I recall the who was instigating my household, my family, my financials, and then consider how these laws are known about in the justice system, civil documentary in law books, I can only shudder at the horror my father or my Uncle had been put through for the homosexual community, the black community, the antics of society's unrelenting need to torment my father just to torment him. This was occurring by law officers of the West St. Paul Police department, when I was young as I have described in excessive documentation.
Now I asked where is my father, who supposedly died on the 11th of July 2023 the day I made the public claim to the Grand Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster.
Which group seems to have lost their sense of proportion or reality, LGBTQ or the Black Community..., whom knows where my father is?
On Beaver Tail Road, Askov Minnesota:
Raynerd Youngberg, MichElaine Rippentrop, Matt and Mary Able.
My sister, Lori, had been having trouble with Raynard her landlord, he was the reason I was locked up and detained for six months called Paranoid Schizophrenic, the judicial system of Pine County knew who my family was and my family was being interceded by these individuals, unbeknownst to me when I lived in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Mary Able had befriended my mother-in-law joining her at a painting class at a studio on Grand Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota. They'd known each other for years, but suddenly things were not going well for Patricia with Mary, then suddenly Mary was at Michael's funeral.
MichElaine Rippentrop seemed to know who I was when I was walking my dog Chewbaca into town from the Youngberg property I was stuck on in 2010 after losing my property in St. Paul to WSCO and REDA.
MichElaine was accounting supervisor at the Grand Casino Hinckley. I'd never met her until I was resigned in Askov Minnesota. Her daughter Kim worked at the Gateway Clinic in Moose Lake where I was illegally detained and removed from my residence after asking a deputy sheriff to get my jewelry box from Raynard in 2013.
MichElaine's grandson I was introduced to in Mill Lacs with her other daughter, he was a paramedic driver. Wonder what his association was to my illegal detainment and the goal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Elizabeth II and the taking of the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Crown of Zeeland using the Crown of St. Edward the Confessor, which belonged to my father.
All of these people are involved in my opinion with the disappearance of my father and his subjugation. Likely they are the reason my Uncle struggled in his home, going nuts due to the abuses of these individuals.
Now I have been introduced to a young woman last year of one of the tribal reservations as wanting a sex change operation. This must make Charles Mountbatten and his cohorts drool at the thought of 'getting hold of my dad'.
Members of society hated me and they hated my sibling Lori and they hated my dad...