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Plum Tree Memory


Working and Living in the United States

Writer's picture: Jodi RaeJodi Rae

My sibling Julie was taken from St. Paul twice, once held captive by 'two black men' taken at gun-point and forced to prostitute for three years, brought back pregnant, with a blond, blue-eyed child -whose child?

The Black Community has been aggressive these last thirty years with regards to 'taking' plantations and original patent lands, moving themselves into castle's and baronies, getting the citizens to pay them revenues, not only in America but in Europe, I must assume globally this is occurring -Mafia.

I feel certain when I watched my sister Julie being drive away by another white woman, down to Arkansas that William and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater issue was affecting her. The smile on her face was different, not Julie. She never came to the door.

It has been a habit of companies, similar to what was occurring to me with York International Corporation like it was with McDonald's, Elizabeth gained revenues certainly for the 'Crown Estates' that really belonged to my family and she helped herself to without rights, and the black community did 'help her' mafia style, after all she did have her African Army to support her.

Thus the infiltration of white officers of St. Paul sent to surround me on more than one occasion, as it was in Superior Wisconsin and I have complained about this to those law enforcement agencies directly.

Now I am just taking in my reality, go work at Walmart in Ironwood to survive. I did not think this was necessary because I had a job before moving here with a company in Michigan, never consider I would be here in less than a month with a political agenda looming over me, again making me homeless while Camilla née Parker Bowles wears the jewels of the Crown Estate of England, which belong to my family.

My sister is in Arkansas, and claims she has been de compensating somewhat.

I have to insist to the body of employees with Walmart, one of whom was aggressive as hell with me in St. Paul, Larry, the frozen food section night-shift manager who lived on Elizabeth he is/was friends with Pete @ 73 Baker Street in St. Paul, a Fond du Lac Tribal member, who together were working on maximizing their fortunes at my families expense it appears to know this condition was occurring, not necessarily about them personally.

I rarely shopped at, if at all at Walmart. I shopped at Talbots, and K-Mart.

I only worked there for a few weeks for a different company just recently.

I have to insist publicly again, please citizens, of the Corporate World, Lay Persons, LGBTQ, Black Community, Native American's and others recognize and realize the treaties was for the Pamunkey Tribe and England to do business. Not all of the tribes.

But remember, with regard to the Enbridge oil pipeline, the Mountbatten's did not ever have a right of governess over Canada hence the change of their governing body, then the Native Tribes began to take possession of the pipelines by buying up the land they were on. As I native of Minnesota they began aggression violently on my family. I have reported this to law enforcement. This is a crap shoot for me if I do not make these types of statements. I need to survive. Camilla has all of our wealth, the Mountbatten's and the citizens of America gave all of my wealth to Camilla and are angry with me for my truth and reality and can't stop themselves from making it worse.

The Treaty of the Pamunkey was attacked by Bennie Thompson, Henry Louis Gates, Oprah Winfrey, this is reported, Elizabeth II used Barack Obama to gain entrance to this property she did not have a right to.

Over the last fifty years or more, an illusion was maximized by the political body of the day and ignorance on the part of many without documentation and this condition with England and with the Pamunkey Tribe was reviled by many other Native American's for years. I knew this.

There is documentation in public by the public and governing body and historians which reflects my family as rightful heirs to Crown Estates of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, some in Scotland was given to Donald Trump, it was Donald who wanted to 'buy' the Crown of Scotland.

Due to the issues of World War I & II and other conditions of wants by the governing body's of the day, our family was relatively small and unknown.

We can not deny this fact now, and I have made the rightful projection of the claim to the Crown and reported what was facts for me occurring in St. Paul Minnesota and Superior Wisconsin.

I cannot live scrutinizing the degree of your brown or black skin. Or whether someone is 'blue'.

Literally in St. Paul, along my walks on the sidewalk would be placed markers, a line then it would be in black, brown, or blue spray paint, 'BFL', Black, Brown, Blue for Life.

People were calling out my walks alone and with my children.

Stop beating me up about this and give me my rightful place with my ancestral homelands, here in America and in Europe and stop affecting my working conditions.

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