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Plum Tree Memory


Writer's pictureJodi Rae

'X' formerly 'Twitter' running the State of Minnesota

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

The State of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been using a 'Governor of Minnesota', 'Twitter' or 'X' account to advise the State of Minnesota citizens and the global public of legislative conditions, or the governing of the State of Minnesota or just his daily calendar.

The State of Minnesota is in a treasonous rule currently having supported the falsified crowning of Charles Mountbatten, ruling under a crown belonging to Marvin Edward Trogstad, a man, Governor Tim Walz in July of 2023, falsely declared dead.

The falsified death of Marvin Edward Trogstad, falsified cremation and funeral process was strategized, to remove his identity from him. Push him to the streets of Duluth as an old decrepit man, hooked on drugs after leaving him sit in the company of persons where he is locked up, forced to sit in their environment of meth or crack.

After a while, when he can no longer remember his name, because no one is calling him by his name, that he is 91 years old, to remove his person to a lower caste society, the streets, to live without his family, deprived of his basic mas-low hierarchy needs, forever deprived of his rights of Crown Governance.

Marvin is burden with the use of cyber-technology brought about by person's/people who have threatened to murder me with the help of their associates, including the Douglas County Social Service group right here in Superior Wisconsin, including Tess at BMO Bank, her sister, Tara and Chelsea, former employee of Superior Inn, hired by Douglas County, working at Chum or rather several years ago was. All members of Superior Inn staff have knowledge of Kay Bigga and Michelle Johnson's intent to control Marvin Edward Trogstad and his family, they are malicious, hateful and participate this downtrodden condition of humanity with deliberate intent to generate business, like trading old dogs from one shelter to another.

Kay Bigga and Michelle Johnson and their staff have been well aware of Marvin's authority over Charles Mountbatten and stand to gain the most in using Marvin to maintain their same sex privileges.

Marvin had been residing at Harmony House unbeknownst to me. I was told by my half-sibling Linda if I went near him she would file a restraining order. I think Linda sold my dad strategizing native American rights or a belief she would have sovereignty from people when left alone without my parents for protection, that she aligned herself with Kay Bigga and Michelle Johnson proprietors of Superior Inn of Wisconsin.

With deliberate, discussed intention to harm us, acted upon Marvin and me his daughter over a long period of time.

A hired recent graduate of UWS, an employee of Superior Inn, good friends of Kay Bigga, associated to the Congden murder, friends with Tara Bru, Heather, and knowing who to push and shove to it through her software on her telephone, Chelsea, did understand the benefits of driving the highest pitch, lowest pitch into the software using it to cause Marvin to not know his own self.

Law Officer's, Collins, and others, you know who you are, you've used our person's now for over nine years, to a depreciate degree. Did so at the behest of Charles Mountbatten and Camilla perhaps, more I suspect simply for the fun of it, to teach us royals a lesson.

With the help of the Douglas County Social Service group, which Chelsea former employee of Superior Inn, the one who did graduate from the group led by Tammy Fanning, the Dean of Students, who falsely accused me of racism through the white security guard of the UWS campus, these person were aware of my father's right to the title of 'King of Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland,' and his power of authority over his wife's Donna's proprty as a descendant through the Pamunkey Tribe her rights to Mount Vernon.

These people have acted over the last nine years towards my family in a very deprived degree.

Barack Obama and Elizabeth II and the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs and others attempted to keep their rights from them, Marvin and Donna Trogstad.

Governor Tim Walz has used 'Twitter' a.k.a. 'X' to garner faith in the public supporting his presence or decisions that is/has cost Marvin Edward Trogstad his life and freedoms, also that of his daughter, Ms. Jodi R. Trogstad Brennan.

Governor Tim Walz of the State of Minnesota did use Superior Inn, of the State of Wisconsin, its Proprietor who was aware of the leasing of Dalkeith Palace since 1985, by the University of Wisconsin Superior, then did send several of his employees to 'hang out' at Superior Inn for months garnering information on people in the community, this was just before COVID. Technology induced killing machine.

Governor Tim Walz is in a treasonous condition of governing, discussed governing affairs of the State of Minnesota, in mafia planned style tactics the demise of Marvin's family and plotted with Joe Biden, Barack Obama and other legislators World War III, using resources Marvin has a right of rule over and Twitter or 'X'.

Governor Tim Walz has committed the ultimate act of murder via cyber-technology with the help of the lay public and using Twitter or X is guilty of acts of aggression towards me and members of society using Chelsea and Amy Peterson who was dating an Army National Guard man, they used telephone programs on campus and at work directly involving me creating profiles of my person and that of my family.

My rights to Crown governance and the very life of my father, who is not a no name steak or 'uh-huh' as he is being currently talked to in the basement of my landlord, per Brandy, Brian Roseau's girlfriend, Dave's wife is a man who deserved more at the end of life than to be treated so utterly treacherously as this, tortured, and subjugated possibly being used sexually by Carl Miller just before work to Wal-mart, in Ben Pechek's basement.

Governor Tim Walz uses Twitter or 'X' making the State of Minnesota look and sound lie a safe and friendly place to live while behind the scenes he and Lt Gov Peggy Flanagan made law officers 'hunt us down' using this cyber-hologram technology with the high pitched whine meant to drive us insane, bu more importantly to incite the masses to subjugate us. Carl Miller also a self-professed homosexual like Kay Bigga and Michelle Johnson have been going to great lengths to control their rights including falsely proclaiming my fathers death using him through displayed on all of the new video technology Ben has purchased entertaining the masses through hidden programs.

This involves slave reparations and a mass group of slaves descendants through Augustine Washington St. & Jr.

Mitch McConnell the former House Speaker and Kevin McCarthy knew what these people were doing to control same sex privilege. Abusing my father and his family.

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