Barons St Johns de Basing (1299)
Hubert Hugh de Port, de Port - b. abt 943, d. (?). M. Eleonor de Leon (ou Eleanor de Leone) - b. 945, d. c. 980 d/o Hervé de Leon, Vicomte de Léon s/o Even 'le Grand' de Leon and Ne Du Faou. Ch. Helena de Port, Adam de Port; M. 2nd, Ne (demoiselle) de Leon - b. c. 950. M. Alain de Loheac, Seigneur de Loheac et de Guipry, De loheac - b. c. 947. Ch. Hervede de Port
Helena de Port [de Leone] - b. c. 963, Port-en-Bessin, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France, d. (?). M. Roger de St. Sauveur - b. c. 965, d. 1045. Ch. Neil de St. Sauveur, Hamon de St. Sauveur
Neil (Nigel II) Vicomte de St. Sauveur - b. c. 982, d. c. 1045. M. Adele d'Eu de Brionne, ou Adela d'Eu de Brienne - b. c. 983. Ch. Ralph (Comte) d'Ivree ou Raoul d'Ivry ou Raoul de Bayeux, ou Raoul d'Aubigné (d'Albini) (d'Aubigny) D'Ivrée, Billeheude ou Bilehilde de Saint-Sauveur, De Saint Sauveur
Ralph (Comte) d'Ivree ou Raoul d'Ivry ou Raoul de Bayeux, ou Raoul d'Aubigné (d'Albini) (d'Aubigny) D'Ivrée - b. c. 1000, d. 1031. M. Albreda ou Alberade, De Bayeux. d/o Raoul (Count) of Bayeux, 'Earl of Ivry' de Bayeux - b. 972, d. (?) and Emeburge de Caux. Ch. Emma (d'Ivry) d'Ivree de Bayeux, Abbesse de St. Amand, D'Ivrée, Raoul d'Aubigné, D'Aubigné
Emma (d'Ivry) d'Ivree de Bayeux, [Abbesse de St. Amand], D'Ivrée - b. 1017, d. (?). M. Osbern (FitzHerfast) de Crepon, [Steward of Normandy] - b. c. 995, d. c. 1040 s/o Herfast (Herbastus Arfast) de Crepon, De Crepon - b. abt 950 Sauqueville, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, Frankrijk and Civid Uppsal, (ou) Onfrid Gundhild Danmark, D'Uppsala - b. at 955, Copenhagen, Seeland, Danmark, d. aft 1002. Ch. William FitzOsbern
William FitzOsbern, de Breteuil, ou Guillaume dit Breteuil Fitz-Osbern de Norwich, 'Earl of Hertford', de Crepon [Stated to have fought at Hastings with Wm the Conqueror] - b. c. 1034, d. 1071, German. M. Adelise 'Alice' de Toeni - b. c. 1037, d. c. 1088 d/o Roger (ler, II) 'the Spaniard' (l'Espagnol) de Toeni (Concehes), Standard Bearer of Normandy , Lord of Guerny, Seigneur de Tosny (de Tony) et de Conches; ou Roger ler HIspanicus, De Toeni - b. abt 1011, d. 1039 and Godeheut (Estephania Adelaide) Borrell (Godehut Godchilde Godhilda) De Barcelone - b. abt 1012, d. aft 1077. Ch. Emma FitzOsborn, Adeline de Reviers, Albreda de Crepon
William (Guillaume de Crepon, Count) of Breteuil, (from Crepon, De Pacy) [de Toeni] - b. c. 1054, d. 1117
Emma FitzOsborn (FitzOsborne) of Breteuil, of Hereford, de Crepon [de Toeni] - b. c. 1056, d. 1096
Adeliza (FitzWilliam) FitzOsbern, De Breteuil [de Toeni] - b. c. 1057
Havoise de Hede or Havoise Fitz-Osbern de Hede, 'Countess of Norwich' (heiress), Lady of Hede and Montauban-de-Bretagne, (de Breteuil) De Hede - b. c. 1070, d. 1156
Emma FitzOsborn, De Crepon [de Toeni] - b. c. 1036, d. (?). M. William, Lord by Vernon (Guillaume) - b. c. 1030, d. 1072. Ch. Adela de Vernon, Albreeida de Crepon
Adeline de Reviers, 'Countess of Reviers and Vernon de Crepon - b. 1038 d. (?). M. Baudouin (Guillaume) by Reviers or Baudouin de Nehou, 'Baron de Nehou'. Ch. William, Richard
William de Nehou [de Reviers]
Richard de Nehou [de Reviers]
Raoul d'Aubigné, the sea, D'Aubigné - b. c. 1019, d. (?). M. Jurnagonde or Junargonde, Ne. Ch. Do, D'Aubigne, D'Aubigné
Do, D'Aubigne, D'Aubigné - b. c. 1038, d. (?). M. Gonthier I de Doue, 'Lord of Gifted, De Doué' - b. c. 1030, d. 1072. Ch. Briand de Doue
Billeheude ou Bilehilde de Saint-Sauveur, De Saint Sauveur - b. c. 1002, d. (?). M. Richard de Mary, seigneur de Mary & autres lieux, De Mary - b. c. 995, d. c. 1080. Ch. Raul ou Rault ou Raoul de Mary Sieur/Sgr de Mary, Seigneur de Houspille, Sgr de Houesville, Sgr et Patron de Longueville, De Mary - b. c. 1040, d. c. 1120
Guillaume ou William d'Aubigny (d'Albini), Lord of the Isles', Ecuyer, D'Aubigny - b. c. 1010, Aubigny, Somme, Picardie, France, d. c. 1064. M. Ne Miss de Montsorrel, De Montsorel. Ch. Hamon de Montsorel, Ecuyer, De Montsorel
Hamon de Montsorel, Ecuyer, De Montsorel - b. c. 1030
Hamon de St. Sauveur - b. (?), d. (?). M. Godchilde de Belfoi. Ch. Richard de Belfoi
Richard de Belfoi, 'Lord de Glanville' - b. (?), d. (?). M. Ne de Glanville. Ch. Rainald de Glanville
Rainald de Glanville - b. 1035, Normandy, d. (?). M. c. (?). Ch. Ranulph de Glanville
Ranulph de Glanville - b. (?), d. M(?). M. Flandrina de Suffolk. Ch. Hervey de Glanville, Guillaume de Glanville
Sir Hervey de Glanville [de Suffolk] - b. c. 1078, d. 1147. M. Matilda 'Mable' de Salt-les-Dames - b. 1080 d/o Roger de Salt-les-Dames. Ch. Guillaume de Glanville, Bartholomew de Glanville, Gerard de Glanville, Ranulf de Glanville
Guillaume de Glanville [de Salt-les-Dames] - b. c. 1110, d. (?). M. Gundred de Warren de Varennes - b. c. 1114, d. after 1166 d/o William II, of Varennes de Warren Cte de Varennes, cte de Surrey, De Varennes and Isabelle. [M. 2nd, Willliam ler de Lancaster, 'Lord de Kendal' - b. abt 1110, d. 1170. Ch. William de Lancaster, Avice de Lancaster; M. 3rd, Roger de Newberg de Beaumont, 'Earl de Warwick' - b. abt 1103, d. aft 1154. Ch. Walderan de Newburgh] Ch. Agnes de Glanville
Agnes de Glanville [de Varennes] - b. c. 1130, d. (?). M. Robert de Creke - b. 1129, Norfolk, d. 1223, Suffolk s/o Robert de Creke and Alicia de Cokefeld. Ch. Isabel de Creke, Robert de Creke, Margery de Creke
Isabel de Creke [de Glanville] - b. c. 1149, d. (?). M. John Valoines - b. 1130, d. (?). Ch. Geoffrey de Valoines, Robert I de Valoines
Geoffrey de Valoines [de Creke]
Robert I de Valoines [de Creke]
Robert de Creke [de Glanville] - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. James de Creke
James de Creke
Margery de Creke [de Glanville] - b. 1175, d. 1274. M. John 'Jean' Chevalier, of Thorpe, 'Lord of Ashwell' - b. c. 1170. Ch. Alice Thorpe, Robert FitzJohn
Alice Thorpe [de Creke]
Robert FitzJohn [de Creke]
Bartholomew de Glanville [de Salt-les-Dames]- b. 1115, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Mathilde de Glanville, Geoffrey de Glanville
Mathilde de Glanville - b. (?), d. 1185. M. Aubrey Picot - b. (?), d. 1185. Ch. Robert Picot
Sir Robert Picot [de Glanville] - b. (?), d. 1218. M. (?). Ch. Agnes Picot
Geoffrey de Glanville, 'Lord de Glanville' - b. c. 1148, d. 1234. M. Margaret de La Haye - b. c. 1158. Ch. Basilia de Glanville
Basilia de Glanville [de La Haye] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Guillaume de Bovile. Ch. Guillaume Matthew de Bovile
Guillaume Matthew de Bovile [de Glanville] - b. c. 1210
Gerard de Glanville [de Salt-les-Dames] - b. c. 1120, d. 1189. M. 1125, Emma de Cukeney - b. abt 1125 d/o Thomas de Chukeney s/o ou Thomas FitzRichard de Cucknes and Emma de Etwall - b. c. 1105. Ch. Berta Glanville
Berta Glanville [de Cukeney] - b. c. 1145, d. (?). M. William de Stuteville, 'Lord de Cottingham' s/o D'Estouteville - b. 1144, d. c. 1203. Ch. Nikolaus d' Estuteville
Nikolaus d' Estuteville [Glanville] - b. c. 1165, d. c. 1219. M. Gunnora de Gournay - b. 1166 d/o Ingelramus de Gourlay, (compagnon du King William le Lion); ou Ingelram 'Enguerrand' de Gurley De Gournay' - b. abt 1140, d. 1200 d/o Hugo IV, V, VI de Gournay - b. abt 1094, d. 1181 and Melesinde de Coucy - b. abt 1105. Ch. Helwise de Stuteville, Nicholas de Stuteville
Helwise de Stuteville [de Gournay] - b. c. 1182, d. (?). M. William de Greystoke, ou William FitzRanulf De Greystock - b. (?), d. 1209. Ch. Thomas FitzWilliam de Greystoke
Thomas FitzWilliam de Greystoke [de Stuteville] - b. c. 1199, d. 1247. M. Christian(e) de Vipount De Vieux-Pont - b. c. 1207. Ch. Joan FitzThomas de Greystoke
Joan FitzThomas de Greystoke [de Vipount (de Vieux-Pont)] - b. 1225, d. 1269
Nicholas de Stuteville, 'Lord de Cottingham', D'Estouteville' [de Gournay] - b. c. 1191, d. 1233. M. Devorguilla lere Fitz Roland de Galloway - b. c. 1192, d. (?). Ch. Joan de Liddel de Stuteville, D'Estouteville
Joan de Liddel de Stuteville [de Galloway] - b. 1215, England, d. 1276, England. Buried: Non-Cemetery Burial. M. 1st, Robert Burnett. Ch. Joan Burnett; M. Hugh le Wake, 'Baron de Bourne' - b. 1214, Suffolk, d. 1241, Jerusalem s/o Baldwin II, le Wake, 'Lord Deeping de Bourne' - b. abt 1183, d. 1223, Gascony and Isabel Briwere, De Brivere - b. abt 1187, Devon, d. c. 1233. Ch. Baldwin le Wake
Joan Burnett [de stuteville] - b. c. 1231, d. 1276. M. Sir Hugh le Bigod, '3rd Earl of Norfolk', 'Chief Justicier d'Angleterre' - b. c. 1217, Ragland, d. 12 May 1264, Lewes, Sussex, England, 'Battle of Lewes'. Buried: Unknown s/o Hugh Bigod, '2nd Earl of Norfolk', 'Earl of Suffolk' - b. abt 1182/86, Thetford, Breckland Borough, Norfolk, England, d. 11 February 1225, Thetford, Breckland Borough, Norfolk, England. Buried: Thetford Priory, Thetford, Breckland Borough, Norfolk, England s/o Roger Bigod and Ida de Tosny, and Maud 'Matilda' de Pembroke Marshall De Warenne - b. abt 1190, Wales, d. 27 March 1248 d/o Sir William Marshal, '1st Earl of Pembroke' and Isabel de Clare, '4th Countess of Pembroke'. Ch. Joan Bigod
Joan Bigod [Burnett] - b. 1247, Thetford, Breckland Borough, Norfolk, England, d. (?), North Kyme, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England. Buried: Kyme Priory, North Kyme, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England. M. Sir Philip de Kyme, 'Lord/Seigneur', of Kyme - b. 1245, Lincolnshire, England, d. c. 1 March 1323, Lincolnshire, England. Buried: Kyme Priory, North Kyme, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England s/o William de Kyme and Lucy de Ros. Ch. William de Kyme, Lucy de Kyme
William de Kyme, '2nd Baron Kyme', of Lincolnshire, England [Bigod] - b. c. 1283, d. before 25 March 1338. M. Joan Littlebury d/o Humphrey Littlebury. Ch. No
Lucy de Kyme [Bigod] - b. 1281, North Kyme, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England, d. 2 April 1323, Prudhoe, Northumberland Unitary Authority, Northumberland, England. Buried: Kyme Priory, North Kyme, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England. M. Robert d'Umfreville', 'Earl of Angus', 'Earl of Umfraville' - b. abt 1277, d. 1325 [Bigod] - b. c. 1277, d. 1325 [M. 2nd, 1342, Nicholas Cantilupe, '3rd Baron Cantilupe'] Ch. Gilbert Umfreville, Elizabth Umfreville
Gilbert Umfreville [de Kyme]
Elizabeth Umfreville [de Kyme] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Gilbert 'Giles' de Boroughdon, 'Sheriff de Northumberland' - b. aft. 1340, d. (?). Ch. Eleanor de Boroughdon
Eleanor de Boroughdon, ''Baroness de Kyme' [Umfreville] - b. (?), d. 1380. M. Henry Tailboys - b. (?), d. 1369. Ch. Walter Tailboys
Walter Tailboys, 'Baron de Kyme' [de Boroughdon] - b. c. 1351, d. 1417. M. Margaret Deincourt. Ch. Walter II, Tailboys, 'Lord of Kyme'
Walter II, Tailboys, 'Lord of Kyme' [Deincourt] - b. c. 1391, d. 1444. M. Alice Stafford, 'Héritiere de Hook & Southwick de Stafford - b. (?), d. 1448 d/o Humphrey Stafford, 'Sheriff de Stafford - b. (?), d. 1442 and Elizabeth Matlravers, 'Héritiere de Crochet de Maltravers. Ch. William Tailboys
Sir William Tailboys, 'Lord Kyme' [Stafford] - b. (?), d. 1464. M. Elizabeth Bonville - b. c. 1435, d. 1491 d/o William Bonville, 'Sheriff de Devon', Seigneur/Lord Bonville de ces lieux, Bonville - b. 1393, Shute, near Coylton, Devonshire, d. 1461, Saint-Alban, St. Albans, Hertfordshire and Margaret Grey - b. abt 1398, Somerset, d. 1436. Ch. Eleanor Tailboys
Miss Eleanor Tailboys [Bonville] - b. c. 1455, d. (?). M. Hugh Tilney de Skirbeck et Bosston, Tynley, Loncolnshire - b. abt 1443, Boston, Lincoln, d 1480 s/o Philip Sir Tilney, Sheriff/Canon of Lincolnshire, Tilney c. 1385 and Isabel de Thorpe (Co-Heritiere) de Thorpe - b. c. 1398, d. 1c. 1456. Ch. Agnes Tilney
Agnes Tilney [Tailboys] - b. 1476, d. 1545. M. Thomas Howard, 'comte de Surrey' duc de Norfolk, (2nd Duke of Norfolk), 'Earl of Surrey', Chevalier de la Jarretiere' (conduit l'armee victorieuse a la bataille de Flodden) - b. 1443, d. 1524. Ch. Dorothy Howard
Lady Dorothy Howard [Tilney] - b. c. 1513, d. 1573. M. 21 February 1530, Edward Stanley, comte de Derby, 'Baron de L'Estrange', de Knockin, [chevalier de la Jarretiere, Lord Lieutenant de Lancashire, vice-admiral de Lancashire et Cheshire] - b. 1508, d. 1572 [M. 1st, Katherine Howard d/o Thomas Howard, '3rd Duke of Norfolk' and Lady Elizabeth Stafford d/o Edward Stafford, '3rd Duke of Buckingham', and Lady Eleanor Percy d/o Henry Percy, '4th Earl of Northumberland'. Ch. No; M. 3rd, 1550, England, Mary Cotton] Ch. Henry Stanley, Elizabeth Stanley, Jane Stanley, Mary Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Anne Stanley, Margaret Stanley, Isabel Stanley
Henry Stanley, 'Lord of Mann', 'Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire', '4th Earl of Derby', Knight of the Garter (Elizabeth I, of England, 1574), Privy Council (1585) [INHERITED: His Peerages, Lord of Mann, offices of Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire] [Dorothy Howard] - b. September 1531, Lathom, West Lancashire, England d. 25 September 1593, Lathom, West Lancashire, England. M. 1st, 7 February 1555, Margaret Clifford [heir to the throne of England] - b. 1540, d. 28 September 1596 d/o Henry Clifford, '2nd Earl of Cumberland' and Lady Eleanor Brandon. Ch. Edward Stanley, Ferdinando Stanley, William Stanley, Francis Stanley; Paramour Mistress: 2nd, abt 1570, Jane Halsall - b. c. 1535, d. (?). Ch. Henry Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Ursula Stanley, Dorothy Stanley
Edward Stanley [Clifford] - b. (?), d. (?), young
Ferdinando Stanley , 'Lord Strange', of Lancashire and Cheshire, '5th Earl of Derby', 'Lord of Mann' [Claimant to the English throne] [Clifford] - b. 1559, d. 16 April 1594. M. 1579/80, Alice Spencer, 'Countess of Derby', 'Baroness Ellesmere', Viscountess Brackley' - b. 4 May 1559, Althorp (Doomesday Book: 1377, Olletorp), Northamptonshire, England, d. January 1637, Harefield Place, Middlesex. Buried: St. Mary the Virgin Church, Harefield do Sir John Spencer and Katherine Kytson. [M. 2nd, 1600, Thomas Egerton, '1st Viscount Brackley'] Ch. Anne Stanley, Frances Stanley, Elizabeth Stanley
Lady Anne Stanley, 'Baroness Chandos of Sudeley', 'Countess of Castleheaven' [Heiress presumptive to Queen Elizabeth I] [Spencer] - b. 1580, d. 11 October 1647, Harefield. M. 1st, 28 February 1607/08, Grey Brydges, of Sudeley, '5th Baron Chandos' - b. c. 1580, d. 10 August 1621, Spa, Belgium. Buried: Sudeley Castle s/o William Brydges, '4th Baron Chandos' and Mary Hoppton. Ch. Robert Brydges, Anne Brydges, Elizabeth Brydges, George Brydges, William Brydges; M. 2nd, 22 July 1624, Harefield, Middlesex Mervyn Touchet, '2nd Earl Castleheaven' [Property confiscated by the crown due to formal charge of rape of his wife and accusations of sodomy with the servant Lawrence Fitzpatrick, on 6 April 1631. Lord Castlehaven was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Lord Castlehaven denied all charges]
Lady Frances Stanley, 'Countess' [Spencer] - b. 1 May 1583, d. 11 March 1636. M. 1601, John Egerton, '1st Earl of Bridgewater' - b. c. 1579, d. 4 December 1649. Ch. Elizabeth Egerton, Mary Egerton, Arabella Egerton, Frances Egerton, Alice Egerton, James Egerton, Charles Egerton, John Egerton
Elizabeth Egerton [Stanley] - b. 1612, d. 1688. M. 1624, David Cecil, '3rd Earl of Exeter' - b. c. 1604, d. 1643 s/o Sir Richard Cecil s/o Thomas Cecil, '1st Earl of Exeter and Dorothy Neville d/o John Nevill, '4th Baron Latymer' and Elizabeth Cope d/o Sir Anthony Cope, '1st Baronet'. Ch. John Cecil, William Cecil, Frances Cecil Thomas Cecil, Edward Cecil, Elizabeth Cecil
John Cecil, '4th Earl of Exeter' [Egerton] - b. 1628, d. 18 March 678. M. 1st, 8 December 1646, Frances Manners - b. 1630, d. 1660. Ch. John Cecil; M. 2nd, 24 January 1670, Mary Fane - b. 1639, d. 1681
John Cecil, 'Lord Burghley', '5th Earl of Exeter' [Manners] - b. 1648, d. 29 August 1700. M. 4 May 1670, Lady Anne Cavendish - b. c. 1644/49, Latimer, Buckinghamshire, d. 1703/04 d/o William Cavendish, '3rd Earl of Devonshire' and Elizabeth Cecil d/o William Cecil, '2nd Earl of Salisbury' and Lady Catherine Howard [M. 1st, 1662, Charles, Lord Rich, '4th Earl of Warwick'. Ch. No] Ch. John Cecil, Elizabeth Cecil
John Cecil, '6th Earl of Exeter' [Cavendish] - b 15 May 1674, Kensington, England, d. 24 December 1721. M. 1st, 9 February 1697, Annabella Bennet - b. c. 1675, d. 1698; M. 2nd, 19 September 1699, d. Elizabeth Brownlow - b. 1681, d. 1723. Ch. John Cecil, Brownlow Cecil, Elizabeth Cecil
John Cecil, '7th Earl of Exeter' [Bennet] - b. 1700, d. 9 April 1722
Brownlow Cecil, '8th Earl of Exeter' [Bennet] - b. 4 August 1701, d. 3 November 1754. M. 18 July 1724, Hannah Sophia Chambers - b. before 1709, d. 1765. Ch. Brownlow Cecil, Thomas Chambers Cecil, Elizabeth Cecil
Brownlow Cecil, '9th Earl of Exeter' [Chambers] - b. 1725, d. 1793
Hon. Thomas Chambers Cecil [Chambers] - b. 1728, d. 14 August 1778. M. 20 February 1751, Charlotte Garnier. Ch. Henry Cecil
Henry Cecil, '1st Marquess of Exeter' [Garnier] - b. 14 March 1754, Bruxelles, Belgium, d. 1 May 1804, Pembroke House, England. M. 1st, 23 May 1776, Emma Vernon. Ch. ; M. 2nd, 3 October 1791, St Mildred, Bread Street, London, Sarah Hoggins. Ch. Sophia Cecil, Henry Cecil, Brownlow Cecil, Thomas Cecil; M. 3rd, 19 August 1800, Elizabeth Anne Burrell. Ch. No
Sophia Cecil [Hoggins] - b. 1793, d. 1823. M. Henry Manvers Pierrepont - b. 1780, d. 1851
Henry Cecil [Hoggins] - b. 1793, d. infant
Brownlow Cecil, '2nd Marquess of Exeter' [Hoggins] - b. 2 July 1795, Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England, d. 16 January 1867 Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England. M. 12 May 1824, St. George's Church, St. George Hanover Square, London, England, Isabella Poyntz - b. 1803, d. 1879. Ch. William Alleyne Cecil, Brownlow Thomas Montagu Cecil, Isabella Mary Cecil, Mary Frances Cecil, Edward Henry Cecil, Dorothy Anne Cecil, Henry Poyntz Cecil, Adelbert Percy Cecil, Victoria Cecil
William Alleyne Cecil, '3rd Marquess of Exeter' [Poyntz] - b. 30 April 1825, Connaught Place, London, England, d. 14 July 1895, Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England. M. 17 October 1848, St. George Church, St George Hanover Square, London, England, Georgina Sophia Pakenham - b. 1827, d. 1909 d/o William Stephen Poyntz and Hon. Elizabeth Mary Browne d/o Anthony Browne, 7th Viscount Montagu. Ch. Brownlow Henry George Cecil, Francis Horace Pierrepont Cecil, Isabella Georgiana Katherine Cecil, William Cecil, Mary Louisa Wellesley Cecil, Catherine Sarah Cecil, Frances Emily Cecil, Louisa Alexandrina Cecil, John Pakenham Joicey-Cecil
Brownlow Henry George Cecil, '4th Marquess of Exeter' [Pakenham] - b. 20 December 1849, d. 9 April 1918. M. Isabella Whichcote - b. 1857, d. 1917
Francis Horace Pierrepont Cecil [Pakenham] - b. 5 July 1851, d. 23 June 1889. M. Edith Brooks - b. c. 1854, d. 1917
Isabella Georgiana Katherine Cecil [Pakenham]
William Cecil [Pakenham] - b. 2 November 1854, Burghley House, Lincolnshire, England, d. 16 April 1943, Haywards, Heath, Sussex, England. M. Mary Rothes Margaret Tyssen-Amherst, '2nd Baroness Amherst'; M. 2nd, Violet Maud Freer - b. (?), d. 1957
Mary Louisa Wellesley Cecil [Pakenham] - b. 1857, d. 1930
Catherine Sarah Cecil [Pakenham] - b. 8 April 1861, London, England, d. 14 March 1918. M. 1st, Henry de Vere Vane, '9th Baron Barnard' - b. c. 1854, d. 1918. Ch. Henry Cecil Vane, Christopher William Vane, Ralph Frederick Vane
Henry Cecil Vane [Cecil] - b. 19 September 1882, d. 9 October 1917, France. M. 25 August 1914, Enid Victoria Rachel Fane - b. 1894, d. 1969
Christopher William Vane [Cecil] - b. 1888, d. 1964
Ralph Frederick Vane [Cecil] - b. 1891, d. 1928
Frances Emily Cecil - b. 1862, d. 1951
Louisa Alexandrina Cecil - b. 1864, d. 1950
John Pakenham Joicey-Cecil - b. 1867, d. (?)
Colonel Lord Brownlow Thomas Montagu Cecil [Poyntz] - b. 1827, d. 1905
Isabella Mary Cecil [Poyntz]
Lady Mary Frances Cecil [Poyntz] - b. 1832, d. 1917. M. Dudley Ryder, '3rd Earl of Harrowby'
Commander Lord Edward Henry Cecil [Poyntz] - b. 25 December 1834, d. 12 September 1862
Dorothy Anne Cecil [Poyntz]
Henry Poyntz Cecil [Poyntz]
Lord Adelbert Percy Cecil, Pymouth Brethren [Poyntz] - b. 1841, d. 1889
Lady Victoria Cecil [Poyntz] - b. 1843, d. 1932. M. William Charles Evans-Freke, '8th Baron Carberry'
Thomas Cecil [Hoggins] - b. 1 January 1797, d. 29 November 1873. M. Sophia Georgiana Lennox - b. 1809, d. 1902
Elizabeth Cecil [Chambers] - b. before 1741, d. 1813
Elizabeth Cecil [Bennet] - b. c. 1706, d. 1733 (age 27 yrs)
Lady Elizabeth Cecil [Cavendish] - b. 1687, d. 12 June 1708, Glasshouse Street, London, England. M. 1706, Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire Charles Boyle, '4th Earl of Orrery', 'Order of the Thistle' [INHERITED: Estate, 1714] - b. 28 July 1674, Little Chelsea, London, d. 28 August 1731, Westminster. Buried: Westminster Abbey d/o Roger Boyle, '2nd Earl of Orrery' and Lady Mary Sackville. Ch. John Boyle
John Boyle, '5th Earl of Orrery', '5th Earl of Cork' (Ireland) [Cecil] - b. 13 January 1707, Westminster, d. 16 November 1762. M. 1st, Lady Henrietta Hamilton. Ch. Hamilton, Elizabeth; M. 2nd, Margaret Hamilton. Ch. Edmund
Hamilton Boyles, '3rd Baron Boyle', of Marston' (1762), '6th Earl of Cork', '6th Earl of Orrery' [Henrietta Hamilton] - b. 3 February 1729, d. 17 January 1764. M. No
Elizabeth Boyles [Henrietta Hamilton] -
Edmund Boyle, '7th Earl of Cork', '7th Earl of Orrery' [Margaret Hamilton] - b. 21 November 1742, d. 30 May 1798, Marston House. Buried: St. John's Church, Frome, Somerset. M. 1st, 31 August 1764, Anne Courtenay - b. 1742, d. 1785 d/o and heir of Kelland Courtenay. Ch. 1-d, 5-s: Edmund Boyle, Courtenay Boyle. Separated in 1782; M. 2nd, 17 June 1786, Mary Monckton d/o of John Monckton, '1st Viscount Galway'
General Edmund Boyle, Viscount Dungarvan (1768 - 1798) '8th Earl of Cork and Orrery' [Courtenay] - b. 21 October 1767, d. 29 June 1856. M. 9 October 1795, Isabella Henrietta Poyntz - b. (?), d. 29 November 1843 d/o William Poyntz and Isabella Courtenay. Ch. Lady Isabella-Elizabeth Boyle, Edmund William Boyle, Hon. George Richard Boyle, Charles Boyle, Hon. John Boyle, Lady Lucy Georgina Boyle, Lady Louisa Boyle, Lt-Col. Hon. Robert Edward Boyle, Rev. Hon. Richard Cavendish Boyle
Lady Isabella-Elizabeth Boyle - b. 4 February 1797, d. 27 December 1829
Edmund William Boyle, Viscount Dungarvan - b. 2 April 1798, d. 1 January 1826
Hon. George Richard Boyle - b. 22 September 1799, d. 8 September 1810
Charles Boyle, 'Viscount Dungarvan' - b. 6 December 1800, d. 25 August 1834. M. Lady Catherine St. Lawrence d/o William St. Lawrence, '2nd Earl of Howth'. Ch. Richard Boyle, William George Boyle
Richard Edmund St Lawrence Boyle, 'Viscount Dungarvan' (1834 - 1856) '9th Earl of Cork and Orrery' [Master of her Majesty's Buckhounds; Master of the Horse (1866 - 1895)] Knight of the Order of St. Patrick (1860) - b. 19 April 1829, Dublin, Ireland, d. 22 June 1904, Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London. M. 20 July 1853, Lady Emily de Burgh - b. 1828, d. 1912 d/o Ulick de Burgh, '1st Marquess of Clanricarde ' and Harriet Canning. Ch. Lady Emily Harriet Catherine Boyle, Lady Grace Elizabeth Boyle, Lady Honora Janet Boyle, Lady Isabel Lettice Theodosia Boyle, Lady Dorothy Blanche Boyle, Charles Spencer Boyle, '10th Earl of Cork', Robert John Lascelles Boyle, '11th Earl of Cork'
Lady Emily Harriet Catherine Boyle - b. c. 1855, d. 28 July 1931. M. James Dalison Alexander. Ch.
Lady Grace Elizabeth Boyle - b. c. 1858, d. 23 May 1935. M. Hon. Henry Francis Baring. Ch.
Lady Honora Janet Boyle - b. c. 1859, d. 11 March 1953. M. Robert Kirkman Hodgson. Ch.
Lady Isabel Lettice Theodosia Boyle - b. (?), d. 6 April 1904. M. James Walker Larnach. Ch.
Lady Dorothy Blanche Boyle - b. c. 1860, d. 7 June 1938. M. Walter Long, '1st Viscount Long'. Ch.
Charles Spencer Boyle, '10th Earl of Cork' - b. 1861, d. 1925. M. Mrs. Rosalie Gray néde Villiers. Ch. No
Robert John Lascelles Boyle, '11th Earl of Cork' - b. 1864. d. 1934. M. Josephine Hale, of San Francisco. Ch. No
William George Boyle
Hon. John Boyle - b. 13 March 1803, d. 6 December 1874. M. 10 December 1835, Hon. Cecilia de Ros d/o Lord Henry FitzGerald. Ch.
Lady Lucy Georgina Boyle - b. 19 March 1804, d. 31 August 1827 (age 23 yrs)
Lady Louisa Boyle - b. 16 September 1806, d. 30 May 1826 (age 20 yrs)
Lt-Col. Hon. Robert Edward Boyle - b. 1809, d 1854
Rev. Hon. Richard Cavendish Boyle, 'Chaplain to Queen Victoria' {Resided: Marston Bigot Park] - b. 28 February 1812, d. 30 March 1886. M. Eleanor Vere Gordon - b. 1 May 1825, Auchlunies, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, d. 29 July 1916, Brighton, East Sussex, England d/o Alexander Gordon. Ch.
Admiral Sir Courtenay Boyle - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1799, Carolina Amelia Poyntz.Elizabeth
William Cecil [Egerton] - b. c. 1630, d. 1637 (age 7 yrs)
Frances Cecil [Egerton] - b. 1633, d. 31 December 1652. M. Anthony Ashley-Cooper, '1st Earl of Shaftesbury' - b. 1621, d. 1683
Thomas Cecil [Egerton] - b. c. 1635, d. 1641 (age 6 yrs)
Edward Cecil [Egerton] - b. c 1636, d. 1636, infant
Elizabeth Cecil [Egerton] - b. c. 1638, d. 1638, infant
Mary Egerton [Stanley] - b. (?)
Arabella Egerton [Stanley]
Frances Egerton [Stanley]
Alice Egerton [Stanley]
James Egerton [Stanley]
Charles Egerton [Stanley]
John Egerton, '2nd Earl of Bridgewater' [Oulton Estate] [Stanley] - b. June 1623, d. 26 December 1686. M. Elizabeth Cavendish
Lady Elizabeth Stanley, 'Countess of Huntington' [INHERITED: 4th in line to England's throne] [Spencer] - b. 6 January 1588, Knowsley Hall, Knowsley, Lancashire, England. Christened: 6 January 1588, Knowsley. d. 20 January 1633, Whitefriars, London, England, smallpox. Buried: Parish Church of St. Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire. M. 15 January 1601, Stonely, Stafford, Henry Hastings, '5th Earl of Huntingdon' - b. 24 April 1586, Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leicestershire. Christened: 17 May 1586, Exton, Rutland, d. 14 November 1643, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Buried: 16 December 1643, Ashby-de-la-Zouch s/o Francis Hastings, 'Baron Hastings' and Sarah Harrington, 'Baroness Hastings', Baroness Zouche', of Harryngworth. Ch. Lady Elizabeth Hastings, Lady Alice Hastings, Ferdinando Hastings, Lord Henry Hastings, Lady Mary Hastings
Lady Elizabeth Hastings [Stanley] - b. c. 1605, d. (?). M. Sir Hugh Calveley, of Lea. Ch. No
Lady Alice Hastings [Stanley ] - b. 1606, d. 1667. M. 17 December 1656, St. Andrew Undershaft, London, Sir Gervase Clifton, of Clifton Hall, '1st Baronet' [JOP for Nottinghamshire (1609 - 1646), MP, Nottinghamshire, 1614, 1621, 1624, 1625; County Treasurer, 1625 - 1626; Deputy Lieutenant (1626 - 1642); Time of rule without Parliament decided by King Charles, lasting eleven years saw him accused of delinquency and fined] [INHERTIED: Clifton Estates, Nottinghamshire, England] - b. 25 November 1587, d. 28 June 1666 s/o Lady Winifred Thorold and Sir George Clifton [M. 1st, Lady Penelope Rich - b. (?), d. 26 October 1613, d/o Robert Rich, '1st Earl of Warwick' and Lady Penelope Devereux. Ch. Sir Gervase Clifton; M. 2nd, Lady Frances Clifford d/o Francis Clifford, '4th Earl of Cumberland' and Grisold Hughes. Ch. Margaret Clifton, Frances Clifton, Anne Clifton, Lettice Clifton, Elizabeth Clifton, Clifford Clifton; M. 3rd, Mary Egioke - b. (?), d. 1630 d/o John Egioke, of Egioke Manor, Inkberrow, Worcestershire and Anne Huband d/o Nicholas Huband, of Ipsley, Warwickshire; M. 4th Isobel Meek - b. (?), d. 1637; M. 5th Anne South - b. (?), d. 1639 d/o sir Francis South of Kelstern, Lincolnshire; M. 6th, Jane Eyre - b. (?), d. 1655 d/o Anthon Eyre, of Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Nottinghamshire, and Rampton, Nottinghamshire. Ch. Jane Clifton, Charles Clifton, Mary Clifton, Robert Clifton] Ch. No
Ferdinando Hastings, of Ashby de la Zouch Castle, (partially destroyed by Parliamentary forces, 1647 - 1648) relocated to Donington Hall Estate '6th Earl of Huntingdon', MP for Leicestershire (1625, 1628-29) [Stanley] - b. 18 January 1609, d. 13 February 1655, smallpox. M. 7 August 1623, Lucy Davies d/o Sir John Davies. Ch. Son, Son, Son, Theophilus Hastings
Son, died young - b. before 10 December 1650
Son, died young - b. before 10 December 1650
Son, died young - b. before 10 December 1650
Rt. Hon. Theophilus Hastings, '7th Earl of Huntingdon', 'Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire' (11 August 1687 - 6 April 1689, the Hastings family held this office 1550 - 1642), 'Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire (23 December 1687 - 16 May 1689) [Excluded from the 1690 Act of Grace, lost his offices continued to attend the House of Lords remaining a committed Jacobite; Arrested and charged with treason, 1692, chargers were later dropped just before his death; One of five peers voting against the 1701 Act of Settlement barring Catholics from the throne] [Davies] - b. 10 December 1650, d. 30 May 1701. M. 1st, Elizabeth Lewis - b. (?), d. 1688 d/o and coheiresses of Sir John Lewis, of Ledstone Hall, West Yorkshire. Ch. 9, George Hastings, Elizabeth Hastings; M. 2nd, 1890, Mary Fowler w/o Thomas Needham, '6th Viscount Kilmorey'. Ch. Ann Hastings, Catherine Hastings, Frances Hastings, Theophilus Hastings, Margaret Hastings, Ferdinando Hastings
George Hastings, '8th Earl of Huntingdon' [Lewis] - b. 22 March 1677, Donington Hall, Leicestershire, d. 22 February 1705, London, fever. Buried: St. James, Piccadilly. M. No
Elizabeth Hastings [Lewis] - b. 1682, d. 1739
Ann Hastings [Fowler] - b. 1691, d. 1755,
Catherine Hastings [Fowler] - b. 1692, d. 1739
Frances Hastings [Fowler] - b. 1693, d. 1750
Theophilus Hastings, of Donington Park, '9th Earl of Huntingdon' [Fowler] - b. 12 November 1696, d. 13 October 1746. M. 3 June 1728, Lady Selina Shirley 'Countess of Huntingdon' d/o Washington Shirley, '2nd Earl Ferrers' and Mary Levinge. Ch. Francis Hastings, Elizabeth Hastings
Francis Hastings, 'Baron Botreaux', ''10th Earl of Huntingdon' [Shirley] - b. 13 March 1729, d. 2 October 1789. M. No.; Parmour Mistress: 'French Courtesan, la demoiselle Lany 'danseuse de l!Opéra", Mademoiselle Lany. Ch. Charles Hastings
General Sir Charles Hastings, suo juris '1st Baronet, of Willesley Hall, County of Derby (18 February 1806), "Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order" [House on Harley Street, Middlexes] [Lany] - b. (illegitimate) 12 March 1752, d. September 1823, suicide, buried with Acorns. M. Parnel Abney, 'Lady Hastings' d/o and heiress of Thomas Abney, Esq. of willesley Hall, Willesley, Derbyshire. Ch. Charles Hastings, Frank Hastings, Selina Hastings
Sir Charles Hastings '2nd Baronet of Willesley Hall' (Succeeded his father in 1823 and changed his name, by Royal Licence, 1 Decembr 1823, to Abney-Hastings) [High Sheriff ofDerbyshire', MP for Leicester (1826 - 1831) [Abney] - b. 1 October 1792, probably, in Willesley, d. 30 July 1858
Frank Hastings (Changed his name to Abney Hastins) [Abney] - b. 6 February 1794, d. 1828, Zante
Selina Hastings
Elizabeth Hastings, 'Countess of Moira', [INHERITED five distinct baronies, through summons to parliament, by modern law, permanent and heritable baronies of Hastings families]: '16th Baroness Botreaux', '15th Baroness Hungerford', 'Baroness de Moleyns', '13th Baroness Hastings of Hastings', 'Baroness Hastings of Hungerford'] [Shirley] - b. 21 or 23 March 1731, Donington Park, Leicestershire, England, d. 11 April 1808, Moira, County Down, Ireland. M. as his 3rd wife, 26 February 1752, John Rawdon, 'Baron Rawdon', of Moira, County of Down (1750), '1st Earl of Moira' (Peerage of Ireland, 1761). [M. 1st, 10 November 1741, Helena Perceval d/o John Perceval, '1st Earl of Egmont' and Lady Catherine Parker. Ch. Lady Helena Rawdon, Lady Catherine Rawdon; M. 2nd, 23 December 1746, , Anne Hill d/o Trevor Hill, '1st Viscount HIllsborough and Mary Rowe. Ch. No] Ch.Francis Rawden, Hon. John Theophilus Rawdon
Francis Rawden-Hastings '1st Marquess of Hastings' (House of Lords Seat), 'Earl of Moira', 'Baron Rawdon', of Rawdon, 1783 (British seat of House of Lords), Governor-General of India, 1813 - 1817 [Hastings] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1804, Flora Campbell, '6th Countess of Loudoun (Scottish Earldom, inherited by the eldest daughter when there are no sons). Ch.
Captain Hon. John Tehophilus Rawdon - b. (?), d. 1808. M. Frances née Hall-Stevenson. Ch. Elizabeth Anne Theophila Rawdon
Elizabeth Anne Theophila Rawdon, Lady Russell' (described as a Tory sympathizer) [Hall-Stevenson] - b. 2 October 1793, London, d. 10 August 1874, London. Buried: Chenies Bedfordshire. M. 21 June 1817, Major-General Lord George William Russell. [GCB] - b. 8 May 1790, d. 16 July 1846 s/o John Russell, '6th Duke of Bedford', 'Lord Lieuteant of Ireland', 'Ministry of All the Talents' [KG, PC, FSA] [M. 1st, 1786, Hon. Georgiana Byng d/o George Byng, '4th Viscount Torrington. Ch. Francis Russell, '7th Duke of Bedford, Lord George William Russell, Lord John Russell, Prime Minister of the U.K.] Ch. Blanche Russell, Francis Russell, Lord Arthur John Edward Russell, Odo Russell
Francis Charles Hastings Russell, '9th Duke of Bedford' - b. 16 October 1819, Mayfair, London, England, d. 14 January 1891, Belgravia, London, England. M. 18 January 1844, Elizabth Sackville-West d/o George Sackville-West, '5th Earl de la Warr. Ch. George William Francis Sackville Russell, Lady Ella Monica Sackville Russell, Lady Ermyntrude Sackville Russell, Herbrand Arthur Russell
George William Francis Sackville Russell, '10th Duke of Bedford' - b. 1852, d. 1893
Lady Ella Monica Sackville Russell - b. 1854, d. 1936. M. No
Lady Ermyntrude Sackville Russell - b. 1856, d. 127. M. Edward Malet, '4th Baronet'
Herbrand Arthur Russell, '11th Duke of Bedford' - b. 1858, d. 1940
Lord Arthur John Edward Russell [Private Secretary to his Uncle, Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell, 1857 - 1885, Member of Parliament for Tavistock] - b. 13 June 1825, London, d. 4 April 1892, 2 Audley Squre, London. Buried: Brompton Cemetery, London M. Lady Laura de Peyronnet d/o Paul Louis Jules, 'Vicomte de Peyronnet'. Ch. Harold Russell, Flora Russell, Sir Claud Russell, Caroline Russell, Major Gilbert Russell, Conrad Russell
Harold John Hastings Russell - b. (?), d. (?). M. Lady Victoria Alberta Leveson-Gower. Ch. Elizabeth Frances Russell
Elizabeth Frances Russell - b. 6 July 1899, d. 18 December 1978. M. 21 December 1926, Richard Plunket Greene. Divorced: 1943. Ch. Alexander Plunket Greene
Alexander Plunket Greene - b. 1932, d. 1990. M. Mary Quant. Ch. Orlanda Plunket Greene
Orlanda Plunket Greene - b. 1970
Flora Magdalen Isabel Russell [de Peyronnet] - b. 28 September 1869, d. 23 August 1967. M.
Sir Claud Frederick William Russell
Caroline Dian Rosalind Russell
Major Gilbert Byng Alwyne Russell
Conrad George Edward Russell
Odo Russell, '1st Baron Ampthill'
Margaret Hastings [Fowler] - b. 1699, d. 1768
Ferdinando Hastings [Fowler] - b. 1699, d. 1726
Lord Henry Hastings, '1st Baron Loughborough', Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire (1661) [Family Seat Ashby de la Zouche Castle, destroyed by Parliamentary forces during the 1647 - 48, 2nd English Civil War; the family located to Donington Hall Estate; founding member of 'The Sealed Knot'] [Stanley] - b. 28 September 1610, d. 10 January 1666/67. M.
Lady Mary Hastings [Stanley] - b. 1612, d. 1660. M. Sir John Gerrard
Lady Henriette Stanley [de La Trémoille] - b. 17 November 1630, d. 27 December 1685. M. William Wentworth, '2nd Earl of Strafford'. Ch. No

William Stanley [Clifford]
Francis Stanley [Clifford]
Henry Stanley [Halsall]
Thomas Stanley [Halsall]
Ursula Stanley Salusbury [Halsall] - b. 1560, Lancashire, England, d. 1591, Liewenni, Wales. M. John, of Lleweni Salisbury. Ch. Henry Salisbury.
Sir Henry Salisbury, of Llewenni Denbighshire', '1st Baronet Salisbury' [Stanley] - b. 1612, d. (?). M. Elizabeth Vaughan. Ch. Anne Salisbury Stanhope
Anne Salisbury Stanhope [Vaughan
Dorothy Stanley Halsall [Halsall] - b. 21 July 1587, Knowsley, Huyton, Lancashire, England, d. 1636, Halsall, Burscough, Lancashire, England. M. Sir Cuthbert Halsall [Member HOC (1614); MOP for Lancashire; KG, by Earl of Essex at Dublin Ireland , 22 July 1599; Sheriff of Lancashire (1601 - 1612); Owned property at Halsall and Salwick, Lancashire] - b. c. 1580. d. 1619, s/o Richard Halsall, of Halsall and Ann Barlow d/o Alexander Barlow (or Janet Norreys). Ch. Anne Halsall
Anne Halsall Clifton [Stanley] - b. abt 1606, Halsall, Lancashire, England, baptism: 24 January 1609, Halsall, Lancashire, England, d. bfr 16 April 1675, Kirkham, Lancashire, England. M. 11 November 1618, Halsall, Lancashire, England, Thomas Clifton, Esq. heir of Cuthbert Clifton of Wesby. [M. 2nd, Mary Longbotham. Ch. Hope Clifton Holder, Patience Clifton Beere] Ch. Cuthbert Clifton, Thomas Clifton, Mary Clifton Bowen, John Clifton, William Clifton, Benjamin Clifton, Sr. James Clifton, Ann Clifton, Elizabeth Clifton, Margaret Clifton, Dorothy Clifton, Richard Clifton, Alice Clifton, Bridget Clifton, Frances Clifton
Cuthbert Clifton [Halsall]
Thomas Clifton [Halsall]
Mary Clifton Bowen [Emigrant] [Halsall] - b. 18 January 1628, Clifton, Lancashire, England, d. 18 February 1697, Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay. Buried: Obadiah Bowen Lot, Warren, Bristol County, Rhode Island M. 1648, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, Obadiah Bowen. Ch. John Bowen, Obadiah Bowen, Jr., Mary Bowen Allen, Sarah Bowen, Jacob Bowen, Rebecca Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Joseph Bowen, Thomas Bowen, Hannah Bowen Brooks, Lydia Bowen Mason, Mercy Bowen, Isaac Bowen
John Bowen [Clifton]
Obadiah Bowen, Jr. [Clifton]
Mary Bowen Allen [Clifton]
Sarah Bowen [Clifton]
Jacob Bowen [Clifton]
Rebecca Bowen [Clifton]
Reverend Samuel Bowen [Clifton] - b. 16 July 1659, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, d. 21 January 1727, Cohansey, Salem, New Jersey. M. Elizabeth Wood. Ch. John Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Daniel Bowen, Sr. Elijah Bowen, Clifton Bowen, Elisabeth Bowen Fogg
John Bowen [Wood] - b. 17 May 1685, Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, d. 12 October 1747, Cohansey, Salem, New Jersey. M. Rachel Hogbin. Ch. Isaac Bowen, john Bowen, Willian Bowen, Joseph Bowen, James Bowen, Hannah Davis Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Joanna Bowen, Abigail Bowen
Isaac Bowen [Hogbin]
John Bowen [Hogbin]
William Bowen [Hogbin]
Joseph Bowen [Hogbin] - b. 18 July 1723, Salem Co., New Jersey, d. 20 February 1803. M. Mary Martha Bacon. Ch. Esther Bowen, Joseph Bowen, Mary Bowen, Abigail Bowen, Bacon Bowen
Esther Bowen [Bacon]
Joseph Bowen [Bacon] - b. 23 September 1765, Stow Creek Cumberland, New Jersey, d. 9 August 1830, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. M. 31 March 1796, Phebe Ann Ayars. Ch. Phebe A. Bowen Davis
Phebe Amelia Bowen Davis [Ayars] - b. 13 February 1805, Stow Creek Township Cumberland Co., New Jersey, d. 6 February 1836, Shiloh, Cumberland, New Jersey. M. 2 March 1824, Shiloh, Cumberland, New Jersey, Jeremiah Bond Davis - b. 12 June 1802, Shiloh, Cumberland County, New Jersey, d. 28 September 1863, Freeborn County, Minnesota. Buried: Seven Day Baptist Cemetery, Freeborn, Freeborn County, Minnesota Ch. Abram Davis, Mary Bowen Davis Ayars, John Bowen, Alvaran Gillette Davis, Reece Davis, Daniel Crosely Davis
Abram Davis [Bowen]
Mary Bowen Davis Ayars 'Good woman and a consistent Christian', Member of the Seventh-day Baptist Church [Bowen] - b. 8 April 1826, Stow Creek Township, Cumberland, New Jersey, d. 29/30 December 1906, Trenton Co., Freeborn, Minnesota. Buried: Seven Day Baptist Cemetery, Freeborn, Freeborn County, Minnesota. M. 22 June 1843, Shiloh, New Jersey, John Wister Ayars. Ch. Monroe W. Ayars, Charles C. Ayars, Caspar W. Ayars, Phebe M. Ayars Weed, Laura J. Ayars Barns, Anna W Ayars, Alma Amelia Ayars Larson
Monroe W. Ayars [Davis]
Charles C. Ayars, of New Richland, 'Justice of the Peace' (25 years) [Helped build the first elevator in St. Paul and the first livery barn in Minneapolis] [Migration to Freeborn County, Minnesota age 12 years] [Davis] - b. 12 March 1844, Shiloh, New Jersey, d. 20 July 1932, Dodge Center, Minnesota. Baptized: 1862, Reverend A.B. Burdick Seventh Day Baptist Church, of Trenton, Minnesota. M. 7 June 1866, Susan Maria Pierce. Ch. Flora Ellen Ayars, Lewis U. Ayars, Laura May Ayars Bond, Arthur W. Ayars, Florence Eliza Ayars Hollister
Flora Ellen Ayars,
Lewis U. Ayars,
Laura May Ayars Bond,
Arthur W. Ayars,
Florence Eliza Ayars Hollister
Caspar W. Ayars, of Albert Lea, Minnesota [Davis]
Phebe M. Ayars Weed, of Lake Mills, Iowa [Davis]
Laura J. Ayars Barnes, Redfield, South Dakota [Davis]
Anna M. Ayars, New Richland, Minnesota [Davis]
Alma Amelia Ayars Larson, of New Richland, Minnesota [Davis] - b. 28 April 1868, Freeborn, Freeborn, Minesota, d. 26 September 1950, Freeborn, Freeborn, Minnesota. M. 9 December 1887, Freeborn Co., Olmsted, Minnesota, Anton Larsen, of Putten. Ch. Luverne Larson, Walter Roy Larson, Minnie 'Edria' Larson Welch, Mrytle Mae Larson Trogstad
Luverne 'Verne' “Vernie” Larson [Ayars] - b. 1890 d. 1960. M. Phoebe Hatch Larson
Walter Roy Larson [Ayars] - b. 1890 d. 1976
Minnie Edria Larson Welch [Ayars] - b. Nov 1891 d. 1960. M. 19 February 1913, Freeborn, Freeborn, Minnesota, Weller Herman Welch. Ch. Edrie Fern Welch, Esther Mae Welch, Nellie C. Welch, Almyra Welch, Edrina Welch, Luernda Welch, Margaret Welch, Arthur W. Welch, Urana M. Welch, Martha K. Welch
Edrie Fern Welch [Larson] - b. 7 November 1916, d. (?). M. 1st, 7 Nov 1935, Dewey Dwight Hall; M. 2nd, 2 September 1987 Safford Graham Arizona, Tollian Theador 'Haynes' Hayens. Ch. Harriet Jeanette Hall
Harriet Jeanette Hall
Esther Mae Welch [Larson] - b. ~1927, d. 196
Nellie C. Welch [Larson]
Almyra Welch [Larson] - b. ~1916
Edrina Welch Luernda Welch
Margaret “Maggie” Welch [Larson] - b. ~Jan 1888, Sand Creek Township, Scott, Minnesota US
Arthur W. Welch [Act of Accord] [Larson] - b. 29 Dec 1891, Sand Creek Township, Scott Co., Minnesota US
Urana M. Welch [Larson] - b. Nov 1894, Sand Creek Township, Scott, Minnesota US, d. 4 Aug 1921 Hennepin County, Minnesota
Martha K. Welch [Larson] - b. ~1901, Sand Creek Township, Scott, Minnesota US, d. (?)
Mrytle Mae Larson Trogstad [Ayars] - b. 3 October 1906, Freeborn Township, Freeborn Co., Minnesota, d. 30 January 1966, Freeborn Township, Freeeborn Co., Minnesota. M. Orin Joseph Trogstad s/o Christian Haagenson of Askershus Norway and Mina Luella Mickelson. Ch. Meralda Opal Trogstad, Rolland Melvin Trogstad, Marvin Edward Trogstad, Leslie Orville Trogstad
Meralda Opal Trogstad Seath [Larson]- b. (?), d. (?). M. Merlin Seath. Ch. Dale Seath, Rick Seath, Lyle Seath
Dale Seath [Trogstad] - b. (?), d. No. M. Rita (?). Ch. (?)
Rick Seath [Trogstad - b. (?), d. No. M. 1st, Jan. Ch. yes. M. 2nd, (?). Ch. (?)
Lyle Seath [Trogstad - b. (?), d. No. M. yes. Ch.(?)
Roland Melvin Trogstad [Larson] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Evelyn. Ch. Nola Trogstad (adopted)
Nola Trogstad (adopted, mentally retarded, lived in a group home in Southern, Minnesota after puberty)
Marvin Edward Trogstad [Larson] - b. 16 May 1932, Freeborn, Freeborn, Minnesota, USA, d. No. M. 4 October 1957, Little Brown Church in the Vale, Donna Rae Burns - b. August 29, 1934, d. No. [M. 1st, Robert Delle. Ch. Donald Dewayne Delle, Linda Marie Delle Story, Julie Ann Delle Lencowski aka Trogstad] Ch. Lori Lynn Trogstad, Jodi Rae Trogstad, Peggy Sue Trogstad
Lori Lynn Trogstad Stanley [Burns] - b. 17 December 1961, Albert Lea, Minnesota. d. no. M. 22 Sep 1979, Methodist Church of West Saint Paul Minnesota, Rich Stanley. Divorced: Yes. Ch. Richard Edward Stanley, Nicole Marie Stanley, Robert Orin Stanley
Richard Stanley [Trogstad] - b. July 1982, d. No. M. yes. Ch. Yes
Nicole Stanley [Trogstad] - b. Nov 4, 1983, d. No. M. No Parent partner with David, Lyle Seaths (Nicole's 2nd cousin) wife Shirely's son David. Ch. Devon; partner with Dave Moore. Ch. Yes, additional issue
Female Moore
Robert Orin Stanley [Trogstad] - b. 30 June 1984, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Emma Stanley
Emma Stanley [Unknown] - b. 2009, d. (?). M. no. Ch. no
Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan [Burns] - b. 13 Jun 1963, Albert Lea Minnesota, d. No. M. 12 Apr 1985, Saint Joseph's West Saint Paul Minnesota Joseph John Brennan. Divorced - Dec 2007. Ch. Jason Patrick Edward Brennan, Jasmine Rae Brennan Hansen, Ovums-∞
Jason Patrick Edward Brennan [Trogstad] - b. 18 Jul 1983, d. no. M. 12 July/October 2012,Erin Ries. Ch. Jameson John Edward Brennan, Caiden Patrick Brennan
Jameson John Edward Brennan [Ries] - b. 17 July 2013
Caiden Patrick Brennan [Ries] - b. 3 October 2015
Jasmine Rae Brennan Hansen [Trogstad] - b. 16 Sep 1985, d. no. M. Eric Hansen. Ch. Charlotte Hansen, Female Hansen
Charlotte Rose Hansen [Brennan] - b. 1 Jan 2013
Female Hansen [Brennan] - b. 2017
Peggy Sue Trogstad Johnson [Burns] - b. 14 Sep 1971, d. no. M. 1st, Thomas Taylor. Ch Ryan Thomas Taylor. Parent Partner: Christopher Houston. Ch. Amanda Houston. M. 2nd, Curt Johnson. Ch. Kaitlyn Johnson
Ryan Thomas Taylor [Trogstad] - b.19th or 23rd September (?)
Amanda Houston [Trogstad] - b. 2 or 6 December (?)
Kaitlyn Johnson [Trogstad] - b.
Leslie Orville Trogstad [Larson] - b. (?) d. (?), stillborn
Mary Bowen [Bacon]
Abigail Bowen [Bacon]
Bacon Bowen [Bacon]
James Bowen [Hogbin]
Hannah Davis Bowen [Hogbin]
Samuel Bowen [Hogbin]
Joanna Bowen [Hogbin]
Abigail Bowen [Hogbin]
Samuel Bowen [Wood]
Daniel Bowen, Sr. [Wood]
Elijah Bowen [Wood]
Clifton Bowen [Wood]
Elisabeth Bowen Fogg [Wood]
Joseph Bowen [Clifton]
Thomas Bowen [Clifton]
Hannah Bowen Brooks [Clifton]
Lydia Bowen Mason [Clifton]
Mercy Bowen [Clifton]
Isaac Bowen [Clifton]
John Clifton [Halsall]
William Clifton [Halsall]
Benjamin Clifton [Halsall]
James Clifton, Sr. [Halsall]
Ann Clifton [Halsall]
Elizabeth Clifton [Halsall]
Margaret Clifton [Halsall]
Dorothy Clifton [Halsall]
Richard Clifton [Halsall]
Alice Clifton [Halsall]
Bridget Clifton [Halsall]
Frances Clifton [Halsall]
Lady Elizabeth Stanley Parker [Howard] - b. 1533, d. 1590. M. Henry Parker, '11th Baron Morley' [Knight of the Bath', 'Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire' - b. January 1533, d. 22 October 1577, Madrid s/o Sir Henry Parker s/o Henry Parker, '10th Baron Morley and Alice St. John, and Grace Newport. Ch. Edward Parker, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Anne Parker
Edward Parker, '12th Baron Morley', 'Lord of Hingham', 'Lord of Hockering', 'Lord of Norfolk' [Stanley] - b. c. 1550, d. 1618. M. Elizabeth Stanley d/o and heiress William Stanley, '3rd Baron Monteagle and Anne Leybourne. Ch. William Parker, Frances Parker; M. 2nd, Gertrude Denys d/o Sir Robert Denys of Holcombe Burnell w/o John Arundell, of Trerice, in Cornwall
William Parker, '13th Baron Morley', '4th Baron/Lord Monteagle' (Discover of the Gunpowder Plot) [Invested in the Virginia Company, 1609; had shares in the East India and North West Companies] [Stanley] - b. 1575, d. 1 July 1622, Great Hallingbury, Essex. M. Elizabeth Tresham d/o Sir Thomas Tresham and Muriel Throckmorton d/o Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton Court, Warwickshire and Elizabeth Hussey. Ch. Henry Parker, Frances Parker, Catherine Parker, Elizabeth Parker
Henry Parker, '14th Baron Morley', '5th Baron Monteagle' [Tresham] - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Thomas Parker
Thomas Parker - b. (?), d. 1686
Frances Parker, Nun [Stanley]
Catherine Parker [Tresham] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1626, Rt. -Hon. John Savage, '2nd Earl Rivers' - b. 25 February 1603, London, d. 10 October 1654, Frodsham Castle, Frodsham, Cheshire. Buried: St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Macclesfield s/o Thomas Savage, '1st Viscount Savage' and Elizabeth Savage, 'Countess'Rivers [M. 2nd, Mary Ogle. Ch. Hon. Peter Savage] Ch. Thomas Savage, Jane Savage, Elizabeth Savage, Catherine Savage, Mary Savage
Thomas Savage, '3rd Earl Rivers' [Parker] - b. c. 1628, Cheshire, England, d. 14 September 1694, Great Queen Street, Parish of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. M. 1st, Elizabeth Scrope d/o Emanuel Scrope, '1st Earl of Sunderland' by Mistress Martha Jeanes. Ch. Thomas Savage, Richard Savage, Elizabeth Savage, Annabella Savage; M. 2nd, Lady Arabella Bertie d/o Robert Bertie, '3rd Earl of Lindsey'. Ch. No
Thomas Savage, 'Viscount Colchester' [Scrope] - b. (?), d. c. 1680. M. Charlotte Stanley d/o Charles Stanley, '8th Earl of Derby'
Richard Savage, 'Lord Colchester', '4th Earl Rivers' [Scrope] - b. c. 1654, d. 18 August 1712. 1679, Penelope Downes d/o Roger Downes. Ch. Elizabeth Savage; Paramour Mistress: Anne, 'Countess of Macclesfield. Ch. several
Elizabeth Savage [Scrope]
Annabella Savage [Scrope]
Lady Jane Savage [Parker] - b. (?), d. (?). M. George Brydges, '6th Baron Chandos', of Sudeley Castle - b. 1620, d. February 1655, smallpox s/o Grey Brydges, '5th Baron Chandos' and Lady Anne Stanley [M. 1st, Lady Susan Montagu d/o Henry Montagu, '1st Earl of Manchester'. Ch. 3-d]; M. 2nd, Sir William Sidley, '4th Baronet'; M. 3rd, George Pitt Ch.
Elizabeth Savage, 'Baroness Petre' [Parker] - b. (?), d. (?). M. William Petre, '4th Baron Ptre - b. 1626, d. 5 January 1684, Tower of London, involvement in the Popish Plot, Charged with high treason s/o Robert Petre, '3rd Baron Petre' and Mary Browne d/o Anthony-Maria Browne, '2nd Viscount Montagu'
Lady Katherine Savage, 'Lady Sedley' [Parker] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Sir Charles Sedley, '5th Baronet' - b. March 1639, d. 20 August 1701, Hampstead. Buried: 26 August 1701,Southfleet Church s/o Sir John Sedley, '2nd Baronet', of Aylesford, Kent and Elizabeth d/o Sir Henry Savile. [Paramour Mistress: Ann Ayscough. Ch. William Sedley, Charles Sedley] Ch. Catherine
Catherine, 'Countess of Dorchester' [Savage] - b. (?), d. (?). Paramour Master: James II
Lady Mary Savage Killigrew [Parker]
Elizabeth Parker [Stanley] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Edward Cranfield. Ch. Edward Cranfield
Edward Cranfield [Parker]
Frances Parker [Stanley] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Chrisotpher Danby, of Thorpe Perrow, Yorkshire, of Farnley, Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire
Charles Parker [Stanley]
Mary Parker [Stanley]
Alice Parker [Stanley] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Sir Thomas Barrington
Mary Parker [Stanley] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Sir Edward Leventhorpe, of Shingey Hall, Hertfordshire
Anne Parker [Stanley] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Sir Henry Brouncker, 'Lord President of Munster'
Jane Stanley Sutton [Stanley] - b. (?), d. 1569. M. Edward Sutton, '4th Baron Dudley'
Mary Stanley Stafford - b. (?), d. 1609. M. Edward Stafford, '3rd Baron Stafford'
Thomas Stanley - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch.
Anne Stanley Arundell aka Stourton - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, Charles Stourton, '8th Baron Stourton'; M. 2nd, Sir John Arundell, of Lanherne
Margaret Stanley Poyntz aka Germin - b. (?), d. 1585. M. 1st, John Germin; M. 2nd, Sir Nicholas Poyntz, of Iron Acton, Glos - b. (?). d. 1585/86
Lady Jane Stanley [Howard] - b. c. 1533, d. September 1569. M. Edward Sutton, Seigneur de Dudley, 'Baron Dudley' - b. abt 1523, Stafford, d. 1586, Westminster s/o John de Dudley, 'Lord Quondam' and Cecily Grey, Baronne de Chandos - b. c. 1497, d. 1554. Ch. Edward Sutton
Edward Sutton, Seigneur de Dudley [Stanley] - b. c. 1565, d. 1643. M. Théodosie Harrington - b. c. 1566, d. c. 1649. Ch. Mary Sutton
Mary Sutton [Harrington] - b. 2 Octobre 1586, d. 1645, St Botolph's Ald. London, Middlesex. M. Alexander Home, 'Earl of Home' - b. 1566, d. 1619, Londres s/o Alexander Home, 'Lord Home' - b. (?), d. 1575, Black Friars Wyn, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland and Agnes Gray d/o Patrick Gray, 'Lord Gray' and Marion 'Mariota' Ogilvy. Ch. Margaret Home
Lady Margaret Home [Sutton] - b. (?), d. c. 1663. M. James Stewart, 'Earl of Moray' - b. (?), d. 4 March 1653 s/o James Stewart, 'Earl of Moray' and Anne Gordon. Ch. Margaret Stewart
Margaret Stewart - b. (?), d. 1667. M. Alexander Sutherland, 'Lord Duffus', Governor of Perth. Ch. James Sutherland
James Sutherland - b. (?), d. 1705. M. Margaret MacKenzie - b. (?), d. 1706. Ch. James Sutherland, Kenneth Sutherland
James Sutherland-Dunbar, Baronet Dunbar - b. c. 1686, d. 1724. M. Elizabeth Dunbar - b. abt 1677, d. 11 March 1756 d/o William Dunbar, 'Baronet of Hempriggs' - b. (?), d. 1711 and Margaret Sinclair. Ch. Elizabeth Dunbar
Elizabeth Dunbar - b. (?), d. 1800. M. Eric Sutherland - b. 1710, d. 1768. Ch. Anne Sutherland
Anne Sutherland - b. c. 1740, d. 1833. M. George II, Mackay -b. c. 1730, d. c. 1782. Ch. Ann Mackay, Donald Mackay
Anne Mackay - b. c. 1778, d. 1849. M. Edward Hart. Ch. Edward Hart
Edward Hart - b. 1819, d. 1877. M. Amanda de Keating. Ch. Anna-Maria Hart de Keating, Dame de Grammont'
Anna-Maria Hart de Keating, Dame de Grammont'
Donald Mackay, 'Vice-admiral - b. 1780, d. 1850
Kenneth Sutherland - b. (?), d. 1734. M. Charlotte Sioblade - b. (?), d. 1771
Mary Stanley [Dorothy Howard]
Thomas Stanley [Dorothy Howard]
Anne Stanley [Dorothy Howard]
Margaret Stanley [Dorothy Howard]
Isabel Stanley [Dorothy Howard]
Gilbert de Umfraville, '3rd Baron Kyme, '3rd Baron Umfraville', '9th Earl of Angus' [INHERITED: Uncle's title and Lincolnshire estates, and possessions, 1338; Inherited his family's extensive northern English possessions, including Roxburgh Castle; invited to the English parliaments, as Baron Umfraville, 1332, called Earl of Angus] [Presuaded byHenry Percy, '4th Baron Percy to hand over or sell most of his possessions, including Prudhoe Castle] [Kyme] - b. 1309/10, d. 6 January 1381. M. 1st, Joan de Willoughby d/o Robert de Willoughby, '1st Baron Willoughby de Eresby. Ch. 3 son , died prematurely; M. 2nd, before October 1368, Matilda de Lucy, '5th Baroness Lucy' d/o Thomas de Lucy, '2nd Baron Lucy' [Rule of Cockermouth and lands in Cumberland to the marriage] - b. (?), d. (?). Ch. No
Robert Umfraville - b. (?), d. before 1368. M. 20 January 1340, Margaret de Percy - b. c. 1318, Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England, d. 2 September 1375. Buried: Franciscan Church, of Chelmsford, Essex d/o Henry Percy, of Alnwick, '2nd Baron Percy' - b. February , d. 26 February 1352, Warkworth Castle s/o Henry Percy, '1st Baron Percy' and Eleanor FitzAlan, and Idoine de Clifford [M. 2nd, William Ferrers, '3rd Baron Ferrers', of Groby. Ch. No] Ch. No
Baldwin le Wake, 'Lord de Liddell' [de Stuteville] - b. 1236, d. c. 1282. M. 1st, Ela de Beauchamp - b. c. 1234. Ch. Ida Wake; M. 2nd, Hawise Quincey - b. c. 1253, d. c. 1285. Ch. John le Wake, Hugh le Wake
Ida le Wake [de Beauchamp] - b. c. 1254, d. (?). M. John de Stonegrave - b. c. 1245, d. 1295. Ch. Isabel de Stonegrave
Isabel de Stonegrave [le Wake]
John le Wake [Quincey] - b. c. 1269, d. c. 1300. M. Joanna de Fiennes - b. (?), d. 1309. M. Margaret, 'Baroness Wake', de Liddel - b. 1299, d. 1349
Hugh le Wake [Quincey] - b. c. (?), d. 1312. M. Joan de Belauney - b. (?), d. 1329. Ch. Mirabel Wake
Mirabel Wake [de Belauney] - b. (?), d. 1355
Margaret de Neville, 'Baronne Ros' - b. c. 12 February 1340/41, Raby, Durham, England, d. 12 May 1372, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. M. 1st, 12 July 1358, Brancepeth, Durham, England, Henry de Percy, 'Earl of Northumberland' - b. 10 November 1341, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Christened: 10 November 1341, Northumberland, England. Buried: York, Yorkshire, England s/o Henry de Percy, Baron Percy, 'Earl of Northumberland' and Mary Plantagenet, 'Baroness Percy' [M. 2nd, 1381, Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, England, Maud 'Matilda' Lucy Countess of Anugus] Ch. Ralph de Percy, Henry de Percy, Thomas de Percy, Margaret de Percy, Alan Percy; M. 2nd, before 8 May 1341, Durham, England, Baron William de Ros, of Helmsley. Ch. (?)
Sir Ralph de Percy 'Knight' [de Neville] - b. abt 1350, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 15 September 1397. M. 20 March 1376/77, Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Philippa 'Johanna' de Strathbogie
Henry 'Hotspur' de Percy [de Neville] - b. 20 May 1364, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 21 July 1403, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Buried: 1403, Whitechurch, England. M. 10 December 1379, Usk, Monmouthsire, England, Elizabeth Mortimer - b. 12 February 1370/71, Usk, Monsmouthshire, England, d. 20 April 1417, England d/o Edmund de Mortimer and Countess Philippa Plantagenet d/o Prince Lionel of Antwerp and Duchess Elizabeth de Burgh, of Clarence [M. 1st, after 1403, Sir Thomas Camoys, 'Lord Camoys' Knight of the Garter. Ch. Alice Camoys] Ch. Henry de Percy, Elizabeth Percy
Earl Henry de Percy [de Mortimer] - b. 3 February 1392, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 22 May 1455, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Buried: after 22 May 1455, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England. M. abt October 1414, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, Eleanor Neville, 'Countess of Northumberland' - b. abt 1407, Raby, Durham, England, d. 1472, England. [M. 2nd, after 23 May 1412, Richard le Despencer, Baron le Despencer] Ch. Joan Percy, Eleanor Percy, Henry Percy, John Percy, Henry Percy, Thomas Percy, Catherine Percy, Percy Triplet, George Percy, Ralph Percy, Richard Percy, Elizabeth Percy, William Percy, Ann Percy
Joan Percy [de Neville] - b. abt 1415, Warkworth, Northumberland, England, d. (?). Buried: Whitbye, England. M. No (?)
Eleanor Percy [de Neville] - b. abt 1415, Leconfield, Yorkshire, England, d. (?). M. abt 1471, Baron Reginald de West - b. 7 September 1395, Warwickshire, England, d. 27 August 1451. [M. 1st, after 1410, Eleanor Neville; M. 3rd, 17 February 1428/29, Warwickshire, England, Margaret Thorley] Ch. Margaret West
Margaret West [Percy] - b. abt 1426, Midley, Kent, England, d. (?). M. abt 1448, Midley, Kent, England, Sir Thomas Etchingham, Knight s/o Sir Thomas Echingham and Agnes de Shoyswell Ch. Elizabeth Echingham, Margaret Echingham, Margaret tchingham, Anne Echingham
Elizabeth Echingham
Margaret Echingham
Margaret Etchingham
Anne Echingham
Henry Percy [de Neville]
John Percy [de Neville]
Henry Percy [de Neville]
Thomas Percy [de Neville]
Catherine Percy [de Neville]
Percy Triplet
George Percy [de Neville]
Ralph Percy [de Neville]
Richard Percy [de Neville]
Elizabeth Percy [de Neville]
William Percy [de Neville]
Ann Percy [de Neville]
Elizabeth de Percy, 'Baroness Clifford'
Thomas de Percy [de Neville]
Margaret de Percy [de Neville]
Alan Percy [de Neville]
Joan Fitzralph, FitzRandolf, De Taillebois [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1250, d. c. 1310. M. Robert IV de Tattershall, Baron Tateshal - b. 1248, d. 1298. Ch. Emma de Tattershall, Joan Tattershall
Emma de Tattershall [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1267, d. 1306
Joan de Tattershall [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1269, d. 1329
Helewise'de Glanville
Guillaume de Glanville, Seigneur de Bromholm - b. (?), d. 1135. M. Beatrix de Salkevil, ou Beatrice de Sackville 'de Sauqueille'. Ch. Barhélémy de Glanville, Seigneur de Bromholm
Barhélémy de Glanville, 'Seigneur de Bromholm' - b. c. 1135, d. 1177. M. c. 1145, Isabella de Berking. Ch. Geoffrey de Glanville
Adam de Port [de Leone] - b. c. 970, Port-en-Bessin, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France, d. abt. 1030, Port-en-Bessin, Calvados, Basse-Nrmandie, France. M. Sybil de Yorkshire - b. c. 970. Ch. Hugh de Port
Hugh de Port - b. c. 998, d. 1066. M. Sybil Ne. Ch. Hugh de Port
Hugh (Gospatric) de Port, Seigneur, [Sheriff de Basing] - b. c. 1024, d. 1096. M. Orenge (Orence) Ne C. 1034. Ch. Emma de Port, Henry (de Basing) de Port [Sheriff de Southampton - b. c. 1079
Ranulf de Glanville, 'Justiciar d' England' - b. c. 1122, d. 1190. M. Bertha de Valognes de Valoines - b. c. 1132, d. 1208. Ch. Maud de Glandeville, Helen 'Hawise, Helewise 'de Glanville
Maud de Glandeville - b. c. 1149, d. 1195. M. William d'Auberville (de Barley) - b. c. 1140, d. 1176. Ch. William de'Auberville
William de'Auberville - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Hugh d'Auberville, Clarice d'Auberville
Hugh d'Auberville
Clarice d'Auberville
Helen 'Hawise', 'Helewise' de Glanville - b. 1150, d. 1194. M. Robert (FitzRanulf) Taillebois ou Robert Fitzralph (Talybois) de Middleham (de Alfreton) De Taillebois - b. 1140, d. c. 1185. Ch. William De Alfreton ou William Fitzralph de Talillebois, Randolph FitzRobert
William De Alfreton ou William Fitzralph, de Taillebois, de Fitzralph. M. Helewise de Alfreton - b. c. 1170. Ch. Robert de Alfreton, Alice Fitzralph De Alfreton
Robert de Alfreton - b. c. 1186, d. c. 1228
Alice Fitzralph de Alfreton - b. c. 1215, d. c. 1268
Randolph 'Renouf' FitzRobert, ou Ralph (FitzRandulph, Seigneur) de Middleham, De Taillebois - b. c. 1180, d. 1252. M. Mary le Bigod d/o Roger (II, III) Bigod, 'Earl de Norfolk' (& Suffolk), 'Royal Steward de Richard ler, Magna Charte Surety s/o Hugh Bigod, 'Earl de Norfolk & Suffolk' - b. abt 1097, Suffolk, d. 1177, Holy Land and Juliana de Vere, 'Comtesse de Norfolk - b. abt 1106, d. c. 1199, and Ida Comtesse de Tosny De Toeni d/o Ralph V de Toeni and Margaret de Beaumont [M. 1st, Henry II, 'King of England' 'Curtmantle', Plantagenet. Ch. Isabel ou Maud Longespee, William Longespee] Ch. Ralph FitzRandulph
Ralph FitzRandulph, 'Lord of the Manor de Middleham' (FitzRandolf, FitzRanulf) De Taillebois - b. c. 1218, d. 1270. M. Anastasia (Anastance, de) Percy De Percy. d/o William III, IV de Percy, Seigneur de Topcliffe, Baron Percy - b. abt 1189, d. 1245 and Joan Briwere. Ch. Mary FitzRandolph, Joan Fitzralph
Mary FitzRandolph, de Middleham (FitzRanulf) De Taillebois [Heiress] [de Percy] - b. c. 1244, d. 1320. M. Robert II, de Neville, 'Lord of de Raby', De Neville - b. c. 1237, d. 1271 s/o Robert, de Neville, 'Lord of de Raby' and Ida 'Isabel' Bertram Ch. Randolph de Neville, 'Baron/Lord de Raby'
Randolph de Neville, 'Baron/Lord de Raby' - b. c. 1262, d. 1331. M. Euphemia 'Anastasia' FitzRobert, de Clavering - b. c. 1267, d. c. 1325. Ch. Ralph Neville
Ralph Neville, 'Baron//Lord de Raby' [Governeur de Berwick] - b. c. 1291, d. 1367. M. Alice d'Audley, 'Baronne de Neville', d'Audley - b. c. 1301, d. 1374. Ch. John III, de Neville, Margaret de Neville
John III, de Neville, Seigneur de Neville, 'Baron/Lord de Raby' chevalier de la Jarretiere, l'amiral de la flotte; du chateau de Raby - b. c. 1332, d. 1388. M. Matilda 'Maud Mary' de Percy - b. abt 1342, d. 1379 d/o Henry IV, III, Seigneur de Percy and Idonea de Clifford. Ch. Thomas de Neville, Ralph Neville
Thomas de Neville, 'Lord Furnival', [Knight of the Garter] - b. c. 1360, d. 1406. M. Joan de Furnival - b. c. 1368, d. 1413. Ch. Maud de Neville
Maud de Neville, 'Baroness of Furnival' - b. c. 1392, d. c. 1423. M. John Talbot, 'Lord Talbot', 'Earl of Shrewsbury', Knight of the Garter' - b. c. 1384, d. 1453. Ch. John II, Talbot
John II, Talbot, 'Earl of Shrewsbury', 'Lord Chancellor of Ireland' - b. c. 1412, d. 1460
Ralph Neville, 'Baron/Lord de Raby', comte de Westmoreland', Chevalier de la Jarretiere - b. c. 1369, d. c. 1425. M. Lady Joan de Beaufort, Dame de la Jarretiere, D'Angleterre - b. c. 1379, d. 1440. Catherine Neville, Richard Neville, Eleanor Neville, Cecily Neville
Catherine Neville, 'Dame de Westmoreland', 'Duchesse de Norfolk' [de Beaufort] - b. c. 1397, d. 1478. M. Thomas Strangeways - b. c. 1399, d. 1442. Ch. Jane Strangeways
Jane Strangeways [de Neville] - b. c. 1434, d. 1484
Richard Neville, dit 'Prudence' 'comte de Salisbury' [Leader de Yorkist (Guerre des Rosses) [de Beaufort] - b. c. 1400, d. 1460. M. Alice de Montagu, 'la comtesse' - b. c. 1407 d. 1462. Ch. Catherine Neville, Eleanor Neville
Catherine, Lady Neville - b. c. 1432, d. c. 1504
Eleanor, Lady Neville - b. c. 1438, d. c. 1474
Eleanor, Lady Neville, ou Alainor de Neville [de Beaufort] - b. 1403, d. 1472. M. Henry Percy 'Earl/Comte de Northumberland' - b. 1393, d. 1455. Ch. Henry Algernon Percy, Catherine Percy
Cecily, Lady Neville, 'La Rose de Raby,' 'Sweet Lashes', doux Cils [de Beaufort] - b. 3 May 1415, Raby Castle, Durham, England, d. 31 May 1495, Berkhamsted Castle, Herts. M. Richard Plantagenet-York, 'Duke of York', Protector (and the rightful king) of England, (Count) Earl de March et d'Ulster, 'Earl de Cambridge', Chevalieer de la Jarretiere, D'Angleterre - b. 1411, d. 1460 s/o Richard Plantagenet Conisburgh and Anne de Mortimer (Heir to the Throne of England) - b. 1393, d. 20 September 1411 d/o Roger de Mortimer, 'Earl of March', and Alianore, Lady Holland. Ch. Edward IV 'de Rouen' Plantagenet-York, Roi d'Angleterre, Chevalier de Toison d'or Earl of March, Duc d'York, D'Angleterre - b. 1442, d. 1483
Edward IV 'de Rouen' Plantagenet-York, Roi d'Angleterre, Chevalier de Toison d'or Earl of March, Duc d'York, D'Angleterre - b. 27 avril 1442, Rouen, France, d. 9 avril 1483, Westminster Palace, London, England. M. Elizabeth, Lady Woodville - b. abt 1437, Northamptons, d. 7 juin 1492, Bermondsey Abbey, Surrey d/o Richard Wydeville, Baron Woodville, 'Comte Rivers' de Grafton Wydville connétable d'Angleterre and Jacquette (Jacquetta) de Luxembourg ou Jacqueline de Luxembourg - b. c. 1416 ,d. 1472. Ch. Elizabeth Plantagenet, Princesse d'England, 'Queen of England', D'Angleterre - b. 1466, d. 1503. M. Henri VII Tudor del'Angleterre, Chevalier de Toison d'or, (Comte de Richmond, de Lancaster Tudor - b. 28 Janvier 1457, Pembroke Castle, Wales, d. 21 avril 1509, Richmond Palace, Surrey, England s/o Edmond Tudor, comte de Richmond and Margaret Beaufort, comtesse de Richmond et de Derby - b. 31 mai 1433, Chateau Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, d. 29 juin 1509, Maison de l'abbé, Cheyney Gates, Westminster. Ch. Margaret Tudor
Margaret Tudor, Princess of England, Queen of Scotland, [Princesse d'Angleterre, Reine d'Ecosse, Tudor] - b. 28 November 1489, Richmond Palace or Palace of Westminster, London, d. 18 October 1541, Metheven Castle, Scotland. M. James IV Stuart, 'King des Scots (last King in Britain to die in battle) Stewart - b. 17 March 1473, Stirling Castle, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, d. 9 September 1513, Battle of Flodden Field. Buried: Sheen Monastery, Head only, destroyed), St. Michael Wood Street, London, Greater London, England s/o James III Stuart King des Scots s/o James II, 'the Fiery Face' Stewart, King des Scots - b. abt 1430, d. 1460 and Mary Guelders - b. abt 1434, d. abt 1463, Edinburgh and Margarethe du Denmark ou Margaret Oldenburg [Dowry, Orkney & Shetland Islands] - b. 1456, d. 1486, Stirling [Partner 1st: Agnes NN (Mistress). Ch. Johanna 'Jonet' Stewart'; Partner 2nd: Lady Margaret Drummond. Ch. Margaret Stewart; Partner 3rd: Margaret de Bonshaw Boyd, 'Lady Rowallan'. Ch. Catherine Stewart, 'Countess of Morton', Alexander Stewart, Archbishop of St. Andrews; Partner 4th: Agnes Stewart, 'Countess of Bothwell'. Ch. Janet Stewart] Ch. James V Stuart; M. 2nd, Henry Stewart, '1st Lord of Methven'
James V Stuart aka Seumaas V Stiubhairt, (King) des Ecossais, Duc de Rothesay, chevalier de la Jarretiere, chevalier de Toison d'or, Stewart - b. 10 April 1512, Linlithgow Palace, Scotland, d. 14 December 1542, Battle of Solway Moss, wounds, Falkland Castle, Fife, Scotland. Buried: Holyrood House, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian, Scotland. M. 1st, Margaret (de mars) Erskine - b. c. 1513, d. 1572 d/o John, Lord Erskine and Margaret, Lady Campbell. Ch. James Stewart, Dorothea Stewart; M. 1st, Madeleine, of Valois; M. 2nd, Mary, of Guise, 'Queen consort of Scotland; Paramour Mistress: Euphemia Elphinstone, 'King's Mistress, (Lupton) - b. c. 1509 d/o Alexander Elphinstone and Elizabeth Barlow. Ch. Robert Stewart; Elizabeth Bethune. Ch. Jean Stewart; Paramour Mistress: Elizabeth Schaw, of Sauchie. Ch. James Stewart; Paramour Mistress: Helen Stewart. Ch. Adam Stewart; Paramour Mistress: Katherine Carmichael. Ch. John Stewart, '1st Lord Darnley'; Paramour Mistress: Christine Barclay, of Gartley. Ch. James Stewart, tertius
James Stewart, comte de Moray, 'Regent de Scotland' [Erskine] - b. 1531, d. 1570. M. Anne, 'Agnes', Lady Keith - b. (?), d. 1588 d/o William Keith, 'Earl Marischal Keith - b.c. 1520, d. 1581 and Margaret de Inverugie - b. c. 1518. Ch. Elizabeth Stewart
Elizabeth Stewart, Comtesse de Moray [Keith] - b. (?), d. 18 Novembre 1591. M. James Stewart, Earl (Comte) de Moray, 'the Bonny Earl of Moray', Lord Doune - b. abt 1568, d. 7 Février 1592 s/o James Stewart, Seigneur Doune - b. abt 1529, Perth, d. 1590 s/o Sir James Stewart de Beath and Margaret Lindsay, and Margaret, Lady Campbell - b. abt 1542, d. 1592 d/o Archibald Campbell, comte d'Argyll and Margaret Graham, Lady de Menteith. Ch. James Stewart
James Stewart, 'Earl of Moray' - b. (?), d. 1638. M. Anne Gordon. Ch. James Stewart
James Stewart - b. (?), d. 1653. M. Margaret, Lady Home - b. (?). d. c. 1663. Ch. Margaret Stewart
Margaret Stewart
Sir Robert Stewart, of Strathdon (15 May 1565), '1st Earl of Orkney' (declared sovereign of Orkney by King Frederick II, King of Denmark-Norway; 'Lord of Zetland', Commendator of Holyrood Abbey, Commendator of Charlieu Abbey, France (1557); Built the Palace of Birsay on Orkeny [Elphinstone] - b. (recognised illegitiamte) c. 1533, d. 1592. M. Janet, Lady Kennedy - b. (?), d. 1598 d/o Gilbert Kennedy, '3rd Earl of Cassillis' and Margaret 'Maria Sophia' Kennedy Ch. Jean, Lady Stewart
Jean, Lady Stewart - b. (?), d. (?). M. Patrick Leslie, of Pitcairly, 'Lord Lindores' - b. c. 1557, d. 1609. Ch. Janet Leslie
Janet Leslie De Lesley - b.(?), d. (?). M. John Cunningham - b. (?), d. 1650 s/o John Cunningham, ou John of Geise and Brounhill, Cunninghame and Janet Leslie. Ch. Alexander Sinclair - b. (?), d. 1647 s/o George Sinclair, of Mey and Margaret Forbes. Ch. Margaret Sinclair
Margaret Sinclair - b. (?), d. (?). M. William Dunbar, Baronet of Hempriggs - b. (?), d. 1711 s/o John Dunbar s/o John Dunbar, of Hempriggs s/o William Dunbar and Margaret Anderson, and Elizabeth Sinclair d/o William and Anne Fraser d/o Andrew Fraser, 'Commissary of Inverness'. Ch. Elizabeth Dunbar
Elizabeth Dunbar - b. c. 1677, d. 1756. M. James Sutherland-Dunbar, Baronet Dunbar - b. c. 1686, d. 1724. Ch. Elizabeth Dunbar
Elizabeth Dunbar - b. (?), d. 1800. M. Eric Sutherland - b. 1710, d. 1768 s/o Kenneth Sutherland and Charlotte Sioblade. Ch. Anne Sutherland
Anne Sutherland - b. c. 1740, d. 1833. M. George II, Mackay - b. c. 1730, d. 1782. Ch. Anne Mackay, Donald Mackay
Anne Mackay - b. c. 1778, Cor Irlande, d. 11 September 1849. M. Edward Hart. Ch. Edward Hart
Edward Hart - b. 1819, d. 1877. M. Amanda de Keating. Ch. Valentine d'Arloz
Valentine (Augusta Anne Marie) d'Arloz d'Entremont, Dame de la Bavoisiere, (Poet reputed in Valromey) D'Arloz - b. 15 June 1889, d. 18 March 1992
Donald Mackay, Vice-admiral - b. 31 December 1780, d. 26 March 1850. M. Helen Martha Twinning. Ch. No/(?)
Margaret de Neville, 'Baronne Ros' - b. c. 12 February 1340/41, Raby, Durham, England, d. 12 May 1372, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. M. 1st, 12 July 1358, Brancepeth, Durham, England, Henry de Percy, 'Earl of Northumberland' - b. 10 November 1341, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Christened: 10 November 1341, Northumberland, England. Buried: York, Yorkshire, England s/o Henry de Percy, Baron Percy, 'Earl of Northumberland' and Mary Plantagenet, 'Baroness Percy' [M. 2nd, 1381, Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, England, Maud 'Matilda' Lucy Countess of Anugus] Ch. Ralph de Percy, Henry de Percy, Thomas de Percy, Margaret de Percy, Alan Percy; M. 2nd, before 8 May 1341, Durham, England, Baron William de Ros, of Helmsley. Ch. (?)
Sir Ralph de Percy 'Knight' [de Neville] - b. abt 1350, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 15 September 1397. M. 20 March 1376/77, Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Philippa 'Johanna' de Strathbogie
Henry 'Hotspur' de Percy [de Neville] - b. 20 May 1364, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 21 July 1403, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Buried: 1403, Whitechurch, England. M. 10 December 1379, Usk, Monmouthsire, England, Elizabeth Mortimer - b. 12 February 1370/71, Usk, Monsmouthshire, England, d. 20 April 1417, England d/o Edmund de Mortimer and Countess Philippa Plantagenet d/o Prince Lionel of Antwerp and Duchess Elizabeth de Burgh, of Clarence [M. 1st, after 1403, Sir Thomas Camoys, 'Lord Camoys' Knight of the Garter. Ch. Alice Camoys] Ch. Henry de Percy, Elizabeth Percy
Earl Henry de Percy [de Mortimer] - b. 3 February 1392, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, d. 22 May 1455, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Buried: after 22 May 1455, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England. M. abt October 1414, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, Eleanor Neville, 'Countess of Northumberland' - b. abt 1407, Raby, Durham, England, d. 1472, England. [M. 2nd, after 23 May 1412, Richard le Despencer, Baron le Despencer] Ch. Joan Percy, Eleanor Percy, Henry Percy, John Percy, Henry Percy, Thomas Percy, Catherine Percy, Percy Triplet, George Percy, Ralph Percy, Richard Percy, Elizabeth Percy, William Percy, Ann Percy
Joan Percy [de Neville] - b. abt 1415, Warkworth, Northumberland, England, d. (?). Buried: Whitbye, England. M. No (?)
Eleanor Percy [de Neville] - b. abt 1415, Leconfield, Yorkshire, England, d. (?). M. abt 1471, Baron Reginald de West - b. 7 September 1395, Warwickshire, England, d. 27 August 1451. [M. 1st, after 1410, Eleanor Neville; M. 3rd, 17 February 1428/29, Warwickshire, England, Margaret Thorley] Ch. Margaret West
Margaret West [Percy] - b. abt 1426, Midley, Kent, England, d. (?). M. abt 1448, Midley, Kent, England, Sir Thomas Etchingham, Knight s/o Sir Thomas Echingham and Agnes de Shoyswell Ch. Elizabeth Echingham, Margaret Echingham, Margaret tchingham, Anne Echingham
Elizabeth Echingham
Margaret Echingham
Margaret Etchingham
Anne Echingham
Henry Percy [de Neville]
John Percy [de Neville]
Henry Percy [de Neville]
Thomas Percy [de Neville]
Catherine Percy [de Neville]
Percy Triplet
George Percy [de Neville]
Ralph Percy [de Neville]
Richard Percy [de Neville]
Elizabeth Percy [de Neville]
William Percy [de Neville]
Ann Percy [de Neville]
Elizabeth de Percy, 'Baroness Clifford'
Thomas de Percy [de Neville]
Margaret de Percy [de Neville]
Alan Percy [de Neville]
Joan Fitzralph, FitzRandolf, De Taillebois [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1250, d. c. 1310. M. Robert IV de Tattershall, Baron Tateshal - b. 1248, d. 1298. Ch. Emma de Tattershall, Joan Tattershall
Emma de Tattershall [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1267, d. 1306
Joan de Tattershall [FitzRandolf] - b. c. 1269, d. 1329
Helewise'de Glanville
Guillaume de Glanville, Seigneur de Bromholm - b. (?), d. 1135. M. Beatrix de Salkevil, ou Beatrice de Sackville 'de Sauqueille'. Ch. Barhélémy de Glanville, Seigneur de Bromholm
Barhélémy de Glanville, 'Seigneur de Bromholm' - b. c. 1135, d. 1177. M. c. 1145, Isabella de Berking. Ch. Geoffrey de Glanville
Geoffrey de Glanville, Seigneur de Bromholm - b. c. 1177, d. 1234
Adam de Port [de Leone] - b. c. 970, Port-en-Bessin, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France, d. abt. 1030, Port-en-Bessin, Calvados, Basse-Nrmandie, France. M. Sybil de Yorkshire - b. c. 970. Ch. Hugh de Port
Hugh de Port - b. c. 998, d. 1066. M. Sybil Ne. Ch. Hugh de Port
Hugh (Gospatric) de Port, Seigneur, [Sheriff de Basing] - b. c. 1024, d. 1096. M. Orenge (Orence) Ne C. 1034. Ch. Emma de Port, Henry (de Basing) de Port [Sheriff de Southampton - b. c. 1079
Henry (de Basing) de Port [Orenge 'Orence' Ne] - b. c. 1079, before 1091, d. abt 1153, Basing, Hampshire, England. M. Hawise, of Basing - b. abt 1080, d. aft 1153. Ch. John de Port, Hugh de Port
John de Port [12th Henry II (1165-66, contributed for his knights fees (7) to the assessment for marrying the king's daughter, 47 marks] - b. abt 1121, Basing, Northamptonshire, England, d. 1167. M. Maud St. John. Ch. Adam de Port
Adam de Port 'Baron of Kington'[Heir to father's estates, Hampshire, England; Before 1121, granted the manor of Kington, Herefordshire by King Henry I, of England; Witness on four royal documents in 1115, four documents in 1121, held 22 knight's fees, in Hereford; Founded Andwell Priory, Hampshire as a dependent priority of Tiron Abbey; Gave gifts of land to Titon itself and Les Deux Jumeaux; His heir was his son Roger de Port] [St. John] - b. abt 1151 (unlikely), Basking, Northamptonshire England, d. 25 June 1213. M. 1st, Mabel De Aurevalle heiress of Orval (Originating at Saint-Jean-le-Thomas, de Manche). Ch. Alice DePort, William De St. John, Robert De St. John, Hugh de Port; M. 2nd, after 1190, Bramber, Sussex, England, Sibyl De Braiose d/o William de Ferrers, '3rd Earl Derby'. Ch. Roger de Port
Alice De Port [de Aurevalle] - b. abt 1168, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales, d. Before 1213. M. John FitzGilbert Le Marshall. Ch. John Le Marshall
John Le Marshall [de Port]
William I de St. John [de Aurevalle] - b. 1175, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England, d. 1239, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England. M. Godechilde de Paynel - b. abt 1185. Ch. Robert de St. John
Sir Robert de St. John, of Basing [de Paynel] - b. abt 1199, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England, d. 1266. M. Agnes de Cantilupe - b. 1212, d. (?) d/o William II de Cantilupe and Milicent de Gournay. Ch. John de St. John, Jane de St. John, William de St. John
John de St. John [Constable of Porcestre Castle, Seneschal of Gascony, Seneschal of Aquitaine] [de Cantilupe] - b. 1225, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 29 September 1302. M. Before, 29 January 1256, Alice Fitzpiers. Ch. Agnes St. John, Edward St. John, Amadeus St. John, John St. John
Agnes St. John [Fitzpiers] - b. abt 1273, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 11 June 1345, Exeter, Devonshire, England. Buried: 27 June 1345, Cowick, Devonshire, England. M. 1292, Hugh Courtenay. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, John Courtenay, Eleanor Courtenay, Robert Courtenay, Thomas Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [St. John] - b. 12 July 1303, Okehampton, Devon, England, d. 2 May 1377, Exeter, Devon, England. Buried: Exeter Cathedral, Devonshire, England. M. 11 August 1325, Margaret de Bohun - B. 3 April 1311, d. 16 December 1391 d/o Humphrey de Bohun and Elizabeth Plantagenet d/o Edward I 'Longshanks' Plantagenet', 'King of England' and Leonor, of Castilla [M. 1st, John I, 'Count of Holland' s/o Floris V, of Holland and Beatrix of Dampierre]. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, Edward Courtenay, Margaret Courtenay, Thomas Courtenay, Phillip Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay, Catherine Courtenay, Joan Courtenay, Matilda Courtenay, Eleanor Courtenay, Guinora Courtenay, Isabel Courtenay, Phillipa Courtenay, William Courtenay, John Courtenay, Peter Courtenay, Humphrey Courtenay, Anne Courtenay
Sir Hugh Courtenay [Knight of the Garter (One of the Founders of the Order, serving with the King in France] [de Bohun] - b. 22 March 1326/27, Exeter, England, d. before 2 September 1349. Buried: Forde Abbey, Dorsetshire, England. M. before September 1342, Elizabeth de Vere. Ch. Hugh Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [de Vere] - b. (?), d. (?). M. before 1365 Maud Holland - b. abt 1359, d. 8 January 1390/91
Edward Courtenay, of Godlington [de Bohun] - b. abt 1329/34 (probably) Devonshire, England, d. 1372. M. between 1347 - 1356, Emeline Dauney. Ch. Edward Courtenay, Hugh Courtenay
Edward Courtenay [Dauney] - b. (?), d. 5 December 1419. M. Matilda Camoys d/o Thomas Camoys, Lord Camoys. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, Henry Courtenay, Edward Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [Camoys]
Henry Courtenay [Camoys]
Edward Courtenay [Camoys] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1408, Eleanor Mortimer - b. 1395, d. 1418. d/o Roger Mortimer and Eleanor Holland
Elizabeth Courtenay [Camoys] - b. 1381, d. (?). M. 1st, abt 1411, John Harrington, of Aldingham. Ch. Elizabeth Harrington; M. 2nd, 9 October 1427, William Bonville, of Shute [Sir Knight Sheriff of Devon] - b. 31 August 1393, d. 18 February 1460/61
Elizabeth Harrington [Courtenay] -
Hugh Courtenay, of Haccombe [de Bohun] - b. btwn 1358/60, (probably), Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 15 March 1424/25. M. 1st, Elizabeth Cogan; M. 2nd, Phillipa Archdekne d/o Sir Warren Archdekne, of Haccombe. Ch. Joan Courtenay; M. 3rd, abt 1372, Matilda Beaumont - b. (?), d. 3 July 1467 d/o Sir John Beaumont, of Sherwell. Ch.
Joan Courtenay [Archdekne] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Nicholas Carew. Ch. Thomas Carew, Nicholas Carew, Alexander Carew, Hugh Carew, William Carew, Elizabeth Carew, Jane Carew, Florence Carew; M. 2nd, Robert de Vere. Ch. John de Vere, Jane de Vere
Thomas Carew, of Mohun's Ottery [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. bef 12 April 1502, Mohun's Ottery, Devonshire, England. M. Joan Carminowe d/o Tomas Carminowe and Jane Hill. Ch. Nicholas Carew
Nicholas Carew [Carminowe] - b. abt 1435, Mohun's Ottery, Devonshire, England, d. 16 November 1470. Buried: 6 December 1470, Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England. M. 1476, Margery Dynham - b. abt 1436, d. abt 1507 d/o Sir John Dynham and Joan Arches. Ch. Edmund Carew, John Carew, Jane Carew
Edmund Carew [Dynham]
John Carew [Dynham]
Jane Carew [Dynham] - b. abt 1460, Clovelly, Devonshire, England. M. Robert Carey. Ch. Robert Carey, John Carey, Thomas Carey, William Carey
Robert Carey [Carew] -
John Carey [Carew] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Jane Deviok. Ch.
Robert Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Honor Wollacombe. Ch. Lancelot Carey
Lancelot Carey [Wollacombe] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Daughter Winslade
Elizabeth Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Thomas Walter
Mary Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Humphrey Stephens
Thomas Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. aft 1620. M. aft 1550, Elizabeth Fulford d/o Sir John Fulford and Dorothy Bourchier. Ch. Gregory Carey, Peter Carey, Hannibal Carey, Andrew Carey, Henry Carey, Fulford Carey, Richard Carye, Mary Carey
John Carey [Deviok]
Alice Carey [Deviok]
Thomas Carey [Carew] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Mary Southcott. Ch. George Carey, Richard Carey, Gregory Carey, Robert Carey, Arthur Carey, John Carey, Grace Carey, Joan Carey, Elizabeth Carey
Sir George Carey [Southcott] - b. (?), d. February 1617, Ireland. M. 1st, Willmot Gifford. Ch. George Carey, Thomas Carey, Jane Carey, Anne Carey; M. 2nd, Lettice 'Lucy' Rich
George Carey [Gifford]
Thomas Carey [Gifford]
Jane Carey [Gifford]
Anne Carey [Gifford] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Richard Edgecumbe - b. 1570, d. 23 March 1639 s/o Sir Piers Edgecumbe, of Mount Edgecome and Margaret Luttrell
Richard Carey [Southcott]
Gregory Carey [Southcott]
Robert Carey [Southcott]
Arthur Carey [Southcott]
John Carey [Southcott] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Daughter Norton. Ch. John Carey, Edward Carey, Thomas Carey, Dudley Carey, George Carey
John Carey [Norton]
Sir Edward Carey [Norton] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Margery Blackhurst. Ch. George Carey, Thomas Carey, Anne Carey
George Carey [Blackhurst]
Thomas Carey [Blackhurst]
Anne Carey [Blackhurst] - b. (?), d. (?). M. George Southcott
Thomas Carey [Norton]
Dudley Carey [Norton]
George Carey [Norton] - b. 1587, Cockington, Devonshire, England, d. 23 July 1643, Cockington, Devonshire, England. Buried: July 1643, Cockington, Devonshire, England. M. Elizabeth Seymour - b. 1591, Berry Pomeroy, Devonshire, England d/o Edward Seymour and Elizabeth Champernowne. Ch. Henry Carey, Robert Carey, Edward Carey, Frances Carey, Elizabeth Carey, John Carey, Theodore Carey, George Carey, Walter Carey, James Carey, Bridget Carey
Henry Carey [Seymour]
Robert Carey [Seymour] - b. 1613, d. 19 September 1688
Edward Carey [Seymour]
Frances Carey [Seymour]
Elizabeth Carey [Seymour]
John Carey [Seymour]
Theodore Carey [Seymour]
George Carey [Seymour]
Walter Carey [Seymour]
James Carey [Seymour]
Bridget Carey [Seymour]
Grace Carey [Southcott]
Joan Carey [Southcott]
Elizabeth Carey [Southcott]
William Carey [Carew]
Nicholas Carew, of Haccombe [Courtenay] - b. abt 1433, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 13 September 1469. M. Elizabeth Crocker - b. abt 1436, d. (?) d/o William Crocker and Elizabeth Fortescue. Ch. John Carew
John Carew [Heir of his Uncle Hugh Carew] [Crocker] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Catherine Zouche. Ch. John Carew, Francis Carew, Thomas Carew, Elizabeth Carew, Joan Carew, Henry Carew
John Carew, of Haccombe [Zouche] - b. abt 1494, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 31 May 1529, Pavia, Devonshire, England. M. abt 1515, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, Elizabeth Martyn d/o Christopher Martyn. Ch. Jane Carew, Thomas Carew, Henry Carew, Mary Carew, Christiana Carew
Jane Carew [Martyn] - b. abt 1515, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. (?). M. abt 1529, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, John Cheney. Ch. Frances Cheney
Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Martyn] - b. 1518, d. 28 March 1586. M. Mary Hoddy d/o William Hoddy, of Pillistone. Ch. Peter Carew, Margaret Carew, William Carew, John Carew, Catherine Carew, Dorothy Carew, Barbara Carew Mary Carew, Joan Carew
Peter Carew [Hoddy]
Margaret Carew [Hoddy] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, Francis Whiddon s/o Sir John Whiddon, KG and Elizabeth Shilston; M. 2nd, 16 November 1613, Atherington, Arthrur Ayre s/o Anthony Ayre and Margeria REade
William Carew [Hoddy]
John Carew [Hoddy] - b. before 1586, d. before 21 September 1623. Buried: Haccombe Church, Hacocmbe, Devonshire, England. M. Elizabeth Hill d/o Robert Hill, of Shilston. Ch. Thomas Carew, John Carew, Robert Carew, Ursula Carew, Peter Carew, Edward Carew
Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Hill] - b. 1601, d. 6 December 1656. M. 3 October 1629, Islington, Anne Clifford. Ch. Thomas Carew, Anne Carew, George Carew, William Carew
Sir Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Clifford] - b. c. 21 June 1632, . Christened: 21 June 1632, Chudleigh, d. before 13 September 1673. M. before 1672, Elizabeth Carew. Ch. Henry Carew, Dorothy Carew, Isabella Carew; M. 2nd, 20 June 1672, Martha Duck. Ch. Mary Carew
Henry Carew [Carew]
Dorothy Carew [Carew]
Isabella Carew [Carew]
Mary Carew [Carew]
Anne Carew [Clifford]
George Crew [Clifford]
William Carew [Clifford]
John Carew, of Haccombe [Hill] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 30 August 1629, Chudleigh, Elizabeth Clifford. Ch. John Carew Thomas CArew, Peter Carew
Robert Carew [INHERITED: from Sir George Carew, Lord Totness, lands in Ireland (1625)] [Hill] - b. 1604, d. before 21 September 1623. Buried: Carew Chapel, St. Blaize Parish Church, Haccombe, Devonshire, England. M. Anna Hyde d/o Sir Nicholas Hyde, Chief Justice of England
Ursula Carew [Hill]
Peter Carew [Hill]
Edward Carew [Hill]
Catherine Carew [Hoddy]
Dorothy Carew [Hoddy]
Barbara Carew [Hoddy]
Mary Carew [Hoddy]
Joan Carew [Hoddy]
Henry Carew, [Martyn] - b. abt 1522, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. George Carew
George Carew - b. (?), d. aft 1624
Mary Carew [Lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn] [Martyn] - b. abt 1510, d. (?). M. Pierson Smythe
Christiana Carew [Martyn] - b. abt 1526, d. (?). M. 15 June 1548, Richard Brooke. Ch. Christian Brooke
Francis Carew [Crocker]
Thomas Carew [Crocker]
Elizabeth Carew [Crocker]
Joan Carew [Crocker]
Henry Carew [Crocker]
Alexander Carew [Courtenay] - b. abt 1439, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 20 September 1492, Antony, Cornwall, England. M. Elizabeth 'Isabel' Hatch. Ch. John Carew, esq., of Antony
John Carew, esq., of Antony [Hatch] - b. (?), d. (?. M. Thomasine Holland d/o and co-heir of Roger Holland. Ch. Wimond Carew, Jane 'Joan' Carew, Thomas Crew, Roger Carew, John Carew
Wimond Carew, of Antony [Holland] - b. abt 1493, Antony, Cornwall, England, d. 22 August 1549. M. abt 1524, Martha Denny. Ch. Thomas Carew, Roger Carew, George Carew, John Carew, Matthew Carew, Anthony Carew, Harvey Carew, Prudence Carew, Temperance Carew
Thomas Carew, of Antony [Denny] - b. 1527, Antony House, East Antony, Cornwall, England, d. 12 February 1564/64. M. 1st, abt 1552, Elizabeth Edgcumbe d/o Sir Richard Edgecumbe and Winifred Essex. Ch. Elizabeth Carew, Richard Carew, Matthew Carew, George Carew; M. 2nd, Eleanor Strangeways
Elizabeth Carew [Edgcumbe] - b. abt 1553, d. (?). M. abt 1578, James Erisey
Richard Carew [Edgcumbe] - b. 1556, d. 13 November 1612. Buried: St. Margaret's Church, London. M. 7 July 1588, Thomasine Godolphin d/o Francis Godolphin and Margaret Killigrew. Ch. Richard Carew, Francis Carew, Anne Carew, Mary Carew
Richard Carew [Godolphin] - b. (?), d. age 17 yrs of age
Francis Carew [Godolphin] - b. (?), d. 1628
Anne Carew [Godolphin]- b. (?), d. (?)
Mary Carew [Godolphin] - b. 1587, Ireland, d. (?). M. abt 1609, Ireland, Richard Osborne. Ch. Son Osborne, Richard Osborne, Grace Osborne, Nicholas Osborne, John Osborne, Roger Osborne
Son Osborne [Carew]
Richard Osborne [Carew]
Grace Osborne [Carew]
Nicholas Osborne [Carew]
John Osborne [Carew]
Roger Osborne [Carew]
Matthew Carew [Edgcumbe]
George Carew [Edgcumbe]
Roger Carew [Denny]
George Carew [Denny]
John Carew [Denny]
Matthew Carew [Denny]
Anthony Carew [Denny]
Harvey Carew [Denny]
Prudence Carew [Denny]
Temperance Carew [Denny]
Jane 'Joan' Carew [Holland] - b. abt 1485, Antony House, Cornwall, England. M. 10 April 1511, John Floyer. Ch. William Floyer, Thomas Floyer, Baldwin Floyer, Anthony Floyer, Martha Flooyer, Thomasine Floyer
William Floyer [Carew]
Thomas Floyer [Carew]
Baldwin Floyer [Carew]
Anthony Floyer [Carew]
Martha Flooyer [Carew]
Thomasine Floyer [Carew]
Thomas Carew [Holland]
Roger Carew [Holland]
John Carew [Holland]
Hugh Carew [Courtenay] - b. after 1433, d. (?). M. No. Ch. No
William Carew, of Bury St. Edmonds [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. abt 1501. Buried: Sgt. Mary's Bury. M. Margaret Chatworth. Ch. Elizabeth Carew, Thomas Carew, Nicholas Carew, William Carew, John Carew; M. 2nd, Joan 'Jane' Drury
Elizabeth Carew
Thomas Carew
Nicholas Carew
William Carew
John Carew - b. before 1501, d. (?). M. Marjory Kelly. Ch. George Carew
George Carew [Kelly] - b abt 1512, d. (?). M. Margaret Englefield. Ch. Thomas Carew, of Crowcombe
Thomas Carew, of Crowcombe [Englefield] - b. abt 1539, d. 1604. Buried: 1 October 1604, Crowcombe, Somerset, England. M. abt 1559, Crowcombe, Somerset, England, Elizabeth Bicombe. Ch. Dorothy Crew, Elizabeth Carew, John Carew, Beorge Carew, Catherine Carew
Dorothy Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1559, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M.abt 1574, Crowcombe, Somerset England, John Lancaster
Elizabeth Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1561, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M. 1574, William Grenville
John Carew, of Crowcombe [Bicombe] - b. abt 1563, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. 22 February 1635/36. Buried: 1635, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England. M. abt 1590, Shellingford, Devonshire, England, Elizabeth Southcott - b. abt 1570,d. 1633 d/o Thomas Southcott and Elizabeth FitzWilliam. Ch. Dorothy Crew, Elizabeth Carew, John Carew, George Carew, Catherine Carew
Dorothy Crew [Southcott]
Elizabeth Carew [Southcott]
John Carew [Southcott]
George Carew [Southcott]
Catherine Carew [Southcott]
George Carew [Bicombe]
Catherine Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1568, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M. 1584, Robert Howse
Elizabeth Carew [Courtenay] - b. (?). d. (?). M. John Challons
Jane Carew [Courtenay]
Florence Carew [Courtenay]
John de Vere [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Alice Kilrington. Ch. John de Vere
John de Vere [Acceded 1526] - b. (?), d. 21 March 1539, Colne. Buried: 12 April 1539, Castle Hedingham. M. 1st, 1493, Christina Foderingay d/o and coheir of Thomas Foderingay, of Brockley, Suffolk and Elizabeth Doreward. Ch. No; M. 2nd, btwn 29 April 1507, Elizabeth Trussell d/o Edward Margaret Dun. Divorced: 4 July 1509. Ch. Frances de Vere, john de Vere, Aubrey de Vere, Robert de Vere, Geoffrey de Vere, Elizabeth de Vere, Anne de Vere
Frances de Vere [Trussell] - b. 1516/17, d. 30 June 1577, Soham Earl, near Framlingham, England. Buried: 1614, Framlingham, Surrey, England. M. 13 February 1532, Henry Howard, 'Earl of Surrey'. Ch. Thomas Howard, Jane Howard, Margaret Howard, Henry Howard, Catherine Howard
Thomas Howard [de Vere] - b. 10 March 1535/36, d. 2 June 1572, Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, England. Buried: Tower Chapel, London, Middlesex, England. M. 1st, Mary FitzAlan. Ch. Phillip Howard, Anne Howard; M. 2nd, Margaret Audley. Ch. Thomas Howard, William Howard, Margret Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Jane Howard, Henry Howard
Phillip Howard, '1st Earl of Arundel' [FitzAlan] - b. 28 June 1555/57, Arundel House, London, England. Christened: 2 July 1557, Whitehall, Westminster, Middlesex, England, d. 19 November 1595, Tower of London, Middlesex, England. Buried: 19 November 1595, Tower Hill Chapel, London, England. M. 1571, Anne Dacre, 'Countess of Arundel'. Ch. Elizabeth Howard, Thomas Howard
Elizabeth Howard [Dacre]
Thomas Howard [Dacre] - b. 7 July 1585, Romford, Essex, England, d. 26 September 1646, Padua, Italy. Buried: 4 October 1646, Arundel, Sussex, England. M. abt 24 September 1606, Alethea Talbot, 'Countess of Arundel'. Ch. James Howard, Henry Frederick Howard, William Howard, Charles Howard, Catherine Howard, Gilbert Howard, Thomas Howard, Theophilus Howard, Anne Howard
James Howard [Talbot]
Henry Frederick Howard, '3rd Earl Arundel' [Talbot] - b. 15 August 1608, d 17 April 1652, Arundel House, London, England. M. February 1626, Elizabeth Stuart, 'Countess Arundel'. Ch. Thomas Howard, Henry Howard, Charles Howard, Bernard Howard, Phillip Howard, Catherine Howard, Talbot Howard, Edward Howard, Francis Howard, Esme Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Mary Howard, Henry Howard
Thomas Howard, '5th Duke Norfolk' [Stuart]
Henry Howard, '6th Duke Norfolk' [Stuart]
Charles Howard [Stuart]
Bernard Howard [Stuart]
Phillip Howard, Cardinal [Stuart]
Catherine Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Talbot Howard [Stuart]
Edward Howard [Stuart]
Francis Howard [Stuart]
Esme Howard [Stuart]
Elizabeth Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Mary Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Henry Howard, 'Lord of Greystoke Mayor' [Stuart]
William Howard, '1st Viscount Stafford' [Talbot] - b. 30 November 1612, d. 29 December 1680, Tower Hill, beheaded. M. 11 October 1637, London, Mary Stafford. Ch. Henry Stafford-Howard, John Stafford-Howard, Francis Stafford-Howard, Ursula Stafford-Howard, Delphina Stafford-Howard, Anastasia Stafford-Howard, Isabel Howard
Charles Howard [Talbot]
Catherine Howard [Talbot]
Gilbert Howard [Talbot]
Thomas Howard [Talbot]
Theophilus Howard [Talbot]
Anne Howard [Talbot] - b. abt 1614, Greenwich, Kent, England, d. 31 July 1658, Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut. M. 1635, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Geoffrey Ferrers. Ch. John Ferrers, Peter Ferrers, Joseph Ferrers, Mary Ferrers, James Ferrers
John Ferrers [Howard]
Peter Ferrers [Howard]
Joseph Ferrers [Howard]
Mary Ferrers [Howard]
James Ferrers [Howard]
Anne Howard [FitzAlan]
Thomas Howard [Audley]
William Howard [Audley]
Margret Howard [Audley]
Elizabeth Howard [Audley]
Jane Howard [Audley]
Henry Howard [Audley]
Jane Howard, 'Countess of Westmoreland' [de Vere] - b. 1533 - 37, d. 159. Buried: 30 June 1953, Kenninghall, Norfolk, England. M. abt 1563, Charles Neville, '6th Earl of Westmoreland'. Ch. Margaret Neville, Anne Neville, Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland, Catherine Neville, Eleanor Neville
Margaret Neville [Tried in 1594, sentenced to death for having been found in the company of a Catholic priest. She was pardoned.] - b. 1564, d. (?). M. Nicholas Pudsey, esq.
Anne Neville - b. (?), d. (?). M. David Ingleby. Ch. Mary Ingleby, Frances Ingleby, Ursula Ingleby, Lucy Ingleby
Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland - b. 1565, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland
Catherine Neville -b. (?), d. (?). M. Thomas Grey, of Chillingham
Eleanor Neville
Margaret Howard [de Vere]
Henry Howard [de Vere]
Katherine Howard [de Vere] - b. 1539, d. 7 April 1596. Buried: St. Michael's Coventry, England. M. September 1554, Keeninghall, Norfolk, England, Henry Berkeley, '7th Baron Berkeley' - b. (Posthumously) 26 November 1534, d. 26 November 1613, Caludon, Warwickshire, England. Buried: Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England s/o Thomas Berkeley, 6th Baron Berkeley - b. c. 1505, d. 19 September 1534 and Anne Savage d/o Sir John Savage, of Frodsham, Cheshire. [M. 2nd, Jane Stanhope] Ch. Thomas Berkeley, Joan Berkeley, Catherine Berkeley, Maria Berkeley, Mary Berkeley, Frances Berkeley, Jane Berkeley, Fernando Berkeley
Sir Thomas Berkeley [Heir Apparent] [Howard] - b. 11 July 1575, d. 22 November 1611. M. 19 February 1596, Blackfriars, London Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, Lady Elizabeth Carey - b. 24 May 1576 (Queen Elizabeth I, was one of her godmothers), d. 23 April 1635. Buried: 25 April, Cranford Parish Church d/o (sole heir) George Carey, '2nd Baron Hunsdon and Elizabeth Spencer. Ch. Theophila Berkeley, George Berkeley
Theophila Berkeley [Carey] - b. 1596, d. 1643. M. Sir Robert Coke. Ch.
George Berkeley, '8th Baron Berkeley' [Carey] - b. 7 October 1601. Baptized: 26 October 1601, Low Leyton, Essex, d. 10 August 1658. M. 13 April 1614, Elizabeth Stanhope d/o (coheir) Sir Michael Stanhope and Anne Reade d/o Sir William Reade, of Osterley, Middlesex. Ch. George Berkeley
George Berkeley, '9th Baron Berkeley' (1658) [On council for foreign plantations, 1661; Member of the Royal African Company, 1663 (formation 10 January); Acquired a share in the territory between the port of Salee, South Barbary and Cape of Good Hope; 1664, elected to Fellow of the Royal Society; Privy councillor, 1677; Member of the Board of Trade and Plantations, 1678 (est. 1668)][Stanhope] - b. 1628, d. 10 October 1698. M. 11 August 1646, Elizabeth Massingberd d/o John Massingberd, treasurer of the EAst India Company. Ch. Charles Berkeley, George Berkeley, Elizabeth Smythe, Theophila Lucy Berkeley, Mary Grey Berkeley Tankerville, Henrietta Berkeley, Arethusa Berkeley Boyle
Sir Charles Berkeley, 'Viscount Dursley' (1679 - 1698) '2nd Earl of Berkeley' [Massingberd] - 8 April 1649, d. 24 September 1710
Rev. Hon. George Berkeley, Prebendary of Westminster (holy orders, 9July 1669) [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. 1694. M. Jane Cole. Ch. Yes
Lady Elizabeth Berkeley Smythe [Massingberd] -b. c. 1650, d. 1681. M. William Smythe, Esq -b. c. 1645, d. 1720. Ch. Theophilia Smythe, Elizabeth Smythe
Lady Theophila Lucy Berkeley [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. 26 January 1706/07. M. Sir Kingsmill Lucy, '2nd Baronet'. Ch. Yes; M. 2nd, Robert Nelson
Lady Arabella Berkeley [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. (?). M. Sir William Pulteney s/o (and heir) Sir William Pulteney, Baronet, of Misterton. Ch. Yes
Lady Mary Grey Berkeley Tankerville, 'Countess of Tankerville' [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 19 May 1719. M. 1st, Ford Grey, '1st Earl of Tankerville. Ch. Yes; M. 2nd, 22 May 1712, Richard Rooth
Lady Henrietta Harriett Berkeley [Disappeared: 1682, Epsom, England; Found in London later that year] [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 1706, London, England. M. No (seduced by her sister's husband, the 'Earl of Tankerville', 1681)
Lady Arethusa Berkeley Boyle, 'Viscountess Dungarvan' [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 11 February 1742/43. M. Charles Boyle, '3rd Viscount Dungaran' - b. c. 1639, Baptised: 12 December 1639, d. 12 October 1694 s/o Richard Boyle, '1st Earl of Burlington' and Lady Elizabeth Clifford, '2nd Baroness Clifford, suo jure' [M. 1st, 7 May 1661, Jane Seymour - b. 1637, d. 1679 d/o William Seymour, '2nd Duke of Somerset' and Lady Frances Devereux. Ch. Hon. Elizabeth Boyle, Hon. Mary Boyle, Hon. Charles Boyle, Hon. Henry Boyle, Hon. Arabella Boyles] Ch. Hon. Arethusa Boyle
Joan Berkeley [Howard]
Catherine Berkeley [Howard]
Maria Berkeley [Howard]
Mary Berkeley [Howard]
Frances Berkeley [Howard]
Jane Berkeley [Howard]
Fernando Berkeley [Howard]
John de Vere [Trussell]
Aubrey de Vere [Trussell]
Robert de Vere [Trussell]
Geoffrey de Vere [Trussell]
Elizabeth de Vere [Trussell]
Anne de Vere [Trussell]
Jane de Vere [Courtenay]
Margaret Courtenay [Archdekne]
Edward Courtenay [Archdekne]
Hugh Courtenay [Archdekne]
Margaret Courtenay [de Bohun]
Thomas Courtenay [de Bohun]
Phillip Courtenay [de Bohun]
Elizabeth Courtenay [de Bohun]
Catherine Courtenay [de Bohun]
Joan Courtenay [de Bohun]
Matilda Courtenay [de Bohun]
Eleanor Courtenay [de Bohun]
Guinora Courtenay [de Bohun]
Isabel Courtenay [de Bohun]
Phillipa Courtenay [de Bohun]
William Courtenay [de Bohun]
John Courtenay [de Bohun]
Peter Courtenay [Knight of the Garter; Knighted by the Prince of Wales at Vittoria, before the battle of Najara; Standard-bearer to Edward III, Captain of Calais; Govenor of Windsor Castle] [de Bohun] - b. btwn 1342/49, d. 2 February 1404/05
Humphrey Courtenay [de Bohun]
Anne Courtenay [de Bohun]
John Courtenay [St. John]
Eleanor Courtenay [St. John]
Robert Courtenay [St. John]
Thomas Courtenay [St. John]
Elizabeth Courtenay [St. John]
Edward St. John [Fitzpiers]
Amadeus St. John [Fitzpiers]
John St. John [Fitzpiers]
Jane de St. John [de Cantilupe] - b. abt 1228, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. (?). M. Andrew de Wake. Ch. Eleanor de Wake
Eleanor de Wake
William de St. John [de Cantilupe] - b. abt 1227/34, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 1305. M. 1266, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, Isabel CombMartin d/o William de Combmartin. Ch. John De St. John
John De St. John - b. abt 1267, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, d. (?). M. 1292, Faumont, Glamorganshire, Wales, Beatrix Broye - b. 1270, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales. Ch. John St. John
John St. John, Sir Knight - b. abt 1292/93, Castle Faumont, Glamorganshire, Wales, d. Faumont, Glamorganshire, England. (?). M. 1318, Castle Penmark, Glamorganshire, Wales, Elizabeth de Umfreville - b. abt. 1296, Penmark Castle, Gloucestershire, England, d. (?) d/o Henry de Umfreville s/o John de Umfreville and Alice de Lanhern and Isabella. Ch. John St. John,
Sir John de St. John, Sir Knight - b. abt 1319, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, d. (?). M. Isabel Paveley - b. 1324, d. (?) d/o and Heiress of Sir John de Pavely and Lady Margaret Waldegrave. Ch. Oliver St. John
Oliver St. John - b. abt 1340/46, d. (?). M. 1st, 1370, Lanherne, Daughter Arundel M. 2nd, Elizabeth de la Bere - b. 19 May 1338, Kynardesley, Herefordshire, England, d. 13 May 1428. Ch. John St. John; M. (?)-3rd, Agnes de Turberville
John St. John [de la Bere] - b. abt. 1370, d. (?). M. Elizabeth Paulet - b. abt 1387, [Elizabeth Paulett], Bridgewater, Somerset, England d/o John Paulet and Elizabeth Creedy. Ch. Oliver St. John, Joan St. John, Isabel St. John
Oliver St. John [Paulet]
Joan St. John [Paulet]
Isabel St. John [Paulet]
Henry (de Basing) de Port [Orenge 'Orence' Ne] - b. c. 1079, before 1091, d. abt 1153, Basing, Hampshire, England. M. Hawise, of Basing - b. abt 1080, d. aft 1153. Ch. John de Port, Hugh de Port
John de Port [12th Henry II (1165-66, contributed for his knights fees (7) to the assessment for marrying the king's daughter, 47 marks] - b. abt 1121, Basing, Northamptonshire, England, d. 1167. M. Maud St. John. Ch. Adam de Port
Adam de Port 'Baron of Kington'[Heir to father's estates, Hampshire, England; Before 1121, granted the manor of Kington, Herefordshire by King Henry I, of England; Witness on four royal documents in 1115, four documents in 1121, held 22 knight's fees, in Hereford; Founded Andwell Priory, Hampshire as a dependent priority of Tiron Abbey; Gave gifts of land to Titon itself and Les Deux Jumeaux; His heir was his son Roger de Port] [St. John] - b. abt 1151 (unlikely), Basking, Northamptonshire England, d. 25 June 1213. M. 1st, Mabel De Aurevalle heiress of Orval (Originating at Saint-Jean-le-Thomas, de Manche). Ch. Alice DePort, William De St. John, Robert De St. John, Hugh de Port; M. 2nd, after 1190, Bramber, Sussex, England, Sibyl De Braiose d/o William de Ferrers, '3rd Earl Derby'. Ch. Roger de Port
Alice De Port [de Aurevalle] - b. abt 1168, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales, d. Before 1213. M. John FitzGilbert Le Marshall. Ch. John Le Marshall
John Le Marshall [de Port]
William I de St. John [de Aurevalle] - b. 1175, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England, d. 1239, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England. M. Godechilde de Paynel - b. abt 1185. Ch. Robert de St. John
Sir Robert de St. John, of Basing [de Paynel] - b. abt 1199, Portchester Castle, Hampshire, England, d. 1266. M. Agnes de Cantilupe - b. 1212, d. (?) d/o William II de Cantilupe and Milicent de Gournay. Ch. John de St. John, Jane de St. John, William de St. John
John de St. John [Constable of Porcestre Castle, Seneschal of Gascony, Seneschal of Aquitaine] [de Cantilupe] - b. 1225, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 29 September 1302. M. Before, 29 January 1256, Alice Fitzpiers. Ch. Agnes St. John, Edward St. John, Amadeus St. John, John St. John
Agnes St. John [Fitzpiers] - b. abt 1273, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 11 June 1345, Exeter, Devonshire, England. Buried: 27 June 1345, Cowick, Devonshire, England. M. 1292, Hugh Courtenay. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, John Courtenay, Eleanor Courtenay, Robert Courtenay, Thomas Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [St. John] - b. 12 July 1303, Okehampton, Devon, England, d. 2 May 1377, Exeter, Devon, England. Buried: Exeter Cathedral, Devonshire, England. M. 11 August 1325, Margaret de Bohun - B. 3 April 1311, d. 16 December 1391 d/o Humphrey de Bohun and Elizabeth Plantagenet d/o Edward I 'Longshanks' Plantagenet', 'King of England' and Leonor, of Castilla [M. 1st, John I, 'Count of Holland' s/o Floris V, of Holland and Beatrix of Dampierre]. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, Edward Courtenay, Margaret Courtenay, Thomas Courtenay, Phillip Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay, Catherine Courtenay, Joan Courtenay, Matilda Courtenay, Eleanor Courtenay, Guinora Courtenay, Isabel Courtenay, Phillipa Courtenay, William Courtenay, John Courtenay, Peter Courtenay, Humphrey Courtenay, Anne Courtenay
Sir Hugh Courtenay [Knight of the Garter (One of the Founders of the Order, serving with the King in France] [de Bohun] - b. 22 March 1326/27, Exeter, England, d. before 2 September 1349. Buried: Forde Abbey, Dorsetshire, England. M. before September 1342, Elizabeth de Vere. Ch. Hugh Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [de Vere] - b. (?), d. (?). M. before 1365 Maud Holland - b. abt 1359, d. 8 January 1390/91
Edward Courtenay, of Godlington [de Bohun] - b. abt 1329/34 (probably) Devonshire, England, d. 1372. M. between 1347 - 1356, Emeline Dauney. Ch. Edward Courtenay, Hugh Courtenay
Edward Courtenay [Dauney] - b. (?), d. 5 December 1419. M. Matilda Camoys d/o Thomas Camoys, Lord Camoys. Ch. Hugh Courtenay, Henry Courtenay, Edward Courtenay, Elizabeth Courtenay
Hugh Courtenay [Camoys]
Henry Courtenay [Camoys]
Edward Courtenay [Camoys] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1408, Eleanor Mortimer - b. 1395, d. 1418. d/o Roger Mortimer and Eleanor Holland
Elizabeth Courtenay [Camoys] - b. 1381, d. (?). M. 1st, abt 1411, John Harrington, of Aldingham. Ch. Elizabeth Harrington; M. 2nd, 9 October 1427, William Bonville, of Shute [Sir Knight Sheriff of Devon] - b. 31 August 1393, d. 18 February 1460/61
Elizabeth Harrington [Courtenay] -
Hugh Courtenay, of Haccombe [de Bohun] - b. btwn 1358/60, (probably), Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 15 March 1424/25. M. 1st, Elizabeth Cogan; M. 2nd, Phillipa Archdekne d/o Sir Warren Archdekne, of Haccombe. Ch. Joan Courtenay; M. 3rd, abt 1372, Matilda Beaumont - b. (?), d. 3 July 1467 d/o Sir John Beaumont, of Sherwell. Ch.
Joan Courtenay [Archdekne] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Nicholas Carew. Ch. Thomas Carew, Nicholas Carew, Alexander Carew, Hugh Carew, William Carew, Elizabeth Carew, Jane Carew, Florence Carew; M. 2nd, Robert de Vere. Ch. John de Vere, Jane de Vere
Thomas Carew, of Mohun's Ottery [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. bef 12 April 1502, Mohun's Ottery, Devonshire, England. M. Joan Carminowe d/o Tomas Carminowe and Jane Hill. Ch. Nicholas Carew
Nicholas Carew [Carminowe] - b. abt 1435, Mohun's Ottery, Devonshire, England, d. 16 November 1470. Buried: 6 December 1470, Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England. M. 1476, Margery Dynham - b. abt 1436, d. abt 1507 d/o Sir John Dynham and Joan Arches. Ch. Edmund Carew, John Carew, Jane Carew
Edmund Carew [Dynham]
John Carew [Dynham]
Jane Carew [Dynham] - b. abt 1460, Clovelly, Devonshire, England. M. Robert Carey. Ch. Robert Carey, John Carey, Thomas Carey, William Carey
Robert Carey [Carew] -
John Carey [Carew] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Jane Deviok. Ch.
Robert Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Honor Wollacombe. Ch. Lancelot Carey
Lancelot Carey [Wollacombe] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Daughter Winslade
Elizabeth Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Thomas Walter
Mary Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Humphrey Stephens
Thomas Carey [Deviok] - b. (?), d. aft 1620. M. aft 1550, Elizabeth Fulford d/o Sir John Fulford and Dorothy Bourchier. Ch. Gregory Carey, Peter Carey, Hannibal Carey, Andrew Carey, Henry Carey, Fulford Carey, Richard Carye, Mary Carey
John Carey [Deviok]
Alice Carey [Deviok]
Thomas Carey [Carew] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Mary Southcott. Ch. George Carey, Richard Carey, Gregory Carey, Robert Carey, Arthur Carey, John Carey, Grace Carey, Joan Carey, Elizabeth Carey
Sir George Carey [Southcott] - b. (?), d. February 1617, Ireland. M. 1st, Willmot Gifford. Ch. George Carey, Thomas Carey, Jane Carey, Anne Carey; M. 2nd, Lettice 'Lucy' Rich
George Carey [Gifford]
Thomas Carey [Gifford]
Jane Carey [Gifford]
Anne Carey [Gifford] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Richard Edgecumbe - b. 1570, d. 23 March 1639 s/o Sir Piers Edgecumbe, of Mount Edgecome and Margaret Luttrell
Richard Carey [Southcott]
Gregory Carey [Southcott]
Robert Carey [Southcott]
Arthur Carey [Southcott]
John Carey [Southcott] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Daughter Norton. Ch. John Carey, Edward Carey, Thomas Carey, Dudley Carey, George Carey
John Carey [Norton]
Sir Edward Carey [Norton] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Margery Blackhurst. Ch. George Carey, Thomas Carey, Anne Carey
George Carey [Blackhurst]
Thomas Carey [Blackhurst]
Anne Carey [Blackhurst] - b. (?), d. (?). M. George Southcott
Thomas Carey [Norton]
Dudley Carey [Norton]
George Carey [Norton] - b. 1587, Cockington, Devonshire, England, d. 23 July 1643, Cockington, Devonshire, England. Buried: July 1643, Cockington, Devonshire, England. M. Elizabeth Seymour - b. 1591, Berry Pomeroy, Devonshire, England d/o Edward Seymour and Elizabeth Champernowne. Ch. Henry Carey, Robert Carey, Edward Carey, Frances Carey, Elizabeth Carey, John Carey, Theodore Carey, George Carey, Walter Carey, James Carey, Bridget Carey
Henry Carey [Seymour]
Robert Carey [Seymour] - b. 1613, d. 19 September 1688
Edward Carey [Seymour]
Frances Carey [Seymour]
Elizabeth Carey [Seymour]
John Carey [Seymour]
Theodore Carey [Seymour]
George Carey [Seymour]
Walter Carey [Seymour]
James Carey [Seymour]
Bridget Carey [Seymour]
Grace Carey [Southcott]
Joan Carey [Southcott]
Elizabeth Carey [Southcott]
William Carey [Carew]
Nicholas Carew, of Haccombe [Courtenay] - b. abt 1433, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 13 September 1469. M. Elizabeth Crocker - b. abt 1436, d. (?) d/o William Crocker and Elizabeth Fortescue. Ch. John Carew
John Carew [Heir of his Uncle Hugh Carew] [Crocker] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Catherine Zouche. Ch. John Carew, Francis Carew, Thomas Carew, Elizabeth Carew, Joan Carew, Henry Carew
John Carew, of Haccombe [Zouche] - b. abt 1494, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 31 May 1529, Pavia, Devonshire, England. M. abt 1515, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, Elizabeth Martyn d/o Christopher Martyn. Ch. Jane Carew, Thomas Carew, Henry Carew, Mary Carew, Christiana Carew
Jane Carew [Martyn] - b. abt 1515, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. (?). M. abt 1529, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, John Cheney. Ch. Frances Cheney
Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Martyn] - b. 1518, d. 28 March 1586. M. Mary Hoddy d/o William Hoddy, of Pillistone. Ch. Peter Carew, Margaret Carew, William Carew, John Carew, Catherine Carew, Dorothy Carew, Barbara Carew Mary Carew, Joan Carew
Peter Carew [Hoddy]
Margaret Carew [Hoddy] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, Francis Whiddon s/o Sir John Whiddon, KG and Elizabeth Shilston; M. 2nd, 16 November 1613, Atherington, Arthrur Ayre s/o Anthony Ayre and Margeria REade
William Carew [Hoddy]
John Carew [Hoddy] - b. before 1586, d. before 21 September 1623. Buried: Haccombe Church, Hacocmbe, Devonshire, England. M. Elizabeth Hill d/o Robert Hill, of Shilston. Ch. Thomas Carew, John Carew, Robert Carew, Ursula Carew, Peter Carew, Edward Carew
Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Hill] - b. 1601, d. 6 December 1656. M. 3 October 1629, Islington, Anne Clifford. Ch. Thomas Carew, Anne Carew, George Carew, William Carew
Sir Thomas Carew, of Haccombe [Clifford] - b. c. 21 June 1632, . Christened: 21 June 1632, Chudleigh, d. before 13 September 1673. M. before 1672, Elizabeth Carew. Ch. Henry Carew, Dorothy Carew, Isabella Carew; M. 2nd, 20 June 1672, Martha Duck. Ch. Mary Carew
Henry Carew [Carew]
Dorothy Carew [Carew]
Isabella Carew [Carew]
Mary Carew [Carew]
Anne Carew [Clifford]
George Crew [Clifford]
William Carew [Clifford]
John Carew, of Haccombe [Hill] - b. (?), d. (?). M. 30 August 1629, Chudleigh, Elizabeth Clifford. Ch. John Carew Thomas CArew, Peter Carew
Robert Carew [INHERITED: from Sir George Carew, Lord Totness, lands in Ireland (1625)] [Hill] - b. 1604, d. before 21 September 1623. Buried: Carew Chapel, St. Blaize Parish Church, Haccombe, Devonshire, England. M. Anna Hyde d/o Sir Nicholas Hyde, Chief Justice of England
Ursula Carew [Hill]
Peter Carew [Hill]
Edward Carew [Hill]
Catherine Carew [Hoddy]
Dorothy Carew [Hoddy]
Barbara Carew [Hoddy]
Mary Carew [Hoddy]
Joan Carew [Hoddy]
Henry Carew, [Martyn] - b. abt 1522, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. George Carew
George Carew - b. (?), d. aft 1624
Mary Carew [Lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn] [Martyn] - b. abt 1510, d. (?). M. Pierson Smythe
Christiana Carew [Martyn] - b. abt 1526, d. (?). M. 15 June 1548, Richard Brooke. Ch. Christian Brooke
Francis Carew [Crocker]
Thomas Carew [Crocker]
Elizabeth Carew [Crocker]
Joan Carew [Crocker]
Henry Carew [Crocker]
Alexander Carew [Courtenay] - b. abt 1439, Haccombe, Devonshire, England, d. 20 September 1492, Antony, Cornwall, England. M. Elizabeth 'Isabel' Hatch. Ch. John Carew, esq., of Antony
John Carew, esq., of Antony [Hatch] - b. (?), d. (?. M. Thomasine Holland d/o and co-heir of Roger Holland. Ch. Wimond Carew, Jane 'Joan' Carew, Thomas Crew, Roger Carew, John Carew
Wimond Carew, of Antony [Holland] - b. abt 1493, Antony, Cornwall, England, d. 22 August 1549. M. abt 1524, Martha Denny. Ch. Thomas Carew, Roger Carew, George Carew, John Carew, Matthew Carew, Anthony Carew, Harvey Carew, Prudence Carew, Temperance Carew
Thomas Carew, of Antony [Denny] - b. 1527, Antony House, East Antony, Cornwall, England, d. 12 February 1564/64. M. 1st, abt 1552, Elizabeth Edgcumbe d/o Sir Richard Edgecumbe and Winifred Essex. Ch. Elizabeth Carew, Richard Carew, Matthew Carew, George Carew; M. 2nd, Eleanor Strangeways
Elizabeth Carew [Edgcumbe] - b. abt 1553, d. (?). M. abt 1578, James Erisey
Richard Carew [Edgcumbe] - b. 1556, d. 13 November 1612. Buried: St. Margaret's Church, London. M. 7 July 1588, Thomasine Godolphin d/o Francis Godolphin and Margaret Killigrew. Ch. Richard Carew, Francis Carew, Anne Carew, Mary Carew
Richard Carew [Godolphin] - b. (?), d. age 17 yrs of age
Francis Carew [Godolphin] - b. (?), d. 1628
Anne Carew [Godolphin]- b. (?), d. (?)
Mary Carew [Godolphin] - b. 1587, Ireland, d. (?). M. abt 1609, Ireland, Richard Osborne. Ch. Son Osborne, Richard Osborne, Grace Osborne, Nicholas Osborne, John Osborne, Roger Osborne
Son Osborne [Carew]
Richard Osborne [Carew]
Grace Osborne [Carew]
Nicholas Osborne [Carew]
John Osborne [Carew]
Roger Osborne [Carew]
Matthew Carew [Edgcumbe]
George Carew [Edgcumbe]
Roger Carew [Denny]
George Carew [Denny]
John Carew [Denny]
Matthew Carew [Denny]
Anthony Carew [Denny]
Harvey Carew [Denny]
Prudence Carew [Denny]
Temperance Carew [Denny]
Jane 'Joan' Carew [Holland] - b. abt 1485, Antony House, Cornwall, England. M. 10 April 1511, John Floyer. Ch. William Floyer, Thomas Floyer, Baldwin Floyer, Anthony Floyer, Martha Flooyer, Thomasine Floyer
William Floyer [Carew]
Thomas Floyer [Carew]
Baldwin Floyer [Carew]
Anthony Floyer [Carew]
Martha Flooyer [Carew]
Thomasine Floyer [Carew]
Thomas Carew [Holland]
Roger Carew [Holland]
John Carew [Holland]
Hugh Carew [Courtenay] - b. after 1433, d. (?). M. No. Ch. No
William Carew, of Bury St. Edmonds [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. abt 1501. Buried: Sgt. Mary's Bury. M. Margaret Chatworth. Ch. Elizabeth Carew, Thomas Carew, Nicholas Carew, William Carew, John Carew; M. 2nd, Joan 'Jane' Drury
Elizabeth Carew
Thomas Carew
Nicholas Carew
William Carew
John Carew - b. before 1501, d. (?). M. Marjory Kelly. Ch. George Carew
George Carew [Kelly] - b abt 1512, d. (?). M. Margaret Englefield. Ch. Thomas Carew, of Crowcombe
Thomas Carew, of Crowcombe [Englefield] - b. abt 1539, d. 1604. Buried: 1 October 1604, Crowcombe, Somerset, England. M. abt 1559, Crowcombe, Somerset, England, Elizabeth Bicombe. Ch. Dorothy Crew, Elizabeth Carew, John Carew, Beorge Carew, Catherine Carew
Dorothy Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1559, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M.abt 1574, Crowcombe, Somerset England, John Lancaster
Elizabeth Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1561, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M. 1574, William Grenville
John Carew, of Crowcombe [Bicombe] - b. abt 1563, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. 22 February 1635/36. Buried: 1635, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England. M. abt 1590, Shellingford, Devonshire, England, Elizabeth Southcott - b. abt 1570,d. 1633 d/o Thomas Southcott and Elizabeth FitzWilliam. Ch. Dorothy Crew, Elizabeth Carew, John Carew, George Carew, Catherine Carew
Dorothy Crew [Southcott]
Elizabeth Carew [Southcott]
John Carew [Southcott]
George Carew [Southcott]
Catherine Carew [Southcott]
George Carew [Bicombe]
Catherine Carew [Bicombe] - b. abt 1568, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England, d. (?). M. 1584, Robert Howse
Elizabeth Carew [Courtenay] - b. (?). d. (?). M. John Challons
Jane Carew [Courtenay]
Florence Carew [Courtenay]
John de Vere [Courtenay] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Alice Kilrington. Ch. John de Vere
John de Vere [Acceded 1526] - b. (?), d. 21 March 1539, Colne. Buried: 12 April 1539, Castle Hedingham. M. 1st, 1493, Christina Foderingay d/o and coheir of Thomas Foderingay, of Brockley, Suffolk and Elizabeth Doreward. Ch. No; M. 2nd, btwn 29 April 1507, Elizabeth Trussell d/o Edward Margaret Dun. Divorced: 4 July 1509. Ch. Frances de Vere, john de Vere, Aubrey de Vere, Robert de Vere, Geoffrey de Vere, Elizabeth de Vere, Anne de Vere
Frances de Vere [Trussell] - b. 1516/17, d. 30 June 1577, Soham Earl, near Framlingham, England. Buried: 1614, Framlingham, Surrey, England. M. 13 February 1532, Henry Howard, 'Earl of Surrey'. Ch. Thomas Howard, Jane Howard, Margaret Howard, Henry Howard, Catherine Howard
Thomas Howard [de Vere] - b. 10 March 1535/36, d. 2 June 1572, Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, England. Buried: Tower Chapel, London, Middlesex, England. M. 1st, Mary FitzAlan. Ch. Phillip Howard, Anne Howard; M. 2nd, Margaret Audley. Ch. Thomas Howard, William Howard, Margret Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Jane Howard, Henry Howard
Phillip Howard, '1st Earl of Arundel' [FitzAlan] - b. 28 June 1555/57, Arundel House, London, England. Christened: 2 July 1557, Whitehall, Westminster, Middlesex, England, d. 19 November 1595, Tower of London, Middlesex, England. Buried: 19 November 1595, Tower Hill Chapel, London, England. M. 1571, Anne Dacre, 'Countess of Arundel'. Ch. Elizabeth Howard, Thomas Howard
Elizabeth Howard [Dacre]
Thomas Howard [Dacre] - b. 7 July 1585, Romford, Essex, England, d. 26 September 1646, Padua, Italy. Buried: 4 October 1646, Arundel, Sussex, England. M. abt 24 September 1606, Alethea Talbot, 'Countess of Arundel'. Ch. James Howard, Henry Frederick Howard, William Howard, Charles Howard, Catherine Howard, Gilbert Howard, Thomas Howard, Theophilus Howard, Anne Howard
James Howard [Talbot]
Henry Frederick Howard, '3rd Earl Arundel' [Talbot] - b. 15 August 1608, d 17 April 1652, Arundel House, London, England. M. February 1626, Elizabeth Stuart, 'Countess Arundel'. Ch. Thomas Howard, Henry Howard, Charles Howard, Bernard Howard, Phillip Howard, Catherine Howard, Talbot Howard, Edward Howard, Francis Howard, Esme Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Mary Howard, Henry Howard
Thomas Howard, '5th Duke Norfolk' [Stuart]
Henry Howard, '6th Duke Norfolk' [Stuart]
Charles Howard [Stuart]
Bernard Howard [Stuart]
Phillip Howard, Cardinal [Stuart]
Catherine Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Talbot Howard [Stuart]
Edward Howard [Stuart]
Francis Howard [Stuart]
Esme Howard [Stuart]
Elizabeth Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Mary Howard, Nun at Brussels [Stuart]
Henry Howard, 'Lord of Greystoke Mayor' [Stuart]
William Howard, '1st Viscount Stafford' [Talbot] - b. 30 November 1612, d. 29 December 1680, Tower Hill, beheaded. M. 11 October 1637, London, Mary Stafford. Ch. Henry Stafford-Howard, John Stafford-Howard, Francis Stafford-Howard, Ursula Stafford-Howard, Delphina Stafford-Howard, Anastasia Stafford-Howard, Isabel Howard
Henry Stafford-Howard
John Stafford-Howard
Francis Stafford-Howard
Ursula Stafford-Howard
Delphina Stafford-Howard
Anastasia Stafford-Howard
Isabel Howard
Charles Howard [Talbot]
Catherine Howard [Talbot]
Gilbert Howard [Talbot]
Thomas Howard [Talbot]
Theophilus Howard [Talbot]
Anne Howard [Talbot] - b. abt 1614, Greenwich, Kent, England, d. 31 July 1658, Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut. M. 1635, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Geoffrey Ferrers. Ch. John Ferrers, Peter Ferrers, Joseph Ferrers, Mary Ferrers, James Ferrers
John Ferrers [Howard]
Peter Ferrers [Howard]
Joseph Ferrers [Howard]
Mary Ferrers [Howard]
James Ferrers [Howard]
Anne Howard [FitzAlan]
Thomas Howard [Audley]
William Howard [Audley]
Margret Howard [Audley]
Elizabeth Howard [Audley]
Jane Howard [Audley]
Henry Howard [Audley]
Jane Howard, 'Countess of Westmoreland' [de Vere] - b. 1533 - 37, d. 159. Buried: 30 June 1953, Kenninghall, Norfolk, England. M. abt 1563, Charles Neville, '6th Earl of Westmoreland'. Ch. Margaret Neville, Anne Neville, Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland, Catherine Neville, Eleanor Neville
Margaret Neville [Tried in 1594, sentenced to death for having been found in the company of a Catholic priest. She was pardoned.] - b. 1564, d. (?). M. Nicholas Pudsey, esq.
Anne Neville - b. (?), d. (?). M. David Ingleby. Ch. Mary Ingleby, Frances Ingleby, Ursula Ingleby, Lucy Ingleby
Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland - b. 1565, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. Thomas Neville, of Westmoreland
Catherine Neville -b. (?), d. (?). M. Thomas Grey, of Chillingham
Eleanor Neville
Margaret Howard [de Vere]
Henry Howard [de Vere]
Katherine Howard [de Vere] - b. 1539, d. 7 April 1596. Buried: St. Michael's Coventry, England. M. September 1554, Keeninghall, Norfolk, England, Henry Berkeley, '7th Baron Berkeley' - b. (Posthumously) 26 November 1534, d. 26 November 1613, Caludon, Warwickshire, England. Buried: Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England s/o Thomas Berkeley, 6th Baron Berkeley - b. c. 1505, d. 19 September 1534 and Anne Savage d/o Sir John Savage, of Frodsham, Cheshire. [M. 2nd, Jane Stanhope] Ch. Thomas Berkeley, Joan Berkeley, Catherine Berkeley, Maria Berkeley, Mary Berkeley, Frances Berkeley, Jane Berkeley, Fernando Berkeley
Sir Thomas Berkeley [Heir Apparent] [Howard] - b. 11 July 1575, d. 22 November 1611. M. 19 February 1596, Blackfriars, London Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, Lady Elizabeth Carey - b. 24 May 1576 (Queen Elizabeth I, was one of her godmothers), d. 23 April 1635. Buried: 25 April, Cranford Parish Church d/o (sole heir) George Carey, '2nd Baron Hunsdon and Elizabeth Spencer. Ch. Theophila Berkeley, George Berkeley
Theophila Berkeley [Carey] - b. 1596, d. 1643. M. Sir Robert Coke. Ch.
George Berkeley, '8th Baron Berkeley' [Carey] - b. 7 October 1601. Baptized: 26 October 1601, Low Leyton, Essex, d. 10 August 1658. M. 13 April 1614, Elizabeth Stanhope d/o (coheir) Sir Michael Stanhope and Anne Reade d/o Sir William Reade, of Osterley, Middlesex. Ch. George Berkeley
George Berkeley, '9th Baron Berkeley' (1658) [On council for foreign plantations, 1661; Member of the Royal African Company, 1663 (formation 10 January); Acquired a share in the territory between the port of Salee, South Barbary and Cape of Good Hope; 1664, elected to Fellow of the Royal Society; Privy councillor, 1677; Member of the Board of Trade and Plantations, 1678 (est. 1668)][Stanhope] - b. 1628, d. 10 October 1698. M. 11 August 1646, Elizabeth Massingberd d/o John Massingberd, treasurer of the EAst India Company. Ch. Charles Berkeley, George Berkeley, Elizabeth Smythe, Theophila Lucy Berkeley, Mary Grey Berkeley Tankerville, Henrietta Berkeley, Arethusa Berkeley Boyle
Sir Charles Berkeley, 'Viscount Dursley' (1679 - 1698) '2nd Earl of Berkeley' [Massingberd] - 8 April 1649, d. 24 September 1710
Rev. Hon. George Berkeley, Prebendary of Westminster (holy orders, 9July 1669) [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. 1694. M. Jane Cole. Ch. Yes
Lady Elizabeth Berkeley Smythe [Massingberd] -b. c. 1650, d. 1681. M. William Smythe, Esq -b. c. 1645, d. 1720. Ch. Theophilia Smythe, Elizabeth Smythe
Lady Theophila Lucy Berkeley [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. 26 January 1706/07. M. Sir Kingsmill Lucy, '2nd Baronet'. Ch. Yes; M. 2nd, Robert Nelson
Lady Arabella Berkeley [Massingberd] - b. c. 1650, d. (?). M. Sir William Pulteney s/o (and heir) Sir William Pulteney, Baronet, of Misterton. Ch. Yes
Lady Mary Grey Berkeley Tankerville, 'Countess of Tankerville' [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 19 May 1719. M. 1st, Ford Grey, '1st Earl of Tankerville. Ch. Yes; M. 2nd, 22 May 1712, Richard Rooth
Lady Henrietta Harriett Berkeley [Disappeared: 1682, Epsom, England; Found in London later that year] [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 1706, London, England. M. No (seduced by her sister's husband, the 'Earl of Tankerville', 1681)
Lady Arethusa Berkeley Boyle, 'Viscountess Dungarvan' [Massingberd] - b. c. 1664, d. 11 February 1742/43. M. Charles Boyle, '3rd Viscount Dungaran' - b. c. 1639, Baptised: 12 December 1639, d. 12 October 1694 s/o Richard Boyle, '1st Earl of Burlington' and Lady Elizabeth Clifford, '2nd Baroness Clifford, suo jure' [M. 1st, 7 May 1661, Jane Seymour - b. 1637, d. 1679 d/o William Seymour, '2nd Duke of Somerset' and Lady Frances Devereux. Ch. Hon. Elizabeth Boyle, Hon. Mary Boyle, Hon. Charles Boyle, Hon. Henry Boyle, Hon. Arabella Boyles] Ch. Hon. Arethusa Boyle
Hon. Arethusa Boyle [Berkeley]
Joan Berkeley [Howard]
Catherine Berkeley [Howard]
Maria Berkeley [Howard]
Mary Berkeley [Howard]
Frances Berkeley [Howard]
Jane Berkeley [Howard]
Fernando Berkeley [Howard]
John de Vere [Trussell]
Aubrey de Vere [Trussell]
Robert de Vere [Trussell]
Geoffrey de Vere [Trussell]
Elizabeth de Vere [Trussell]
Anne de Vere [Trussell]
Jane de Vere [Courtenay]
Margaret Courtenay [Archdekne]
Edward Courtenay [Archdekne]
Hugh Courtenay [Archdekne]
Margaret Courtenay [de Bohun]
Thomas Courtenay [de Bohun]
Phillip Courtenay [de Bohun]
Elizabeth Courtenay [de Bohun]
Catherine Courtenay [de Bohun]
Joan Courtenay [de Bohun]
Matilda Courtenay [de Bohun]
Eleanor Courtenay [de Bohun]
Guinora Courtenay [de Bohun]
Isabel Courtenay [de Bohun]
Phillipa Courtenay [de Bohun]
William Courtenay [de Bohun]
John Courtenay [de Bohun]
Peter Courtenay [Knight of the Garter; Knighted by the Prince of Wales at Vittoria, before the battle of Najara; Standard-bearer to Edward III, Captain of Calais; Govenor of Windsor Castle] [de Bohun] - b. btwn 1342/49, d. 2 February 1404/05
Humphrey Courtenay [de Bohun]
Anne Courtenay [de Bohun]
John Courtenay [St. John]
Eleanor Courtenay [St. John]
Robert Courtenay [St. John]
Thomas Courtenay [St. John]
Elizabeth Courtenay [St. John]
Edward St. John [Fitzpiers]
Amadeus St. John [Fitzpiers]
John St. John [Fitzpiers]
Jane de St. John [de Cantilupe] - b. abt 1228, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. (?). M. Andrew de Wake. Ch. Eleanor de Wake
Eleanor de Wake
William de St. John [de Cantilupe] - b. abt 1227/34, Basing, Hampshire, England, d. 1305. M. 1266, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, Isabel CombMartin d/o William de Combmartin. Ch. John De St. John
John De St. John - b. abt 1267, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, d. (?). M. 1292, Faumont, Glamorganshire, Wales, Beatrix Broye - b. 1270, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales. Ch. John St. John
John St. John, Sir Knight - b. abt 1292/93, Castle Faumont, Glamorganshire, Wales, d. Faumont, Glamorganshire, England. (?). M. 1318, Castle Penmark, Glamorganshire, Wales, Elizabeth de Umfreville - b. abt. 1296, Penmark Castle, Gloucestershire, England, d. (?) d/o Henry de Umfreville s/o John de Umfreville and Alice de Lanhern and Isabella. Ch. John St. John,
Sir John de St. John, Sir Knight - b. abt 1319, Faumont, Glamorgan, Wales, d. (?). M. Isabel Paveley - b. 1324, d. (?) d/o and Heiress of Sir John de Pavely and Lady Margaret Waldegrave. Ch. Oliver St. John
Oliver St. John - b. abt 1340/46, d. (?). M. 1st, 1370, Lanherne, Daughter Arundel M. 2nd, Elizabeth de la Bere - b. 19 May 1338, Kynardesley, Herefordshire, England, d. 13 May 1428. Ch. John St. John; M. (?)-3rd, Agnes de Turberville
John St. John [de la Bere] - b. abt. 1370, d. (?). M. Elizabeth Paulet - b. abt 1387, [Elizabeth Paulett], Bridgewater, Somerset, England d/o John Paulet and Elizabeth Creedy. Ch. Oliver St. John, Joan St. John, Isabel St. John
Sir Oliver St. John, (Saint John), of Bletso, County Bedford, 'Lord of Penmark', 'Baron St. John' (1582) [Knight] [Coheir of Coyty Castle, formerly of the Turbervilles c. 1421] [Paulet] - b. 1398, Penmark, Glamorgan Wales, d. ~1437, Rouen, Duche de Normandie, France. Buried: 4 March 1437, Church of St. Jacques des Jacobins, Rouen, Normandy, France. M. 1425, Margaret de Beauchamp, 'Duchess of Somerset', de jure suo jure, 'Baroness Beauchamp' of Bletsoe; [INHERITED: Manors of Lydiard Tregoze in Wiltshire, Ashmore in Dorset and Bletsoe and Deysoe in Bedfordshire [in accordance with modern doctrine, the right to any barony of Beauchamp created by summons to Parliament directed to her great-great-grandfather, Roger Beauchamp, '1st Baron Beauchamp' -Coheir of Coyty Castle, formerly of the Turbervilles c. 1421] - b. 1 January 1405/10, of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire England, d. 3 June or 8 August 1482, Wimborne Minster, Dorest England. Buried: St. Cauthberga Churchyard, Wimborne Minster, Dorset England d/o John Beauchamp, '3rd Baron Beauchamp', of Bletsoe and wife Edith Stourton, d/o Sir John Stourton of Stourton, Wiltshire; M. 2nd, ~ 2 August 1441, John Beaufort, ‘3rd Earl of Somerset’, ‘Earl of Kendal', ‘1st Duke of Somerset’ (28 Aug 1443), Knight of the Garter (1440) [de Holand] - b. c. Apr 1404, d. 27 May 1444. Buried: Wimborne Minster Church. Ch. Margaret Beaufort; M. 3rd, license date 14 April 1447, Lionel de Welles, ‘6th Baron Welles’. Ch. John Welles, '1st Viscount Welles'] Ch. John St. John, Oliver St. John, Edith St. John, Mary St. John, Elizabeth St. John, Agnes St. John, Margaret St. John
Sir John, Baron de St. John Esq. [Beauchamp] – b. 31 August 1426/32, in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. 1513/14 ‘of Bletsoe’, Bedfordshire, England M. ~1454 in Bedfordshire, England, Alice Bradshagh d/o Sir Thomas Bradshagh, of Haigh, Lancashire. Ch. Elizabeth St. John, John St. John, Eleanor St. John, Margaret St. John, Morris St. John, Anne St. John.
Elizabeth St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1448 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
John St. John KB [Bradshagh] - b. ~1450 of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. bfr 23 May 1525 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. M. ~1483, Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales, Margred ferch Morgan. Ch. Margaret St. John, Alice St. John, Elizabeth St. John, Sybil St John Oliver St. John. Alexander St. John, John St. John, Catherine St. John, Anne St. John
Margaret St. John [ferch Morgan] - b. ~1480, in Bedfordshire, England, d. 27 Aug 1562 in Woburn, Bedfordshire, England. M. ~1497, Sir Thomas Gamage - b. 1484, Coity, Glamorganshire, Wales. s/o Morgan Gamage and Eleanor Vaughan Ch. Robert Gamage Esq. Elsbeth Gamage, Margaret Gamage, Mary Gamage
Robert Gamage, Esq. [St. John] - b. abt 1500, Glamorgan, Wales, d. 4 Jan 1571, Glamorgan, Wales. M. bfr 1531, Joan 'Jane' Champernowne - b. 1514, Dartington, d/o Phillip Champernowne, of Modbury and Catherine Carew. Ch. John Gamage, Margaret Gamage Lewis
Elsbeth Gamage Wogan [St. John] - b. 1510, Glamorgan, Wales, d. Montgomeryshire, Wales. M Richard Wogan. Ch. John Wogan
Margaret Gamage [St. John] - b. 1515, d. 1581. M. 1535, William Howard, '1st Baron Howard' of Effingham, KG. Ch. Charles Howard, Dorothy Howard, William Howard, Douglas Howard, Frances
Charles Howard, '2nd Baron Howard', of Effingham, '1st Earl of Nottingham' (1536-1624), 'Lord High Admiral' (Commander of the English forces during the battles against the Spanish Armada), KG [Gamage] - b. 1536, d. 14 December 1624, Haling House, Surrey, England. M. 1st, July 1563, Katherine Carey 'Countess of Nottingham' [Queen Elizabeth I, of England's attendant for 44 years as lady-in-waiting and confidante] - b. c. 1547/48, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England, d. 25 February 1603, Arundel House. Buried: 25 April 1603, Chelsea Old Church d/o Henry Carey, '1st Baron Hunsdon' and Anne Morgan d/o Sir Thomas Morgan and Anne Whitney. Ch. Mary Howard, Frances Howard, William Howard, Charles Howard, Elizabeth Howard; M. 2nd, September 1603, Margaret Stuart. Ch. Charles Howard, Anne Howard
Mary Howard [Carey] - b. 1560 England, d. 1624, Rattlesden, Suffolk, England. M. William Scott
Frances Howard 'Countess of Kildare', 'Lady Kildare'[Governess of Princess Elizabeth, later Queen of Bohemia] [Carey] - b. (?), d. c. 11 July 1628. Buried: 11 July 1628. M. 1st, Henry FitzGerald, '12th Earl of Kildare. Ch. Brighid Nic Gearailt aka Brighid Chill Dara,; M. 2nd, August 1600, publicly May 1601, Henry Brooke, '11th Baron Cobham'
Brighid Nic Gearailt aka Brighid Chill Dara - b. c. 1590, d. 1661 - 1683. M. 1st, c. 1603, Rory O'Donnell aka Ruairi O Domhnaill, '1st Earl of Tyrconnell. Ch. Hugh Albert akak Hugh O'Donnell, Mary Ni Dhomhnaill; M. 2nd, Nicholas Barnewall, '1st Viscount Barnewall, of Turvey, County Dublin - b. 1592, d. 20 August 1663. Ch.
William Howard, '3rd Baron Howard', of Effingham [MP for Surrey (1601); Summoned to the Lords as '3rd Baron Howard', of Effingham (1603, writ of acceleration)] [Carey] - b. 27 December 1577, d. 28 November 1615. M. 7 February 1597, Anne St. John d/o John St John, '2nd Baron St. John', of Bletso. Ch. Elizabeth Howard
Elizabeth Howard [St. John] - b. 1603, d. 1671. M. John Mordaunt, '1st Earl of Peterborough' - b. (?), d. 1642, Hampton, Middlesex s/o Henry Mordaunt, '4th Baron Mordaunt'
Charles Howard, '2nd Earl, of Nottingham' [Carey] - b. 1579, d. 1642
Elizabeth Howard [Carey] - b. (?), d. c. 1646
Charles Howard, '3rd Earl of Nottingham' [Carey] - b. 1610, d. 1681
Anne Howard [Carey] - b. c. 1612, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Dorothy Howard [Gamage]
William Howard, KG [Gamage] - b. 1540, Lingfield Surrey, England, d. 1 Sep 1600, Croydon, Surrey, England. M. Frances 'Gouldwell' Goldwell. Ch. Edward Howard, Francis Howard, Charles Howard
Edward Howard [Gouldwell/Goldwell]
Francis Howard [Gouldwell/Goldwell]
Charles Howard [Gouldwell/Goldwell]
Douglas Howard [Gamage]
Frances Howard Seymour [Gamage] - b. abt 1546, d, 1598. M. 1582, Edward Seymour
Mary Gamage [St. John]
Alice St John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1487 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. abt December 1552. M. ~1499, Henry Parker. Ch. Mary Parker, Jane Parker, Henry Parker
Mary Parker [St. John]
Jane Parker [St. John]
Henry Parker [St. John]
Elizabeth St. John [Bradshagh] - b. (?), d. (?)
Sybil St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1490 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Oliver St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1492 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, England. d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Alexander St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1494 in Thurleigh, Bedforshire, England, d. ~1551 in Thurleigh, Bedfordshire, England. M. Jane Dalyson St. John. Ch. Henry St. John
Henry St. John [Dalyson]
Sir John St. John, of Bletsoe and Spelsubry [Bradshagh] - b. ~1495, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. 19 December 1558, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England. M. 1st, ~1521 in of Smallbudge, Bures, Suffolk, England, Margaret Waldegrave d/o Sir William Waldegrave; M. 2nd, ~1540, Anne Neville d/o Thomas Neville of Cotterstock, Northamptonshire. Ch. Anne St. John, Jane St. John, Alice St. John, Margery St. John, Oliver St. John, Charles St. John, Margaret St. John, Mary St. John, Female St. John, John St. John, Cresset St. John.
Anne St. John [Waldegrave]
Jane St. John [Waldegrave]
Alice St. John [Waldegrave]
Margery St. John [Waldegrave]- b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, Henry Grey, of Towcester, Northant [1591, 'Gray's Inn, possessed manor, 'Tetchwick', in Ludgershall, Buckinghamshire (?) of first wife upon her decease]- b. (?), d. 1545; M. 2nd, Francis Pigott, of Stratton, Beddfordshire [M. 1st, Winifred Sankey d/o and Heiress of Thomas Sankey, of Edlesborough, Bucks. Ch. 2-s, 3-da; M. 2nd, Winifred Dormer w/o Sir William Hawtrey, of Chequers, Bucks d/o Ambrose Dormer, of Ascot and Milton, Oxon. Ch. 3-da]
Oliver St. John, '1st Baron St. John', of Bletso, [Knight of the Shire] [M.P. for Bedfordshire (1547)], High Sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire (1551, 1560 - 1569), Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire [Waldegrave] - b. c. 1522, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, d. 21 April 1582,. M. 1st, 8 February 1542, Agnes Fisher d/o Sir John Fisher. Ch. John St. John, Oliver St John, Thomas St John Francis St John, Martha St John, Judith St. John, Margaret St. John, Anne St John, Margery St John, Agnes St. John; M. 2nd, before 28 August 1572, Elizabeth Chamber d/o Geoffrey Chamber w/o Sir Walter Stonor (d. 1551), w/o Reginald Conyers (d. 1560), w/o Edward Griffin (d. 1569).
John St. John, '2nd Baron St. John' (1582), of Bletso [Fisher] - b. (?), d. 23 October 1596. Buried: Bletsoe. M. 1575, Katherine Dormer - b. (?), d. 1615. Buried: Westminster Abbey d/o Sir William Dormer of Wing Buckinghamshire and Dorothy Calesby. Ch. Ann St. John
Ann St. John [Dormer] - b. (?), d. (?). M. William Howard, '3rd Baron Howard', of Effingham - b. 27 December 1577, d. 28 November 1615 s/o Charles Howard, '1st Earl of Nottingham' and Catherine Carey. Ch. Elizabeth Howard
Elizabeth Howard [St. John] - b. 1603, d. 1671. M. John Mordaunt, '1st Earl of Peterborough' - b. c. 1470, d. 1615, Hampton, Middlesex (age 37 yrs). Ch. Henry Mordaunt, John Mordaunt, Elizabeth Mordaunt
Henry Mordaunt, '2nd Earl of Peterborough' [Howard]
John Mordaunt, 'Lord Mordaunt' of Reigate, 'Viscount Mordaunt', of Avalon [Howard]
Elizabeth Mordaunt [Howard] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Thomas Howard s/o and heir to Edward Howard, '1st Lord Howard', of Escrick
Oliver St. John, '3rd Baron St John', of Bletso, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire (1585, 1589) MP for Bedfordshire (1588, 1593) [Fisher] - b. c. 1540, d. 1618. M. Dorothy Reid d/o Sir John Rede or Reid of Odington, Gloucestershire. Ch. Oliver St. John, John St. John, Sir Anthon St. John, Sir Alexander St. John, Sir Rowland St Joh, Sir Henry St John, Dudley St Joh, Sir Beauchamp St. John, Elizabeth St John, Margaret St. John, Judith St. John, Anne St. Joh, Catherine St. Joh, Doroth St. John, Martha St. John
Oliver St. John, '1st Earl of Bolingbroke'
John St. John
Sir Anthony St. John
Sir Alexander St. John
Sir Rowland St. John
Sir Henry St. John
Dudley St. John
Sir Beauchamp St. John
Elizabeth St. John
Margaret St. John
Judith St. John
Anne St. John
Catherine St. John
Dorothy St. John
Martha St. John
Thomas St John, of Thurley - b. (?), d. (?). Buried: 27 December 1621. M. Anne Bourne w/o Thomas Chincheley and d/o of Sir John Bourne. Ch. Oliver St. John, Anne St. John, Step-children
Francis St. John
Martha St. John - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, John Cheney; M. 2nd. James Colbrond
Judith St. John - b. (?), d. (?). M. Sir John Pelham
Margaret St. John - b. (?), d. (?). M. Nicholas Luke. Ch.
Anne St. John - b. (?), d. (?). M. 1st, Robert Corbet; M. 2nd, Sir Robert Lytton
Margery St. John
Agnes St. John
Charles St. John [Waldegrave]
Margaret St. John [Waldegrave] - b. 1533, d. 1562. M. 1st, Sir John Gostwick; M. 2nd, Francis Russell, '2nd Earl of Bedford'
Lady Anne Russell [née St John] - b. 1548, d. 1603. M. Ambrose Dudley, '3rd Earl of Warwick'
Henry Russell, 'Baron Russell' [née St John] - b. 1551, d. 1572. M. Jane Sybilla Morrison, of Cashiobury. Ch. No
John Russell, 'Baron Russell' [née St John] - b. c. 1553, d. 1584. M. Elizabeth Hoby w/o Sir Thomas Hoby d/o Sir Anthony Cooke. Ch. Francis Russell, Anne Russell, daughter Russell
Francis Russell - b. (?), d. young
Anne Russell - b. (?), d. (?). M. Henry Somerset, '1st Marquess of Worcester'
Daughter Russell
Francis Russell, 'Baron Russell' [MP for Northumberland, (1572 - 1584)] [née St John] - b. c. 1554, d. 1585. M. Juliana Foster. Ch. Edward Russell
Edward Russell, '3rd Earl of Bedford'
William Russell, '1st Baron Russell' of Thornhaugh, 'Lord Deputy of Ireland' [née St John] - b. c. 1557, d. 1613. M. Elizabeth Long. Ch. Francis Russell,
Francis Russell, '4th Earl of Bedford'
Lady Elizabeth Russell [née St John] - b. (?), d. 1605. M. William Bourchier, '3rd Earl of Bath'
Lady Margaret Russell Clifford, 'Countess of Cumberland' [née St John] - b. 7 July 1560, Exeter, England, d. 24 May 1616. M. George Clifford, '3rd Earl of Cumberland', '13th Baron de Clifford'
Mary St. John [Waldegrave]
Female St. John [Waldegrave]
John St. John [Waldegrave]
Cresset St. John [Waldegrave]
Catherine "Catrin" St. John Edgecombe aka ap Rhys [Bradshagh] - b. ~1496 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. 4 December 1553 in Cornwall, Devon, England. M. 1st, 1507, Sir Gruffudd ap Rhys ap Thomas aka 'Griffith Ryce', of Carmarthen s/o Sir Rhys ap Thomas de facto ruler of most of south-west Wales and Efa ferch Henry, KG. Ch. Rhys ap Guffydd [perhaps total of 11, 7 girls and 4 boys]; M. 2nd, [his 2nd marr.] Piers Peter Edgecombe, English courtier, Sheriff, MP. - b. 1468/69, d. 1539 s/o Richard Edgecumbe of Meavy, Devon and Cotehele Ch. Rhys ap Gruffydd
Rhys ap gruffydd 'Griffith' - b. (?), d. (?), executed by Henry VIII for treason. M. (?). Ch. (?)
Anne St. John Denys d/o Sir John St. John of Bletsoe. MP [Bradshagh] - b. ~1518 in Bedfordshire, England, d. ~1551, Lincolnshire, England. M. ~1557, Richard Denys, of Cold Ashton, Gloucestershire, MP of England for Bath (1547), Gloucestershire (1563) s/o Sir Walter Denys. - b. 1496, Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England, d. 1593 and Margaret Weston - b. 1501, Dyrham Gloucestershire, England. Ch. Ann Denys Walter Denys, Frances Denys, Elizabeth Denys, Mary Denys
Ann Denys Porter [St. John] - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Walter Denys [Owed £300 upon the anuity of Siston] [St. John] - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Frances Denys Guillim, 'Herald of London' [St. John] - b. ~1551 in Siston, Gloucestershire, England, d. 1 Jun 1625 in St. Andrew by the Wardrobe with St Ann Blackfriars, London, England. M. John Guillim, Lord of the Manor of Hateweys - b. ~c. 1565, Herefordshire or Mynsterworth, Gloucester, England d. 7 May 1621 of Minsterworth, Gloucestershire, an antiquarian and officer of arms at the college of Arms in London , s/o John Guillim of Westbury-on-Severn in Gloucesterhsire, likely of Welsh origin. Ch. St John Guillim, Walter Guillim, George Guillim, Thomas Guillim, Richard Guillim, Prescilla Guillim, Margaret Guillim, Frances Guillim, Elizabeth Guillim, Anne Guillim, Alice Guillim
St. John, Lt. Col. Guillim III [Denys] - b. 1594, England, d. 1651, Virginia M. 1st, Jane Henry. Ch. William Devereux Gilliam; M. 2nd, 1614, England, Amy Fountayn - b. 1594, Bristol, Washington, England. Ch. John Gilliam, Elizabeth Gilliam,
William Devereux Gilliam [Henry]
John Gilliam [Fountayn]
Elizabeth Gilliam [Fountayn]
Margaret Guillim [Denys]
Walter Guillim [Denys]
George Guillim [Denys]
Thomas Guillim [Denys]
Richard Guillim [Denys]
Prescilla Guillim [Denys]
Frances Guillim [Denys]
Elizabeth Guillim Mabry aka West aka Bevin [Denys] - b. ~1654 in Virginia, d. January 1715 in Surry County, Virginia. M. 1st, ~1672, Unknown West. Ch. John West, Francis West; M. 2nd ~1679, William Bevin. Ch. William Bevin, Matthew Bevin, Elizabeth Bevin; M. 3rd Oct 1689, Francis Mabury - b. (?), d. (?), [Last Will & Testament 12 March Anno Dom, 1711. M. Elizabeth. Ch. Francis, George, Ann, Mary, Judith, Elizabeth] Ch. Ann Mabry, Charles Mabry, Mary Mabry, Judith Mabry, Francis Mabry II, George Mabry, Hinchea 'Hinshaw' Mabry
John West [Guillim]
Francis West [Guillim]
William Bevin [Guillim]
Matthew Bevin [Guillim]
Elizabeth Bevin [Guillim]
Ann Mabry [Guillim]
Charles Mabry [INHERITED: equal portions of Fountain CreeK as entered, or up to four hundred acres divided between Charles and Hinchea; Indian man Slave named Robbin to him and his heirs forever; One feather bed and furniture, Curtains, Vall; Riding horse named Paul; One well fixt gunn; three cows sheep divided between four children as above mentioned except five which are to be first sett apart for my son Francis Mabry, etc...] [Guillim] - b. (?), d. (?)
Mary Mabry [Guillim]
Judith Mabry Wyche [INHERITED (from Mother): The bed I commonly Lye on with all the furniture thereto belonging one Indian Girl Called Nan now about five year to Serve my old Mare one Iron Kettle on _?_, Pott Racx also my Pewter three cows; INHERITED (from father): One ewe and on e lamb] [Guillim] - b. ~1685 in England, d. ~1731 in Surry, Colony of Virginia. M. ~1703 in Surry, Virginia, William Wyche. Ch. Cyril Wyche, Sarah Wyche, Amy Wyche
Cyril Wyche [Mabry]
Sarah Wyche Avery [Mabry] - b. ~171(typo) - in Colony of Virginia, d. November 1766 in Sussex, Sussex, Colony of Virginia. M. ~1732, Richard Cyril Avery. Ch. Elizabeth Avery, Richard Avery, William Avery, Elizabeth Avery, Sarah Avery, Martha Avery, Samuel Cyril Avera Avery, Judith Avery.
Elizabeth Avery [Wyche]
Richard Cyril Avery, Colonel [Wyche] – b. ~1702, Surry, Surry, Virginia, d. 8 Feb 1776 in Southampton, Virginia. M. 1st, ~1729, in Virginia, Sarah Henderson; M. 2nd, ~1732, Sarah Wyche; M. 3rd, ~1726-40 in Isle of Wight, Brunswick, Virginia, Fortune Barrow. - b. abt 1712, Isle of Wight, Virginia, BCA, d. 11 May 1780, Southampton, Virginia d/o Thomas Barrow II - b. 1663, Surry, Virginia, d. 14 October 1763, Southampton, Virginia and Elizabeth Brantley. Ch. Joe(l) Avery, Thomas Avery, Edward Avery, Elizabeth Avery Harrison, Marth Avery, Etheldred Avery, Richard Avery, William Avery, Elizabeth Avery, Sarah Avery Cargill, Martha Avery, Samuel Cyril 'Avera' Avery, Judith Avery, Mary Elizabeth Avery
Joe Avery [Barrow]
Thomas Avery [Barrow]
Edward Avery [Barrow]
Elizabeth Avery Harrison [Barrow]
Martha Avery [Barrow]
Etheldred Avery [Barrow]
Richard Avery [Barrow]
William Avery [Barrow]
Elizabeth Avery [Barrow]
Sarah Avery Cargill [Barrow]
Martha Avery [Barrow]
Samuel Cyril 'Avera' Avery [Barrow] – b. 17 Aug 1745, in Surry, Virginia, d. (?). M. 11 Feb 1779 in Johnston County, North Carolina,, Zilphia Winifred Ingram aka Poole [M. 1st, William Poole] Ch. Lucy Avery, Needham Avery, Nancy Avery, Richard Avery, William Avery, Mary Avera Barnes, Samuel H. Avery, Jr.
Lucy Avery [Ingram]
Needham Avery [Ingram]
Nancy Avery [Ingram]
Richard Avery [Ingram]
William Avery [Ingram]
Mary Avera Barnes [Ingram] – b. ~1791 Wilkes, Georgia, d. 1845, Putnam, Marion, Georgia. M. Obadiah Barnes Barnes, ~1813. Ch. Samuel Avery Barnes Sr., Mary Avery Barnes, William Barnes, Ruth Susannah Barnes Burn
Samuel Avery Barnes Sr. [Avera] [Marion County, Alabama 1850 Census: Ch. Daniel, George, Mary, Samuel, Benjamin, Andrew; 1860 Census Tishomingo County, Mississippi reflects Martha A Hiden Barnes 1824 TN, additional Ch. Harriet Barnes, Martha A Barnes, David Hiden Barnes, no Daniel Webster Barnes] – b. 8 May 1815, Georgia, d. 1 May 1864 in Booneville Prentis, Mississippi. M. 1st, 1817, Tennessee, Jane Hall [possibly her 2nd marr]; M. 2nd, 9 March 1852, Itawamba, Mississippi, Martha Ann Hiden. Ch. George Washington Barnes, Daniel Webster Barnes, Mary Elizabeth Barnes, Samuel Avery Barnes, Jr. Benjamin Franklin Barnes, Andrew Jackson Barnes, Harriet Barnes Key, Martha Barnes, David Hiden Barnes
George Washington Barnes [Hall]
Daniel Webster Barnes [Hall] - b. 1839, d. 1863
Mary Elizabeth Barnes [Hall]
Samuel Avery Barnes, Jr. [Hall]
Benjamin Franklin Barnes [Hall]
Andrew Jackson Barnes [Hall]
Harriet Jane Barnes Key [Hiden] - b. 1852, Tishomingo County, Mississippi, d. 1892
Martha Barnes [Hiden] - b. 1854, Mississippi
David Hiden Barnes [Hiden] - b. 1855, d. 1898
Nathaniel Sam Barnes [Smokes] - b. 6 December 1816, Georgia, d. 5 August 1902, Monroe, Alabama. M. Elizabeth J Bayles. Ch. Martha Matilda Barnes Lee, Mary Elizabeth Barnes
Mary Ann Barnes [Smokes]– b. ~1819
William Barnes [Smokes]– b. ~1821
Ruth Susannah Barnes Burns [Avera] – b. ~1822, Harrison County, Clarksburg, West Virginia, d. ~ 9 April, 1871, Rensselaer, Jasper. M. 27 Feb 1843 in White, Indiana, Isiah Burnes s/o Thomas Burns and Delilah Tipton. Ch. Francis E. Perigate, Joseph Isiah Burnes, James A. Burnes, Martin Burnes, Mary A Burnes, Malinda Burnes, Olivie Burnes, Robert Burnes, George Burnes, Laura Bell Burnes, Charles G. Burnes
Francis E Perigate [Barnes] - b. 1835, Ohio. M. (?). Ch. (?)
Joseph Isiah Burns [Barnes]- b. 22 February 1844, Union, Indiana, d. 1 February 1911, Fair Oaks, Jasper County, Indiana. M. 1st, 8 January 1866, Jasper County, Indiana Rachel Ann Burns Burns. M. 2nd, 8 August 1910, St. Joseph, Indiana, Sarah E. Barrett. Ch. Aurora Burns French, Calvin L Burns, Cicyilian Frances Burns Brockus, Edward Burns, Melvin Harvey Burns, Albert Ray Burns
Aurora Burns French [Burns] - b. 1860, (?), d. 1950 (?). M. William F. Marrett. Ch. Elizabeth Marrett Lyninger
Calvin L. Burns [Burns] - b. 1868 (?), d. (?) (?), m. (?), c. (?)
Cicyilian Frances Burns Brockus [Burns] - b. 1875, (?), d. 1952 (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Edward Burns [Burns] - b. 9 March 1880, (?), d. 1950, (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Melvin Harvey Burns [Burns] - b. 15 September 1886, Blackford, Rensselaer, Indiana, d. 25 March 1959, Fair Oaks Indiana
Ray Albert “Alpha” Burns [Burns] - b. 2 September 1887, Fair Oaks Indiana, d. 1 Mar 1956, Greenwood Cemetery Glenville, Freeborn County, Minnesota, USA. M. 1st, 11 June 1924 Newton Iowa, Laura Bailey. M. 2nd, 30 March 1944, Gordonsville, Iowa, Mabel Leona Bieghley Burns.
Calvin Burns [Bailey]- b. 10 Jun 1928, Polk County Iowa, d. (?). M. 6 Nov 1948, California(?), Beverly (?). Ch. Bruce Burns, Arlene Burns, Darlene Burns, Michael Burns, Denise Burns, David Burns
Bruce Burns
Arlene Burns
Darlene Burns
Michael Burns
Denise Burns
David Burns
Donna Rae Burns Trogstad [Bailey] - b. 29 August 1934, Marion Township, Jasper, Indiana, d. no. M. 1st, Robert Kay Delle Sr. Ch. Robert Delle Jr., Donald Dwayne Delle Jr., Linda Delle Storey, Julie Delle aka Trogstad Lencowski. M. 2nd, 4 Octocber 1958, Little Brown Church in the Glen, Iowa Marvin Edward Trogstad. Ch. Lori Trogstad Stanley, Jodi Trogstad Brennan, Peggy Trogstad Johnson aka Taylor
Robert Kay Delle Jr. [Burns] - b. 27 Jan 1952, (?), d. stillborn. M. no. Ch. no
Donald Dwayne Delle Sr [Burns] - b. 20 Dec 1952, Freeborn Minnesota. M. Sherri McPherson Delle. Divorced. Yes. Ch. Sherri Delle Wright, Donald Dwayne Delle Jr., Amy Delle
Sherri Wright [McPherson]- b. ~1970, Saint Paul Minnesota, d. no. M. Jim Wright. Ch.
Donald Dwayne Delle, Jr. [McPherson]
Amy Wright [McPherson]- b. (?), d. no. M. (?). Ch. yes
Linda Marie Delle Storey - b. 15 Sep 1955, Freeborn, Minnesota, d. no. M. Richard Storey - b. (?), d. Yes. Ch. Travis Storey
Travis Storey - b. (?), d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Julie Ann Delle aka Trogstad Lencowski [Burns] - b. 26 May 1958, Charles City, Floyed, Iowa, d. no. M. 1983, Michael Lencowski. Divorced. Yes Ch. Jedediah 'Jed' Trogstad, Selina Leona Trogstad, Leah LeAnn Lencowski
Jedediah Trogstad [Delle] - b. 18 October 1978, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Partner as parent, Bethany Watts to c. Ozzy Trogstad; M. Kelly Jones Trogstad. Ch. Aarom Trogstad
Aarom Trogstad
Selina Trogstad [Delle] - b 4 September 1982, Saint Paul, Minnesota. M. (?). Ch. (?)
Leah LeAnn Lencowski [Delle] - b. 30 June 1985, South Saint Paul, Minnesota. M. (?) Ch. yes
Lori Lynn Trogstad Stanley [Burns] - b. 17 December 1961, Albert Lea Minnesota, d. no. M. 22 September 1979, Methodist Church of West Saint Paul Minnesota, Rich Stanley. Divorced: Yes. Ch. Richard Edward Stanley, Nicole Marie Stanley, Robert Orin Stanley
Richard Stanley [Trogstad] - b. July 1982, d. (?). M. yes, Ch. (?)
Nicole Stanley Moore [Trogstad] - b. November 1983, d. no. M. (?). Ch. Devon, and additional issue
Robert Orin Stanley [Trogstad] - b. 30 June 1984 (?), d. (?), Ch. Emma Stanley
Emma Stanley [Whitney] - b. 2009, d. (?). M. no. Ch. no
Jodi Rae Trogstad Brennan [Burns] - b. 13 June 1963, Albert Lea Minnesota, d. no. M. 12 April 1985, St. Joseph Church, West Saint Paul, Minnesota, Joseph John Brennan. Divorced: December 2007. Ch. Jason Patrick Edward Brennan, Jasmine Rae Brennan Hansen, Ovums∞
Jason Patrick Edward Brennan [Trogstad] - b. 18 July 1983, d. no. M. July 2012, Erin Ries. Ch. Jameson John Edward Brennan, Caiden Patrick Brennan
Jameson John Edward Brenna
Caiden Patrick Brennan
Jasmine Rae Brennan Hansen [Trogstad] - b. 16 September 1985, d. no. M. Eric Hansen. Ch. Charlotte Hansen, Female Hansen
Charlotte Hansen
Female Hansen
Peggy Sue Trogstad Johnson [Burns] - b. 14 September 1971, d. no. M. 1st, Thomas Taylor. Ch. Ryan Thomas Taylor. Parent Partner: Christopher Houston. Ch. Amanda Irene Houston. M. 2nd, Curt Johnson. Ch. Kaitlyn Johnson
Ryan Thomas Taylor
Amanda Irene Houston
Kaitlyn Johnson
Madeline Farmer [Bailey] - b. 1935, Polk County, Iowa, d. no. M. 2 May 1960, Texas, John Farmer. Ch. Lynette Burns, L. 'female' Burns, La Gina Burns, Ricky Farmer, Lonnie Farmer, John Farmer Jr.
Lynette Burns [Burns]
L. 'female' Burns [Burns]
La Gina Burns Raper [Burns]
Ricky Farmer [Burns]
Lonnie Farmer [Burns]
John Farmer, Jr. [Burns]
Amy Wyche [Mabry]
Francis Mabry II [INHERITED: Parcel of Land, bought of John Freeman, recorded in Charles City County, also parcel of land bought of Thomas Husby recorded in Charles City County] [Guillim]
George Mabry [INHERITED: One feather bed, furniture; Horse called dearick; One Long Gunn; Three Cows; Largest Iron pott, hooks, racx] [INHERITED: one hundred & twenty-five acres lies on the horn Branch at the three Creeks.] [Guillim]
Hinchea 'Hinshaw' Mabry [INHERITED: Indian Slave named Jack, to him and his heirs forever; one feather bed, furniture; One Gray Mare (one year old); One well fixt Gunn] [INHERITED: At Fountain Creek, or stated, 400 acres, divided between sons Hinchea and Charles] [Guillim]
Anne Guillim [Denys]
Alice Guillim [Denys]
Mary Denys Dowell [St. John]
Unknown [Denys]
Unknown [Denys]
Unknown [Denys]
Unknown [Denys]
Unknown [Denys]
Unknown [Denys]
Eleanor St. John Zouche aka Melton [Denys] - b. ~1455 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. 12 Feb 1519 in England. M. 1475 John Zouche 'de la Zouche', in England. Ch. John Zouche, David Zouche, Elizabeth Zouche FitzGerald, Margaret Zouche Cavendish
John Zouche [St. John]
David Zouche [St. John]
Elizabeth Zouche FitzGerald [St. John]
Margaret Zouche Cavendish [St. John]
Margaret St. John Frognall - b. ~1457 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, d. (?) M. (?). Ch. (?)
Joan St. John [Paulet] - b. c. 1406, d. 5 July 1463. M. abt 1428, Nicholas Arundel. Ch. Alexander Arundel, Leonard Arundel, John Arundel, Joan Arundel
Alexander Arundel [St. John]
Leonard Arundel [St. John]
John Arundel [St. John]
Joan Arundel [St. John]
Isabel St. John [Paulet] - b. c. 1407, d. abt 1437. M. William Sidney. Ch. William Sidney, Elizabeth Sidney
William Sidney [St. John]
Elizabeth Sidney [St. John]
Hervede de Port [de Loheac]
Henry St. John
Morris St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1459 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. (?). M. (?). Ch. (?)
Anne St. John [Bradshagh] - b. ~1460 in Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. after 12 May 1506 in buried in Skipton Church, Craven, Yorkshire. M. Unknown Unknown. Ch. Dec 1486, Henry Clifford KB. Ch. Anne Clifford Edward Clifford, Elizabeth Clifford, Mabel Clifford, Henry Clifford, Thomas Clifford, Margaret Clifford, Jane Clifford, Eleanor Clifford
Henry Clifford, K.B. [St. John]
Anne Clifford Edward [St. John]
Elizabeth Clifford [St. John]
Mabel Clifford [St. John]
Henry Clifford [St. John]
Thomas Clifford [St. John]
Margaret Clifford [St. John]
Jane Clifford [St. John]
Eleanor Clifford [St. John]
Oliver Seynt (St) John, Esq. of Lydiard Tregoze,Wiltshire, England [INHERITED: Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire] [Beauchamp] - b. ~1425, d. 3 April 1497. Fontarabia, Gulpauzcoa, Spain. Buried. Church of Stoke (?). M. Elizabeth Scrope [M. 2nd, Sir John Bigod, of Settrington, Yorkshire; M. 3rd Henry Rochford, Esq. of Stoke Rochford, Lincolnshire]. Ch. Henry St. John, Oliver St. John, Margaret St. John, Sibil St. John, Elizabeth St. John, John St. John
Henry St. John [Scrope] - of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England
Oliver St. John [Scrope] - of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England
Margaret St. John [Scrope] - of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England
Sibil St. John [Scrope] - b. England, d. (?). Buried: 1 July 1493, Stroke Rocheford, Lincolnshire, England
Elizabeth St. John, 'Countess of Kildare' (1496) - b. abt 1472, of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England, d. 28 June 1516, England. M. 1st, 1496, Gerald FitzGerald, of Dublin Ireland, '8th Earl of Kildare' s/o Thomas FitzMaurice FitzGerald, '7th Earl of Kildare' and Lady Joan FitzGerald. Ch. Richard FitzGerald, Sir James Fitzgerald, Henry FitzGerald, Oliver FitzGerald, Sir John FitzGerald, Walter FitzGerald. M. 2nd, Sir John Wallop s/o Stephen Wallop and Ashley (?). Ch. John Wallop
Richard FitzGerald [St. John] - b. (?), d. 3 February 1537. at Tyburn, London, England hung drawn and quartered without issue. Resided at Fassaral, County Wicklow, Ireland. M. Maud Darcy d/o George Darcy
Sir James FitzGerald, Knight, Order of St. John [St. John] - b. (?), d. 3 February 1537, Tyburn, London, England, Hung drawn and quartered, without legitimate issue. M. Margaret Darcy d/o Sir William Darcy, resided Leixlip County Kildare, Ireland. Ch. Israel Fitzgerald
Israel Fitzgerald [Darcy]
Henry FitzGerald [St. John] - b. (?), d. 1532. M. (?). Ch. No.
Sir Thomas 'Barach' (the Lame) FitzGerald [St. John] - b. (?), d. 1532. M. (?) Stafford d/o Edward Stafford, '3rd Duke of Buckingham'. Resided at Leixlip County Kildare, Ireland. Ch. No
Oliver FitzGerald [St. John] - b. (?), d. 3. February 1537, hung drawn and quartered at Tyburn, London, England. M. Maeve O'Conor d/o Cahir O'Conor Failghe. Ch.
Sir John FitzGerald, KG Order of St. John [St. John] - b. (?), d. 3 February 1537, Tyburn, London, England hung drawn and quartered.
Walter FitzGerald [St. John]- b. (?), d. 3 February 1537, Tyburn, London, England hung drawn and quartered. M. Elisabeth Plunkett d/o Robert Plunkett, '4th Lord Dunsany' and Eleanor d'Arcy. Ch. No
John Wallop [St. John]
John St. John - b. abt 1473, of Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England, d. 1 September 1512, Fontarabia, Gulpauzcoa, Spain. M. Jane Iwardby, of Great Purley, Berkshire, England. Ch. John St. John, Ann St. John, Oliver St. John, Nicholas St. John
John St. John [Iwardby]
Ann St. John [Iwardby]
Oliver St. John [Iwardby]
Nicholas St. John [Iwardby]
Edith St. John [Beauchamp] - b. (?), d. (?). M. Geoffrey Pole, Esq. Ch. (?)
Mary St. John [Beauchamp] - b. abt 1434, England, d. abt 1450, England. M. Sir Richard Frogenall [Servant to Emund Beaufort] - b. abt 1420, of Frogenhall, Kent, England. Ch. Alexander Frogenall, Edmond Frogenall, Alice Frogenall
Alexander Frogenall [St. John]
Edmond Frogenall [St. John]
Alice Frogenall [St. John]
Elizabeth St. John de le Zouche [Beauchamp] - b. ~1448, of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England, d. bfr 3 July 1494. M. 1st, bfr 2 April 1450, William la Zouche, '5th Baron Zouche', of Harringworth; M. 2nd bfr 10 December 1471 John Scrope, '5th Baron Scrope', of Bolton. Ch. (?)
Agnes St. John [Beauchamp] - b. (?), d. (?). M. David Malpas. Ch. (?)
Margaret St John, Abbess of Shaftesbury [Beauchamp] - b. (?), d. (?). M. No. Ch. No.
Walter de Percy [de Port]
William de Percy, Abbot of Whitby [de Port]
Richard de Percy [de Port]