent to create a cease and desist within the global community, that the family members should take-hold of what is rightfully theirs to own.

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